Alanna's New Toy


Author's note: Of all the scrap pieces I've generated so far, this is probably the one that sucks the least. A straight-up subby feedee MC and a wholesome, if kinky and dominant, fit feeder FFA is a fun dynamic to explore head-on. Still, this piece was lacking ...something, even in spite of being "completed", if short. This is another case of "I like the premise and core characters but it needs more meat"; I'm currently thinking of reworking this as a potential subplot in a bigger story. Like the other scraps it's only undergone minimal editing.

You are Anon, an office manager in an average city. Your job is unexciting but pays well, so the only thing missing from your life is some romance. The problem is that you have a dark secret. You are secretly fascinated with overeating, in some cases devouring enough food for a whole family. Despite a robust exercise routine, all those excess calories have to go somewhere, and you can feel your clothes getting steadily tighter, though nobody seems to have noticed yet. Your gluttonous kink has so far scared off all of your recent dates once revealed, and you're hoping eventually to find somebody more accepting. It's a Friday night, which means you've got a feast for one, and you're looking over your online dating profile.

You've had a few profiles up on the screen, and you're just refreshing the home page when the dating site throws you a curveball. A pretty, petite girl with big brown eyes, fluffy chestnut curls, and a shy smile appears in a tight red dress, staring right at you.

At first glance, the photo looks like plenty of others you've seen before, and you're fully prepared to move on. However, something in her profile stops you.

"Alanna, 28

Hey! So, the first thing anybody should know about me is that I love, love, LOVE cooking. Food equals affection in my book, and believe me I've got tons of affection to spare..."

Huh. She's a foodie. That's a little unusual nowadays, but not impossible. She goes on to talk about her passion for baking, how she can make any meal taste "divine".

She's online.

You message her, and in short order you've managed to make a good impression and the two of you have hit it off. After a few hours of cordial chatting, she invites you over to her house for dinner. You wouldn't always visit for a first date, but you've done it before and still have all your organs. You commit to the date and log off, feeling a mixture of excitement and worry.


Alanna lives in a nice part of town, a place you know well from your commutes that is also just a bus ride away from your office.

You hop out of the taxi, walk up to the door, and ring the doorbell.

Alanna's beaming face appears in the doorway first, followed shortly by the rest of her. She's wearing a snug black dress with some shimmering patterns. She's just as petite as she was in her photo, but the clingy dress shows off some curves to her hips and bust.

"I'm so glad you decided to come!" Alanna says as she ushers you in. "I made something really special for you!"

You enter the entryway and Alanna leads you into the kitchen. She has laid out a full course meal of seared ahi with a side of wasabi mashed potatoes and a chocolate lava cake for dessert.

"You shouldn't have!" you say, as you examine the spread. It all looks so good!

"Well, I hope you like it," she says.

You're normally pretty good about keeping your gluttony under wraps, but this lavish spread has you sorely tempted. You decide to stall for time and try to settle your mind while your stomach grumbles greedily.

"Do you have anything to drink?" You ask.

"Sure!" she says. "There's wine in the fridge, along with some beer, and there's coffee in the machine."

"Some wine, please."

"Will that be white or red?"

"Um, white, please."

She pours you a glass and leans against the kitchen counter. You swirl your wine and take a sip.

"So," Alanna starts with a laugh, "I'm ridiculous, aren't I? A first date with a cute guy, and I rush you to the dining table!"

"You're not ridiculous," you say. "In fact, I have to say, I really appreciate the effort. I'm actually kind of a foodie."

"I know! That's why I wanted to make this for you. I knew you'd understand."

She's actually blushing a little. This is interesting.

You gesture towards the table, "Well, what are we waiting for? That dinner ain't getting any fresher, and we've got all night to get to know each other."

Alanna laughs and joins you at the table.

The two of you dig in with gusto. You talk about your hobbies, your career, your family.

The food is amazing. It's all you can do to stick with a single hearty serving. But you manage.

As the two of you eat, you find that you can't get Alanna out of your head. Her smile. Her dimples. Her big brown eyes.

You feel a pang of sadness, thinking ahead to when Alanna will inevitably dump you for your kink.

She doesn't notice, and you try to focus on having a nice night. Fortunately, that part is easy.

After dinner, you help Alanna clean up and then you take her in an awkward hug goodbye.

"Thank you again for a lovely evening," she says. "I had such a good time!"

"Yeah, me too."

"I know I'm kicking you out a little early tonight, but I really think I like you, Anon. When will I get to see you again?"

"Next Tuesday?" You offer?


The two of you shake on your deal, and then she waves you out the door.

You head home under the moonlight, thinking about what a wonderful first date you had.


Over the next couple weeks, you and Alanna see each other several times. You mostly go over to her place for a professional-grade dinner, though occasionally you go out for meals and even had her over at your place a couple times. You're not as good a cook as Alanna is, but she still deeply appreciates your efforts.

You still haven't found the heart to confess your fetish to her yet. Alanna still seems pretty happy to serve you heaping helpings of rich foods, but you're still nervous.

And nerves means you eat. You've been bingeing pretty hard, and now as you're dressing for your latest date with Alanna, things have reached something of a head.

Your shirt is tight, nothing too new there, but your pants just aren't quite buttoning. You give it a try a few times, but it's no use. Your stomach is definitely protruding a bit. You remember an old trick, and lay down on your bed while sucking in your gut. It's tight, but you barely manage to get your pants fastened. The button is holding on for dear life, and you hope that your belt can carry the strain.

You wince as you stand up and feel just how tight the waistband is. Hopefully Alanna made something light tonight.

You hop in your car and drive to Alanna's place. You're nervous, but you're feeling resolved. Tonight you will tell Alanna about your overeating kink. It's time.


When you arrive, she's waiting for you, sitting on the couch in her living room, dressed in a nice blouse and a light pleated skirt. Her cat, Scorchy, is curled up in her lap.

"Hey," she says, smiling at you.

"I missed you," you say cheerfully and pull her into a hug.

"I missed you too," she responds, hugging you back.

You've been dating for two weeks, and you still can't believe you got this far. Alanna is everything you ever wanted in a girl.

Which is why tonight has you incredibly worried.

"So what's for dinner?" You ask, trying to stay nonchalant.

"I made lasagna," she says, "and garlic bread."

"I'm really hungry."

You let that sentence hang in the air for a few moments before she speaks again.

"Then let's eat."

She stands up with Scorchy at her feet, and the two of you walk towards the dining room.

