

Author's note: My very first attempt at working with AI Dungeon. The results, as you can see, are .... "interesting" if you're feeling charitable. Mostly I was curious to gauge the depth of the model's familiarity with stuff in the fat-fetish constellation, and kinda found more than I expected. This story is basically crap, but the experience was interesting enough to keep AI Dungeon involved in the creative process. Posted here with near-zero editing as a form of time capsule, and possibly for a laugh.

You are a rather ordinary lad living in a midsize town. You have an unremarkable office job for a local shipping business, and it's certainly nothing that challenges you. Interestingly, many ladies throughout the town have developed crushes on you, but you don't know that. Additionally, the body positivity movement has gained a lot of momentum, and being fat is now seen as sexy and desirable, or at least neutral. Your secret admirers would be delighted to get fat for you, which would be great because you like fat women too.

However, your life isn't all sunshine and rainbows. One day while you're waiting for the bus home from work, a girl approaches you. She's short with shoulder-length brown hair and bright green eyes. Her dress is tight fitting, revealing most of her midriff, and she carries herself with confidence. The girl smiles at you and says "Hi."

> You say "Hi, I'm Anon. I like your dress, who are you?"

"I'm Lucy," She smiles, "You're name sounds familiar. Have we met?"

"Uh, no. Sorry 'bout that." You reply, trying not to stare at her bountiful bosom.

> You say "We can get more familiar if you'd like; would you like to get dinner with me?"

"Sure!" She giggles, flicking her hair over her shoulder.

The two of you head off to a local cafeteria and have dinner. You ask her about herself, and she's happy to tell you. She says she's lived in the town her whole life and goes to school, although she's not on any sports teams.

Your food arrives: a sandwich for you, and a veritable mountain of food for Lucy.

"I'll try not to eat it all!" She says.

"No! Have as much as you want! I don't care." You smile.

She smiles back.

>You look at Lucy.

You're sitting in a booth with Lucy, who's just eaten an entire pizza. She's drinking a large cola, and you're drinking a small diet soda. Lucy looks at you and smiles...

> You say "You know, I kinda like a girl who knows how to eat"

"Hm, you don't seem like the type who would," She says, crinkling her nose.

>You say "I'm serious. You just put away a whole pizza, that's incredible!"

"You don't often see a girl who's that size that can eat like that," You say, trying not to stare at her chest.

"Size?" She giggles, "I'm not-"

Flustered, Lucy pulls up her shirt a little bit to show more of her belly. It's noticeably rounder after being filled with pizza, and you have to look away.

"Ah... Yeah, I guess I get what you mean," You smile.

"I choose not to see it as a flaw," Lucy smiles back.

>You say "Actually, I like it too, and.... Would it be weird if I said I'd like to see it get bigger?"

Lucy twists her hair around her finger, the sight of which makes you feel a little feverish.

"I... Think that'd be... O-Okay," She says slowly.

"What's the matter?"

Lucy's stomach grumbles. She says, "Actually, I'm kind of still hungry. Could we get some dessert?"

"Sure," You smile, standing.

The two of you head back to the counter and order a slice of chocolate torte, which is so large that it requires two slices to be eaten.

Lucy eats most of your slice, before carefully licking the plate.

"Well, that one was definitely going to complete go to waste," She grins.

You say "So, about my liking bigger..."

Lucy's eyes widen.

>You say "I think we should do this again."

"Yeah... Yeah, that sounds good," She smiles.

You both head off to your house. As you get there, you take her by the hand.

"So, I was wondering..."

"Yes?" Lucy asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Well... would you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes!" She squeals, hugging you.

Lucy pulls back and suddenly slumps a little bit. "Oof, all that food has finally caught up with me and I'm exhausted. Can I stay with you tonight?"

"Of course," You nod.

The two of you head inside and upstairs, where you sit on your bed together. You wrap your arm around her shoulder and she lies her head on your chest.

Lucy gently rubs her hands over her swollen belly, gently moaning and occasionally burping. The smell of food is still very strong on her, but it's a nice smell. Happy, even.

You stare at her stomach, watching as her hands move around it. She must feel really sick, because she's being gentle with her stomach. You run your hand through her hair, while she closes her eyes and relaxes in your arms.

The two of you sit like that until you hear a quiet yawn. Looking down, you see that it's nearly 3am, and you've been lying there for nearly 8 hours.

> You cuddle up with Lucy and sleep until the morning.

You smile as you see Lucy lying there sleeping. She's beautiful. You gently wake her up.

"Hey," you say, kissing her cheek.

She opens her eyes and stretches.

> You bring Lucy breakfast in bed.

"Hey, sleepyhead," you say, "you want some breakfast?"

"Mmmm... yes please," Lucy grins.

You head to the kitchen and begin cooking breakfast. You cook bacon, an egg and some toast, enough for two people.

> You feed the breakfast to Lucy.

"You like French toast?" you ask, gently touching her shoulder.

"Yes please," she replies.

You gently feed the piece of bread to Lucy, who eagerly eats it.

"Thank you."

You smile as you feed the other piece of bread to Lucy. You gently begin to feed her again, but she holds up a hand.

"I got it, I got it," she smiles.

Lucy polishes off the rest of the breakfast and wipes her face. Suddenly, she reaches out and grabs your crotch.

"You have a boner."

"I do."

"Can I feel it?" she asks.


Should you allow Lucy to touch your dick or not?

> You take off your pants.

You pull off your pants and boxers, before helping Lucy to sit up. She props herself on her elbow as she runs her hand up and down your shaft.

"Mmmm... that feels good."

She slowly lowers her head and runs her tongue up the underside of your dick. She opens her mouth and envelops your dick with it, sucking lightly as she runs her hand along your thighs.