You sit at the table, and Alanna deposits a steaming dish of lasagna on the table. Your stomach groans in anticipation, but you also remember your unforgiving waistband. Alanna takes the liberty of dishing you out a huge serving. You're not sure you can physically handle it.

The two of you make pleasant small talk, although you probably aren't hiding your nervousness very well. Your waistband feels ready to explode by the time you've finished half your portion. You sigh and push your plate away. Alanna immediately senses that something's up.

"Something wrong?" she asks.

"Alanna... There's something I need to tell you. Something you deserve to know." You say woodenly.

"Okay. What is it?"

"Well, uh, it's kind of a long story... Uh, short version," you say, stumbling over your words, "I have a peculiar kink. I.... I uh, I really like overeating."

Alanna stares at you in silence for a few moments.

"I don't believe you," she says flatly.

You've gotten several different reactions to your revelation over the months. This isn't one you've seen before.

You blink a couple of times, then manage to say, "You don't believe me? What?"

Alanna's lips curl into a slight smile. She says, "You say you've got an eating kink, but you've left half your meal on the plate."


"I don't believe you," she repeats.


"I said I don't believe you," she says calmly.

Alanna continues, "Why don't you show me this kink of yours? I've seen you eat a lot more than this, you know."

You blush and say, "I'll bust my waistband if I eat any more. It's barely holding on as it is..."

"I don't care about your stupid waistband," Alanna says. "You're acting like I'm not even here. I am here. I want to see your kink."


"Lemme spell it out for you. If you need more space, then go ahead and unbuckle your pants. I certainly won't mind," she purrs.

You're getting aroused just hearing what she said.

"Well, uhm... Okay," you stammer.

Blushing even harder, but enjoying the unexpected acceptance, you reach under the table and unbuckle your belt. It clatters quietly, and you move to open your zipper.

Alanna watches quietly as you work your pants down. Her eyes are wide, and she's clearly enjoying every moment of this. Freed of the hated waistband, you exhale in relief, still feeling hungry.

Alanna reaches under the table, then runs her fingers slowly up your leg. Your face continues to feel hot.

"Anon," she purrs, "I want you to stuff yourself for me."

"What?" you ask.

She replies, "I have a confession too. I really like watching people eat. Especially if it's food I made. The idea that I could be fattening up the people I like... It's just such a rush."


"But nothing," she says.

"I'm just like you. I've torpedoed so many relationships because people couldn't handle my feeding kink. I can see it in your eyes – you've been waiting for somebody like me. I think we're a good match. You really like to eat, and i really like to feed you."

You consider this. You haven't really thought about it this way before. But it seems like it could be true.

"Yeah..." you say. "I really like you."

"I like you too."

You bite your lip and look deeply into Alanna's honey-brown eyes. You smile, and you feel a weight come off of your shoulders, and a hunger urging in your belly.

"Well then..." You start, "Let me show you how much of a pig I can be. I hope you don't mind."

Alanna replies by picking up a blob of lasagna and pushing it into your mouth.

She takes a moment to settle back into the chair across from you, and her eyes watch you eat with an expression that's equal parts fascination and arousal. You feel your heart flutter and your face flush, and you can't help but continue wolfing down the lasagna like there's no tomorrow.

Alanna moves in close and plants a light kiss on your lips. Her lips are warm and soft, and she tastes faintly of tomato sauce. You move your hand to grip the back of her head, and deepen the kiss.

The two of you make out for a few wonderful long moments, but eventually Alanna comes up for air.

She looks you in the eyes and bites her lip, asking, "Are you still hungry, Anon?"

You look down at your nearly empty plate of food, then back to her.

"Maybe a little."

She smiles seductively and says, "Let's fix that, ok?"

She takes your empty plate and sets it aside. In its place, she sets down the serving dish of lasagna, which is still mostly full.

"There," she says. "Now you can eat all you want."

You take a moment to admire the vast amount of food before you, remembering the rich flavors in the portion you've already had.

Then, abandoning any pretense of restraint, you pick up the large serving spoon and start eating from right from the baking dish. It's the most delicious thing you've ever tasted, and it's even better when you've stuffed yourself silly.

Alanna watches quietly as you eat, her eyes glinting mischievously.

Your stomach steadily swells and bloats as you gulp down more and more of the lasagna. After putting down what must've been another couple portions' worth of the pasta, you take a moment to pause and rub your full belly.

You're so stuffed that you can barely move, and you laugh with delight when you realize just how full and round your stomach is. It feels amazing.

Alanna sits forward and asks, "You like it, baby?"

You respond by closing your eyes and moaning as you feel the pressure in your gut.

"God, yes," you whisper.

"And you like this?" she asks, lightly grabbing your bulging belly.

"Oh, yes," you whimper.

Alanna leans in and whispers in your ear, "You really like this, don't you, baby?"

You nod vigorously.

"Then you'd better make some noise for me," she says.

Her hands feel amazing on your stomach, warm and soothing, yet practically electric wherever they touch. You let yourself moan and hum with pleasure as Alanna's fingers trace soothing circles.

Suddenly and before you can stop it, you feel a huge belch escape your mouth. You try to cover your mouth with your hand, embarrassed, but it's too late.

Alanna just giggles. "Aw, are you getting full, big boy?" she asks, still rubbing your belly.

You manage to utter something that might be, "Yes," or "Yes, thank you," before another huge belch escapes your mouth.

"That's the spot," she giggles. "You feeling better?"

You pat your bulging stomach, looking at Alanna and biting your lip.

"Yeah," you say, "I'm feeling really full, but I'm not done yet. I want more. I want to finish all that lasagna."

She stares at you seductively.

"Then finish it," she says. "Eat it until you're done."

You look at the baking dish sitting before you.

The dish is still about one third full. You reckon that you can probably eat it all, but you'll definitely be too full to move once you're done.

The idea of being stuffed to the gills to please Alanna excites you. You pick up the serving spoon and start back up.

"Come on, pig," Alanna says, watching you eat, her eyes bright and her breath coming quicker. "Just get it done already."

It's an order, and you're a pig who follows orders.

You shovel more lasagna into your mouth, and it slides down your throat like butter. It's so delicious that you find yourself wanting more, even as your stomach threatens to rebel at the amount you're consuming.

The more you eat, though, the more you want. There's no point in moderation when it comes to this meal.

Eventually your spoon scrapes against the empty dish. You gather up a few morsels of meaty sauce and slide them into your mouth. You draw the empty spoon out, letting your arm fall limply to the side, and you swallow one last time.

You groan deeply with gluttonous satisfaction, the sensation of your distended stomach crashing down.

You look at Alanna, who watches with a look of intense desire. Her eyes are glistening with wetness, and she looks like she's about to faint in ecstasy.

"You're amazing," she whispers. "I could watch you eat all day."

You hum with approval then groan, "I don't think I could eat like this for a whole day."

"I bet you could," she says, smiling.

You reach out and lightly touch her cheek.

She presses her cheek into your hand then leans down and gently kisses your stuffed belly. In its overfilled state, it's very sensitive, and Alanna's lips feel amazing on your taut skin.

You close your eyes, enjoying the sensation.

"Think you could make it to the couch?" she asks.

"I think so," you say, struggling to stand.

"Good," she says, helping you to your feet.

Your stomach feels like you've swallowed a boulder, and you're breathing carefully to not stir things up too much. Alanna gently wraps an arm around your middle, and walks with you to the living room. You slowly but heavily settle onto the plush couch, groaning with relief and exhaustion.

"That was fun," you say, still breathing heavily and grinning.

"Yeah," she says, smiling back. "It sure was."

You squirm a little on the couch, sinking into the cushions to get more comfortable.

"Alanna?" You start.


"If we stay together, I think I might get fat. Would you be ok with that?"

"Yeah, I'd be fine with that. I'd be really fine with that."

"That's good," you say, smiling. "Because I don't think I'll be able to put the fork down around you."

She laughs and pulls you closer.

You turn to face her, wrapping your arm around her and resting your head on her shoulder.

"Anon, can I tell you a secret?" Alanna whispers.

"Sure," you whisper back.

She moves so that her lips are right at your ear.

Barely audible, you hear Alanna say, "I.... Would actually like to fatten you up, Anon. I wanna... I wanna make you huge."

Your eyes widen and you move your face so that you're looking into her eyes.




She nods. "Yeah, but... I know this is crazy, and selfish and weird. But it's what I like. It's why I cook. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is as exciting to me as the idea of doting on somebody and feeding them round. It's.... It's what I think I was born to do."

She stares into your eyes, her own eyes shining with excitement. You feel a warm glow spreading through your chest.

"I know this is really crazy," she continues.

You think hard, trying to come up with something to say.

"Alanna..." You start, and place a hand on hers. "I think, deep down, I've actually wanted to be a big blubbery guy myself. I think... I think that's actually why I started stuffing myself. But I think I was scared of what people would think, of how my life would change if and when I piled on the pounds."

"I don't care what people think," she says.

"And that's what I needed to hear," you say with a smile. "I knew that there were people out there who were screwy like us. People who get off on pigging out, and the people who feed them. But I guess I never thought I'd actually meet someone who was my complement."

"I'd love to fatten you up," she says.

"I have a small secret to share as well, you know," you say.


"These pants," you play with the open zipper for emphasis. "I almost couldn't get them on today. And you know what? It felt really good in a pervy way to have outgrown them."

"I bet it did," Alanna says, flashing her eyes at you seductively.

You grin and pull her into another kiss.

She moans softly, and her hand moves down to your groin.

"Say you want to be my piggy," she whispers. "Say you want to gain a hundred pounds for me."

"I want to gain a hundred pounds for you," you say. "I want to gain a thousand pounds for you."

Alanna gasps and shudders with pleasure. "Oh god, you're perfect..." She moans. "Anon, I'm going to make you so huge."

Her hand slides to your throbbing erection. It twitches at Alanna's warm touch. She feels the outside of your boxers.

"God, you're just leaking precum. You really are into this," she purrs.

"Oh, yeah," you moan. "Feels so good."

"I'm going to make you feel so good, Anon. You're going to love it."

Abruptly, she stops. You whine slightly with disappointment, as Alanna explains, "I can't finish you off yet. You still need to eat your dessert."

Your stuffed stomach gurgles at the thought of yet more food, but you definitely want more. In fact, from this moment onwards, you resolve to truly let your appetite go wild.

You lick your lips, and that's all the confirmation Alanna needs. "I'll be right back with something sweet for you," she whispers.

She gets up and goes into the kitchen. You hear the freezer open and close, and a moment later, Alanna has returned with a quart of caramel ice cream and a spoon.

"You are going to love this, Anon," she says, setting the carton down next to you with a satisfied smile.

You don't even try to conceal your anticipation.

"Just relax and let me feed you," she whispers. "I know a quart is a lot of ice cream, but I know it'll just fill in all the leftover spaces in that tummy of yours. And besides, good pigs finish all their food."

"I am a really good pig," you say. "I always finish every last bit of my food."

Alanna laughs.

"Then show me," she says, spooning a heaping glob of ice cream into your mouth.

You lap up the rich, cold, sweet goo with a happy moan. You lap up the next glob, and the next, and the next. Alanna keeps spooning you more ice cream, her smile getting wider and wider.

You're already stuffed silly, but with this gorgeous girl spooning the ice cream into your mouth, you're powerless to resist. You groan with a mix of ecstasy and discomfort as the sweet cream slides down your throat and your stomach swells tighter and tighter.

"Good pig!" Alanna says. "You're such a good pig!"

You sigh, lying back against the pillows. "I... think I might be in heaven."

"Maybe you should stay here with me," she says. "You could be my angel."

You shake your head. "I ... can't. I have - huff - a job," you groan between spoonfuls of ice cream.

She sets the spoon over your lips in a shushing motion. The metal is quite cold.

"You don't have to work," she says.

"Yeah, I do."

She lightly taps the spoon on your lips in annoyance. "Don't think about that right now. Besides, we can figure something out."

Alanna lifts the spoon and deposits yet another bite of ice cream. She whispers seductively, "Right now, as far as you're concerned, your job is to eat and get fatter. Can you do that for me?"

You moan and reach for her hand, bringing it to your swollen stomach. You feel it throbbing against her palm.

"Good answer," she says. "God I can feel how full you are. Doesn't it feel good, eating until you're ready to pop?"

You shiver at her words. You lick your lips and reach for her wrist, bringing her hand to your mouth and kissing her fingers.

"Don't worry," she whispers. "I'll never let anything happen to my prize hog. There's not much ice cream left. Finish it up, you won't pop, I promise."

"I... I trust you," you say.

"Of course you do," she says. "You're a good pig."

She pulls her hand free and, without another word, sets the spoon aside.

Alanna swirls the carton and looks inside. Then she says, "All the remaining ice cream has melted. I'm gonna pour it down your throat. Are you ready?"

"I am," you say.

"Then just sit back, close your eyes, and open your mouth."

You do as commanded, and you sense Alanna shifting around to your side. A moment later, the rim of the carton touches your lips. A moment after that, the promised flow of sweet cream enters your mouth.

Your lips quiver as you eagerly lap up every last drop of the melting ice cream.

"There," Alanna says, a satisfied grin on her face. "Now you're all stuffed, aren't you?"

You nod, your mouth still full of the last traces of caramel-coated ice cream. You swallow, then lick your lips and groan.

You're in a pleasurable haze, your belly definitely having hit its limit. It feels feels like an overfilled balloon, straining at the slightest movement and pulsing with pressure. It feels incredible, and your cock feels ready to explode at any moment.

"I think I'm gonna need a nap," you say weakly. "Can I sleep here? With you?"

"Sure," she says, snuggling up next to you.

You're too dazed to even rub your maxed-out gut, so Alanna gently obliges. You sigh and emit resonant moans as her fingers trace soothing circles and lines over your gut.

Your eyes flutter shut as she continues to work your belly, but before you can succumb to your food coma you hear a sultry whisper in your ear. "I knew you were a good piggy. Are you ready for your reward?"

Alanna nips at your ear and you hiss in pleasure.

"I'm... pretty sure I am," you say, your voice thick.

"You just stay there, big boy," she whispers before moving away. You feel like a beached whale, and moving doesn't even cross your mind. You feel Alanna's hands on your thighs, and you shiver with anticipation. You involuntarily gasp as her hands slide up to your boxers and slide your throbbing cock through the front flap.

"I've been wanting to do this since the first moment I saw you," she says. "I just knew you had a great dick, and now I get to taste it."

Your eyes snap open, and you find her staring at you. She strokes your shaft with two fingers, and you gasp at the sensation.

"I'm not gonna lie to you," she continues. "I'm really glad you've got a big cock. One, for obvious reasons. But two, it means I can play with you more easily when you wind up with a big blubbery belly on top of it."

"Mm," you manage to utter. Your mouth is dry, and you take a moment to find your voice.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you? You must fantasize all the time about a hot skinny girl like me having to hold up a big doughy gut to get at your dick," Alanna half-whispers, half-moans.

You nod frantically. Your head is swimming, and you can feel a massive orgasm approaching. It scares you, but also thrills you.

Alanna stares at your face, and she smiles.

"We'll get you there," she whispers. "And I'm looking forward to being engulfed by all your manly flab."

She keeps edging your cock, not letting you get off.

She continues, "But for now, why don't you show me how much you like that idea?"

You stare at her, your head swimming, as she rubs her fingers up and down your shaft. You can't make sense of her words, and you can't form the right words to respond.

Alanna doesn't say anything. She just smiles, then a moment later she takes your cock into her eager mouth.

You close your eyes and sink into the pleasure. You can feel her warm mouth working up and down your thick member, and your hips begin to buck. You feel your balls drawn up tight as she continues to mouth your cock, and it's all you can do not to cry out. Your vision blurs, and you feel your knees weaken.

Then you hear her, muffled by your manhood.

"Mm, yes, oh God yes, that's good. Keep going, keep going." She slurps your shaft down to the base, and you feel your overstimulated tip tickle the back of her warm, wet throat. At last, it's too much.

You begin to come. You can feel yourself exploding into her mouth. She doesn't let up, not for a moment, and you come down her throat as her mouth works relentlessly up and down your shaft. It's an incredible sensation, one that you could get used to.

When your orgasm fades, she stops sucking and her eyes meet yours. She smiles, then licks her lips thoroughly and swallows once more.

She pats her trim belly, saying, "Oh my God, Anon. If you cum in my mouth that much every time, I might wind up getting fat too."

You smile at her. "I wouldn't mind."

"Mmm, you certainly make being a glutton look appealing..." One of her hands slides down towards her groin, the other lifting her skirt. With a quick motion, she slides two fingers into her wet pussy.

"Oh, I'm so turned on already. Think you could help me out, big boy? Or is your food coma too strong? It's ok if it is..."

You smile and reach out, caressing her thigh. "I think I can help you out," you say.

She leans into your hand as she continues to finger herself. "I like the sound of that."

Alanna pauses for a moment to slip off her skimpy panties, then she tosses them in your face. The black lace of her panties is practically dripping, and you take a deep whiff.

She smiles at you wickedly.

"You smell like pure sexiness," you say.

She laughs and continues stroking herself. "Maybe I should have been a dominatrix," she says.

"You'd be good at it," you say, your voice low and thick.

Alanna giggles again, then gets onto the couch next to you. She sits on her knees, legs spread wide, and she leans against the couch's armrest. In a sultry voice she says, "Well, you've certainly let me have my way with you so far."

She lifts up her skirt again, this time gathering the material behind her. Alanna caresses her lower abdomen and the area around her cute slit, then pleads, "C'mon, Anon. Aren't you ready to feel me?"

She wiggles her moist, aroused slit in front of you invitingly. She's right within arm's reach, knowing that you probably wouldn't want to be moving too much in your current state.

You smile and nod, unable to form the words to respond.

Instead of speaking, you reach out and give her what she wants. Alanna shivers and coos as you caress her warm pussy. Your fingers slip easily into her wet folds.

"Ohhh, that feels so good," she sighs, pushing her pelvis against your hand.

"Seeing you lying there," she moans, "Too bloated and overstuffed to even fuck me properly – It turns me on so much. Seeing you just give in to your appetite, and knowing that I enabled you..."

She's rocking back and forth against your hand, as you stroke her hot slick insides. Your fingers slide easily in her, and she's wetter than you've ever seen anybody.

"Anon, you're so good at this..." she says, her voice a deep, sensual purr.

"It's because I really want to make you happy," you whisper back.

"You are so much more than what I ever expected," she says.

Your fingers curl into her snug slick folds, and she whimpers.

"Anon! I...!"

Sensing the moment, you slap your overstuffed belly with your free hand, causing a fresh burp to bubble up. Alanna's face sparks with even more delight, then as you stroke her quivering walls, you say, "And your fat boy is going to always be more, more, and more. I'm insatiable for you, your food, your pussy. I'm gonna make you the happiest feeder in history, Alanna."

With the way she's moaning and squirming, you're not sure she's hearing you, but you continue, "I want to make you happy, and you want to make more of your man. Lucky for you, I am one seriously gluttonous fuck..."

She arches her back and moans, still rhythmically bucking her hips. Her entire body is tense with anticipation, and you know that she's about to cum.

"Ohhh, I'm...!" she screams, her entire body shaking as her orgasm rips through her.

Alanna's breath catches as she practically lifts off the couch, her head thrown back in ecstasy. Her entire body clenches and spasms around your hand, making her cum even harder.

You smile, keeping your hand where it is for the duration of her orgasm, until it fades.

She clenches her teeth, breathing deeply through them as she settles back down onto the couch. Alanna reaches down and grabs your wrist, signaling that she's finally had enough.

You release your grip on her and she slides your hand out from between her legs, leaving her there with her thighs spread and her sex slick with her own juices. She collapses onto the couch, her breathing slowing.

"That was... That was really awesome," she says, her voice low and raspy.

"Yeah, so were you. You're so fucking hot," you say.

Alanna coos, then shifts to be next to you. Her legs are still bunched up on the couch, so she draws her body into something of a curl.

"You were saying earlier about how you were gonna make me happy. Did you mean it?"

"I do," you say.

You stroke her hair, and she strokes your aching belly as you continue, "I think it's official that I'm a proper hedonist now. I'm not about to stop stuffing my face, and I want it to be with foods you've made."

"It would be my honor, sir."

"So... You ready to start on our new hedonist training, honey?"

"I sure am."

And so you start your new life.


5 years and many fattening meals later...

It's been five years since you started your new life with Alanna. To say she's made good on her promise to fatten you up would be a huge understatement. It's been her personal mission to get you fatter than any human should be, and she's succeeded beyond her wildest dreams.

In fact, she's a little obsessed with fattening you up.

She's convinced that the only way to truly make you happy is if you're super obese. She says you just need to gain more weight, and you'll be living your life to the fullest.

You're already tipping the scales at six hundred jiggling, sweaty pounds of fat man, so you're a little skeptical of Alanna's claim. Then again, you haven't slowed down on stuffing your face even a little bit. You still eat like a pig every day. You never stop stuffing your face with burgers, fries, muffins, cake, pizza, ice cream, you name it. You're a waddling calorie mountain.

Still, as long as you're living the dream, you're not complaining. And besides, if it will make Alanna happy...


You're in her kitchen, sitting at the table.

She's standing in front of you, naked as the day she was born. She's just as slim and toned as she's always been, her body contrasting against yours more strongly all the time.

"Still hungry for Mommy?" she asks, licking her full, pouty lips.

"Always," you reply. You shift your weight to be evenly distributed between the two chairs your ass is taking up. You also survey the veritable wasteland of empty takeout boxes and wrappers strewn about on the table. Most of their contents are settling in your huge stomach, pressing against the tire of heavy pudge around your middle. Damn, that feels good.

"So I've got a mission for you today," she says, kneeling down and winking.

"Anything for Mommy," you say, licking your lips again.

"My big man just packed away enough food for a whole sports team, and I'm so proud to see how much he can eat now," Alanna whispers. As she talks, she runs her hands over your glutted belly, and you savor the sensation as always. She gathers up some crumbs and blobs of grease from off of your bare flabby chest, and deposits them into your waiting mouth.

"And now," she continues, "It's time for dessert."

Alanna's got a wicked glint in her eye, and she plants a deep, wet kiss on your lips.

She leans in even closer, her small breasts mashed up against your huge paunch.

"Think you can chug down a whole liquefied cake for me, Anon?" She stares you down with lust and anticipation.

"I... Can try," you say, licking your lips in anticipation.

Alanna laughs and claps her hands together, beaming at you.

You add in a teasing voice, "I'm gonna be really full after though. I probably won't be able to move. Some hot girl might come around and take advantage of an overstuffed fatty like me..."

"I don't think that'll be a problem," Alanna says, leaning in for another kiss.

She digs under your blubbery gut and grabs for your throbbing, needy member, hidden by your flab. She fondles it against your sweaty fat, smiling as you groan. She strokes you just enough to leave you whining for more, then lets go and pulls her hand out from under your folds.

"Are you gonna want the nipple clamps tonight?" She asks as she stands back up.

"Ohhh, yesss..." you reply.

She laughs again, then steps back and looks at you, nodding.

Without a further word, Alanna springs into action. First, she fetches the promised nipple clamps, affixing one of the sturdy metal claps to the end of your flabby moob. You wince in discomfort as the metal bite digs into your tender flesh, but you don't squirm or make a peep, instead just reveling in the sensation.

Alanna continues her work, gifting your other chubby nipple with a firm clamp of its own. You inhale sharply as the second clamp presses down into your flesh, but once it's clamped onto your pink bud it's easy to bear. You sigh with pleasure as the pain stabilizes.

Finally, Alanna clips a thick metal chain between the clamps, which tugs on your flabby moobs and rests cold and heavy on your full belly.

"That's it," she declares. "You're all clamped up nice and tight!"

Your face is flushed, your heart races, and your head is swimming with commingled pleasure and pain. You try to speak, but you can only manage a garbled, muffled "Mmmmm..."

Alanna laughs again.

"Yeah, that's a good little pig," she says.

She spins around and gets to work once more, exiting your field of view. You hear metallic scraping and clicking sounds off to your side, plus some sounds of hollow plastic. You recognize the commotion as Alanna setting up the tube feeding rig for you.

You don't even need to shift your flabby bulk to know what the rig is. It's a simple contraption: a plastic hopper supported by a metal frame, leading into a soft rubber hose with a valve at the end. It's a kinky device you and Alanna know well, and is a big part of why your ass needs two chairs now.

A few moments of fiddling later, Alanna makes a satisfied noise, then returns to the kitchen. You leer at her firm ass and muscular body as she finishes her preparations. Her beautiful face is focused on the work, but her curly hair is sorta mussed up. She looks like a lusty, sexy technician of sorts.

You wiggle around in your chair, working out kinks and making sure you're comfortable.

An electrical hum that had previously droned in the background comes to a stop. You hear some more mechanical sounds, as Alanna does something with an industrial blender. With a quiet grunt, she picks up the pitcher in two hands and turns to face you.

Her eyes lock with yours, and she smiles. She takes a deep breath, and her perky breasts rise and fall with her breath.

You feel an unmistakable tingle in the pit of your stomach.

The pitcher contains a thick, decadent sludge comprised of an entire cake blended with cream and syrup. There's easily at least a gallon of the calorie-laden goop, and Alanna is about to make you gulp it all down.

She says, "There. All ready to be fed to the good little pig."

Her face is cruel and mocking, but her tone is loving.

You can't help but look at the glistening mess with awe and wonder.

"Please, I want it. I need to be full, I need to get fatter..."

You plead with her, your voice thick and groggy with lust.

"Please," you say.

"Oh, you want it, huh?" She laughs and shakes her head.

She walks behind you, checking that your restraints are still tight. You wouldn't resist even if your hands were free, but the cuffs are exciting for both of you.

"No, Anon. I want it," she says with performative coldness. "And you're a slave to my will. It's why you've more than doubled in weight, it's why you can't stop pigging out. You're addicted to gaining, and it's all because it pleases me."

She leans over and gives you a long kiss, then transfers the pitcher of cake-cream-syrup-goo to the feeding rig. The concoction glugs thickly as it flows, and your anticipation grows with every passing moment.

"Open up, little piggy," she says, then pops the silicone hose into your mouth.

Without even thinking about it, you start licking and sucking on the end of the hose. Alanna giggles for a moment at your lustful display, then she opens the valve on the hose.

A gush of thick, sweet, oily sludge pours into your mouth, and you swallow greedily.

"Swallow it all, piggy," Alanna says.

You moan as you gulp down the thick brown substance, licking and slurping at the end of the hose.

Every mouthful of the thick mixture hits your already-full stomach like a bomb. Your stomach burbles and churns as it stretches even further to accommodate the cake shake. You groan, the pure pleasure of the feeding washing over you.

You need more. You can feel it.

Even as the sensation in your overfilled gut begins to turn painful, all you can focus on is the overwhelmingly rich and sweet flavors of the mixture. This sensation, of being a big fat balloon, steadily being inflated with calories, this is heavenly to you.

With every swallow, the cake mixture flows thicker and thicker down your esophagus, until it's so dense you can barely breathe.

A few moments later, the steady discomfort in your bloated stomach reaches a peak, and despite yourself, you groan in pain.

"C'mon, Anon," Alanna encourages, "You're almost done. Finish the shake, think of how good it'll feel in your full, full belly. Think of how much fatter it'll make you, how much sexier."

Your groaning continues, and your eyes roll back in your head.

"Swallow it, piggy," Alanna says, her voice thick and lusty.

You feel like your stomach is going to explode. Your eyes roll back in your head, and your groans turn to whimpers.

"Swallow it," Alanna says, "you won't explode. I promise. Just finish the jug, you can do it."

A pained tear rolls down your chubby cheek, but you do as Alanna bids, still chugging the decadent shake into your distended stomach.

A few gulps later, and the hose slurps with emptiness.

You've finished it.

"Good, piggy," Alanna says, her voice thick with lust and arousal. "Now that's a good big fat pig."

You lay back on the chairs stock-still. You're the most bloated you've ever been, and that's saying something. You feel as though you've swallowed a beach ball, and you can see your massively swollen gut pushing out your normally flabby middle. Your head swims, and you feel as though you might faint. That is, if you don't explode first. As the cake shake mixes with the fatty feast already in your gut, you can feel it expanding. You breathe gingerly, every movement a discomfort. You feel as though you're going to tear in two from the pressure. You can't even move your head, so focused is it on the task of breathing.

Alanna slides the tube out of your mouth, the residual cake shake slopping onto your chest. You continue taking measured breaths, simultaneously basking in the delightful pain from your stomach and the vibe of sheer unbridled gluttony you're embodying.

"Good pig," Alanna says. "Good, big fat piggy."

You're dimly aware that she's been standing off to the side, admiring her handiwork. She's stroking her clit with one hand, and with the other she gently reaches to caress your distended belly.

"You're so sexy," she murmurs to you.

You wince at even this gentle touch, her fingers sending out a ripple of excitement and pain. Your stomach bubbles and you belch, the release slightly reliving the pressure in your stomach. You gasp with relief and hoggish delight.

"I'm so glad we did this," she continues, her voice dropping to a husky whisper. "You're the fattest, most sexy man I've ever seen."

You moan wordlessly with approval and lust. Your cock, which has been stiff and leaking under your blubbery gut this whole time, throbs with newly heightened arousal. You can feel it pressing up against your underbelly, the thick, pulsing member nestled deep in your groin.

Alanna continues to fondle you, rubbing your distended stomach.

She drops to her knees, then squirts a generous portion of oil onto your bulging, blubbery belly. Her hands expertly massage the oil into your skin, and soothe the ache in your distended stomach. In your current state, it feels better than having your cock stroked.

Alanna slides her hands up your flabby midsection, every touch sending jiggles through your flesh and pleasure through your mind. You can feel the excitement building between your chunky thighs, a steady dribble of precum leaking from your cock.

"I love my big fat piggy toy so much," Alanna moans, her hands squeezing and kneading handfuls of your lard. "You're so greedy, aren't you? You love having my hands all over you."

You moan and squirm, her hands sliding under the roll of your massive gut.

She gently lifts and drops your apron-like belly, sending jiggles rippling through your entire corpulent body.

"Every... Pound..." Alanna lightly grunts as she lifts and drops your heavy gut, "Every sexy... Jiggling... Pound... Is testament to how thoroughly I own you..."

Your eyes roll back in your head as she continues to play with your distended belly. The chained nipple clamps tug on your chubby moobs with every bounce as well, sending pleasurable jolts through you. Your entire body jiggles with every movement, sending delicious shivers through your blubbery form. You let out a long, ragged groan as your heavy body jiggles.

"I may be your obese plaything," you rasp, "But it's what I've wanted. It's what I've always been destined to be. Alanna..."

You pant and squirm as she continues to lovingly knead your bulging gut.

"I love you," you say hoarsely. "I love my depraved feeder honey. I love my dominating mistress."

Alanna smiles, her pale face flushing as she fondles your heavy, pulsing stomach.

"I'm the lucky one," she interjects, but lets you continue.

"No, I'm the lucky one," you reply. "A kinky babe like you could've had your choice of any gluttonous man in the world. And you chose me."

"I chose you because I wanted you," she replies seductively.

You close your eyes, bite your lip and moan.

"It feels so, so good to be wanted," you say. "I love how you dote on me. I love how no matter what appetite I bring, you always make sure I eat until I pass out."

Alanna slides her hands up your arms, gripping tightly and releasing slowly.

"I want you to cum for me," she whispers. "I love you very much, piggy Anon, and I appreciate the heart-to-heart. But right now I'm sure your cock is just about to explode under this huge flabby gut of yours."

She's right. Your cock is throbbing, pulsing, and dripping precum. It feels so good to be this bloated and needy.

"Oh my God, yes please..." You whimper.

Alanna smiles devilishly and licks her teeth, "That's what I thought. Now, a good mistress knows her piggy, and I don't think you need me to touch your cock for it to go off tonight."

"No, please..." you beg.

She slides her hands up your flabby stomach, and picks up the chain strung between your two clamped nipples.

Even this small movement sends a jolt of delicious pain through you, and you yelp.

At the same time, your cock twitches in response to the pain and to Alanna's dominance. Your moan turns into a groan, and your restrained hands clench into sweaty, desperate fists.

"Piggies don't make decisions, remember?" Alanna asks, wiggling her fingers seductively. "I'm the one making all the decisions, and you're just my helpless, subservient, obese, kinky pig."

Alanna's words are helping you let your mind drift again. She directs your thoughts to the decadent sensations coursing through your body.

Your massive blubber gut, crammed with enough food to satisfy a sports team. How it aches with pressure and how all the greasy food churns within.

The painful clamps biting into your nipples, making them feel so tight and hard. How deeply they press into your flabby moobs, and how in turn your doughy chest is testament to your decadent obsession.

Your sweaty hands, trapped and restrained in their leather cuffs, how the cuffs barely close around your chunky, flabby wrists.

Your obese form, all six hundred pounds of you halfway pinning you to the chairs. How every part of you is soft and squishy, how every movement sends jiggling ripples through your body. How much you savor that feeling, and how much you crave to get even bigger and softer. How much you want to be even more dominated and controlled.

Your greedy mouth, how it just begs to be filled with more food. Your dirty mind, how it yearns for even more decadent pleasures.

Your cock is pulsating desperately; you're very close.

Alanna whispers in your ear once more, "That big cock of yours, buried under your mountainous gut. Think of how it's about to go off, just by thinking about how much of a hog you've become."

Your eyes roll back in your head as your vision turns black and white. Your mouth opens and you pant as your balls churn.

Alanna licks her lips and whispers seductively, "And it's all because you've given in to your mistress."

She tugs on the chain and you gasp. Your head swims as she whispers once more, "Say it, piggy. Who is the mistress that feeds your greedy face?"

She tugs the chain again and the pressure in your cock starts to spill over. "Who owns you completely? Say my name!" she demands.

Your mind is clouded with lust, and you let out a gasp. You can barely form words. You're so close. "My... Alanna... " you wheeze.

She twists the chain, pulling your chubby moobs together and sending another wave of invigorating pain through your chest.

"A- Aaala-n-n-aaa..." You rasp as your heavy body arches back involuntary and your cock finally explodes. Hot, slimy cum squirts out of your dick and splatters against the underside of your jiggling gut again and again.

Alanna stands above you, triumphant. "You are such a dirty pig."

Her words prompt another wave of spasms as your cock lets off again. You grunt with every rope, your mind barely conscious. Your entire body is in ecstasy, overloaded with orgasm after orgasm. You barely notice when she releases the chain from your nipples, or when she steps back.

Your heart is pounding in your ears and you wheeze for breath. You struggle to calm down for several long moments, but eventually your orgasm fades, leaving a superbly heavy and pleasant warm feeling in your body. You are too tired to move, and just want to lie there and enjoy the afterglow.

"You feeling good, baby?" Alanna stands over you with a contented smile.

"Mmm," you reply, barely able to form words through your heavy breathing.

She leans over and kisses you on the cheek.

"You ready for the clamps to come off and to be untied?" She asks.

Your eyes slowly open and you struggle to focus, wincing as you try to get your body to stop shivering and shaking. Your body is exhausted, and you're not sure you'll be able to stand.

"Yes, please," you mutter.

Alanna leans down and releases the first nipple clamp. You sigh as the clamp is removed. Your body immediately reacts to the sudden loss of pressure and pain. You groan and wince, but the pain is gone almost instantly.

Alanna gently releases the other clamp, and you wince briefly in response. You sigh, relaxing as the persistent vexation from the clamps fades away.

Alanna slips behind you, and you feel your pudgy wrists get freed from their bindings one after another. Your hands rub your wrists, which have been freed of the uncomfortable cuffs. You sigh in relief as your hands are no longer trapped and restrained.

You finally bring your hands up to feel your massively overstuffed belly. You rest them on the bulging flab, and you gently savor the feeling of your gut sloshing back and forth.

Your moobs, which have been freed from the clamps, wobble in time with your gut like two lumps of soft dough. Your nipples are two red bumps, and you know they're still erect. You slowly reach your hands up to feel them, still marveling at their substantial size. You let out a gasp as your hands make contact with your nipples. They're still sensitive, and you feel a tingling sensation.

You look up at Alanna, who is standing over you. She smiles as she watches your face.

"Feeling better?" she asks.

"Yeah, much," you say. "How about you?"

"I'm wonderful," she says.

You notice the trail of glistening fluid leading to her pussy, and you realize Alanna must have gotten herself off as you came too.

"You want to do it again?" Alanna asks, flashing her eyes at you seductively.

You smile and nod. "We should do this every single day," you groan.

Alanna laughs and pats you on the shoulder.

"Careful, piggy," she says, smiling. "You keep eating like this, you might get fat."

You pat your bulging stomach. "Fat and happy," you say.

Alanna laughs again, and leans down to kiss you on the cheek. She whispers in your ear, "Happy anniversary, Anon."

You smile and pull her face into the soft crook of your neck. You kiss Alanna on the cheek as well, and whisper, "I love you so much, Alanna. You make me the happiest man in the world."

"I love you too, Anon."

You feel Alanna's chest rise and fall against your shoulder. Her heart is beating steadily, and you feel her love for you swelling up in your chest.

You stay there for a little while, basking in the afterglow of your orgasm and the endorphins of your masochistic stuffing. A pleasant, heavy warmth spreads from your gut as your massive meal starts to digest, and you smile thinking of where the new weight will settle.

You lose track of time; the next thing you realize is Alanna shaking you awake with a giggle.

"Did the food coma finally get you? Hehe, silly lazy piggy."

"Huh?" you groan, blinking your eyes.

"Think you could manage to get up?" she asks, nudging you with her knee. "I could get you all cleaned up, and then you could sleep in your much more comfortable bed."

You groan and sit up. Your head spins a little, and your stomach gurgles at the movement. You take a few steadying breaths, and with Alanna's modest help, you heave yourself heavily onto your feet.

"Come on, piggy!" she laughs. "Don't make me have to carry you!"

You wobble a little as you start to shuffle out of the kitchen.

You walk along a wall to steady yourself, then pause to belch mightily. You pat your fat gut with a jiggle, and your stomach settles back down.

"Oh my God, I am so full.." you mumble. Alanna just giggles and continues guiding you towards the bathroom.

You waddle towards the oversized walk-in shower, and settle your bulk onto a sturdy stool. Alanna starts the flow of water.

"Just relax and let me do all the work, okay?" she says.

"Okay," you agree, letting Alanna clean your sweaty, food-splattered rolls as she sees fit.

She soaps your skin with a sponge, rubbing it all over your body in long, loving strokes. You sigh deeply. The soap has a lovely, fresh smell, and it feels so good on your skin. You lean back and relax as the suds slip easily over your flesh.

"My, you're a big boy," Alanna says.

You simply giggle in response. Alanna moves her attention to your thighs and underbelly. You lean back, and with a grunt you heft up your huge gut. Alanna continues her loving massage. She giggles to herself, "Heh, you're my big boy."

A gentle tingling spreads through your limbs as your muscles relax. Your eyelids feel heavy, and you decide to lay back and enjoy the ride.

Alanna rinses out between your legs with the handheld showerhead, the warm water feeling good on those sensitive folds. You sit there, relaxing and letting the hot water wash away the sweat and the stink.

You look at your reflection in the fogged-up glass of the shower door. You are one big fat fuck, you think to yourself. And getting fatter by the day. You genuinely adore every pound of fat Alanna has added to you, and she loves adding them. It makes you feel loved and cared for, and you can't help but smile at your reflection in the fogged-up glass.

A blast of warm water hits you in the face, knocking you out of your self-admiring trance.

You sputter in surprise and annoyance, and Alanna laughs brightly, "I see you really like the way you look."

You turn away from your distorted reflection, wipe your face, and give Alanna a grin. "I do."

You run a slick hand over your lap-filling gut. With the warmth of of the shower, it feels like a huge water balloon sitting on your thighs. The sensation is sexy, and oddly cozy. You look around at the steamy bathroom with a grin. You could just relax here, in the steam and the warmth, with Alanna. You could let your mind drift, or you could pretend.

"Let's get you dried off and into bed," Alanna says. "I know that look. You're almost in a food coma, and it's just a matter of time until you pass out."

"Yeah..." you mumble. "Maybe."

Alanna shuts off the water, and starts toweling you off. She uses one to dry off the majority of your body, then wedges a second one under your belly to help dry out those folds. She finishes with your thick, wobbly thighs. You blush, and she smiles, wink, and gives you a light, playful slap on the ass.

"All better, handsome?" she asks.

"Mmm.. hmm..." you say, in a half-groan, half-murmur.

Alanna giggles, then takes a moment to play with your chunky ass. She jiggles each cheek with a hand. You have to admit, it feels kinda good.

She smacks your butt one more time, then wraps herself into an embrace with you. You reciprocate, sinking her into your soft body.

She rests her head on your soft chest and coos, "So many hundreds of pounds of perfect man. And they're all mine. I'm the luckiest girl in the world."

You run your fingers through her thick, curly hair, and just relax into the feel of her. It feels so good to be held.

You find yourself rapidly getting drowsier, and you yawn hard.

You groggily reply, "And I love being as much man as you'd ever want, and then some."

"I know you do," she purrs, kissing you on the nose. "Now, we'd better get you to bed."

Feeling mischievous, you crouch down and wrap an arm around Alanna's petite waist. Once your grip is secure, you lift her up over your shoulder. She yelps in feigned protest, but you easily heft her up, her stomach resting on your shoulder. Her weight is negligible compared to your own.

"Put me down!" she says, laughing and giggling. "I wanna walk!"

"Too bad," you laugh back.

You waddle the few yards to the king-sized bed and toss Alanna onto it. She squeals in delight as she lands on the firm mattress, and she holds her arms out, beckoning you.

The mattress creaks as you climb onto it, and as you heave your way over to Alanna. You huff and groan as you maneuver your bulk, and then finally you settle your heavy, soft body atop Alanna's lean form.

She giggles as she squirms underneath you, almost completely pinned by your fat. You nuzzle your face into her neck, and she moans in delight. Her body is warm, and her skin feels good against yours.

"And that's your secret, isn't it?" You whisper. "You want to be dominated too, don't you, baby?"

"Yes," she breathes into your ear.

"You just want to be squished under a big obese bear of a man, don't you?"

"Yes," she replies again, in a soft, lustful tone.

You yawn again. "Welp," you mutter with a chuckle, "Good night. I hope I don't squash you in my sleep..."

You hear a small giggle. Alanna nuzzles into your side and whispers, "I'm not worried at all... It wouldn't be a bad way to go..."

You grin and rub your nose against hers. Her warm, soft breath against your face is incredibly pleasant.

"But if you get squished then I wouldn't have a feeder," you pout. "And nobody else could fatten me as good as you."

"Don't worry," she says. "I won't let you crush me. I know a few tricks."

You close your eyes and rest, listening to her breathe. Her peaceful breathing is contagious. You let your own catch on and start to drift off. Your bloated stomach churns and burbles, the familiar and comfortable heavy warmth of a huge meal slowly spreading from within.

You hazily think about the path that brought you here. Your confession to Alanna all those years ago, her confession to you. How excess became normal, and how you reveled in your ballooning weight. How you were happy to let her take care of you.

Your fuzzy thoughts turn slowly towards the future. Maybe you'll actually make good on your promise to gain a thousand pounds for her. Maybe you'll wind up the world's fattest man.

It doesn't matter.

You'll always be there with her, and she'll always be there with you.

Always and forever.

Your last thought for the night is of the wedding rings you've hidden in your nightstand, and how that might push each of your obsessions even further.

But that's a story for another day.

This was a tale of excess.