You grab her head and push it further onto you, forcing it in further as her eyes widen. You start slow, before speeding up as she goes along with it. You keep your grip tight, not wanting her to stop.

"Oh... shit," you grunt, as you start to feel close.

You thrust in and out of her mouth as she eagerly accepts you.

"I'm going to... oh shit!" you grunt, as you feel closer than you have before.

You thrust in and out of her mouth a few more times as you blast a load down her throat. She eagerly accepts it all, before laying back down and snuggling into the blankets.

Lucy licks her lips and looks at you, saying "You tasted amazing baby, but now it's my turn. Get under these sheets and eat me out" s she grabs your hand and places it onto her stomach.

"Now, do it," she commands.

You slowly move your hand down, as Lucy moans in joy.

> You run your fingers across Lucy's body, and start teasing her pussy.

You slowly slide your hand down, as Lucy's breathing intensifies.

"Oh yeah, going to tease that clit..." she groans.

You gently rub it as she begins to grind her hips into your hand, as you slide it slowly back up.

"Ugh, going to... oh fuck!" she moans.

She grits her teeth as she slams her hips upward, and a second later you feel something wet hit your hand.

"Fuck... did I do it again?"

"You came again."

"I did?"

"You're leaking wet."

"Oh my god, I'm actually generating a fluid?"

As the excitement increases in your head, you feel another wetness hit your hand.

"You are so ready for me."

You slide your fingers into her as she begins to moan loudly. You reach your hand down and begin to grind into her as you thrust your fingers into her, hearing her grunt in ecstasy.

"Fuck me harder... oh shit... fuck!" she moans.

> You start licking Lucy's clit.

You slide your tongue along her clit as you finger-fuck her, and she begins slamming her hips into your face.

"Oh shit... keep going... don't stop..." she moans.

You continue pleasuring her like this for a while, and she continues to be immersed in ecstasy. Eventually, your mouth is completely drenched in her fluids, but you don't care. You decide to taste her sweetness directly, as you flick your tongue across her clit.

"Shit... oh my god!" she screams, as loud as she can.

You quickly remove your hand, and she whimpers.

"Don't stop... do it again..." she pants.

So you do.

The second your tongue touches her clit, she yelps and grabs a hold of the sheets, hard. She continues to moan and scream in ecstasy as you continue to lick her. Soon enough, she begins to tense up, and you can feel her begin to release. As you continue to suck on her clit, her legs shake and she begins to release a load of thick honey into your mouth.

"Ah... fuck... my clit... mmmm..." she cries.

"Did you enjoy that?" you ask, enjoying the taste of her honey.

"Ohhh yess...!"

> You lay next to Lucy, and collapse in exhaustion.

Lucy smiles as she lays next to you.

"You were... amazing..." she pants.

"That good, huh?"

"That good."

You pause, staring at the ceiling. You hear Lucy groan as she moves her body.

"You have no idea how good."

You laugh, and so does she.

"So, now what?" you ask.

"Now what?"

> You say "I could get used to this, feeding and fucking one seriously hot girl..."

"You could get used to this, feeding and fucking one seriously hot girl."

"Sounds good to me," you say.

With these words, she falls asleep.


One year passes. You and Lucy develop your routine of passionate feeding and lovemaking, and Lucy quickly piles on the pounds. By your one year anniversary, she has become quite fat, with a doughy stomach, huge hips, and of course big soft tits. She loves every ounce she's gained, and couldn't be happier to be getting fat for your pleasure.

To celebrate your anniversary, you take her to a fancy restaurant.

Between bites of a decadent feast, you talk about Lucy's modeling career. Shortly after you started dating, she got picked up for a "fit to fat" program, and she has proven to be very popular. Her fans love seeing her eat bigger and bigger portions, and before you know it, she's stuffed into a stretched out size 18. She says the constant travel is tiring, but she doesn't mind.

You both finish eating. You've stuffed yourself silly, and can feel your waistband digging into your belly. Lucy put away even more, and her dress looks ready to pop. She places her hand on it, and smiles.

"Time for me to go home and pig out some more, my love."

"You're only here for one reason," you say.

> You squeeze into a taxi and head home, snuggling with Lucy the whole way.

"I love you." You tell her.

"I love you too." Lucy replies.

The two of you hold each other for a few moments, not wanting to let go.

Suddenly you hear the doorbell ring. "Pizza's here!" You say. Lucy pulls away and heaves herself to her feet and moves to leave the room.... But her enormous hips get stuck in the doorframe. She begins to wiggle, and look down at herself.

"I can't get out." She says.

You brace yourself as best you can against Lucy's squishy hips and pull. She comes loose and you both tumble backwards. Lucy lands on top of you, squashing you under her massive ass and thighs. After you regain breathing abilities, you both look over at the door.

"I'll get it." You say, struggling to get up.

"Good idea."

> You kiss Lucy on the cheek, laugh, and open the door.

You stand up, and look over at the door. Standing in front of you is a massive, obese man holding a large pizza box.

You already paid online beforehand, so you take the stack of pizzas and shut the door.

"Three extra large, no olives, and put the anchovies on the side." You say to the man.

"Got it boss." He says, and walks off.

You lead Lucy into the living room, and she sits down on the couch while you go to the kitchen.

> You get two bottles of wine and go back to the living room.

You come back with two wine bottles, and sit down on the floor in front of Lucy.

"You're sitting on the couch." She says, giggling.

"No I'm not, come here." You say, patting the spot next to you.

"Ok." She replies, getting up and walking over. She sits down, and you both grab a slice of pizza.

"This is so good." Lucy says, moaning as she takes another bite of pizza.

You take another bite, then pause.

"Do you want some pepperoni?"

"Yeah." She says, as you grab another slice off the pizza and chuck it to her.

She catches it with ease and bites into it.

You and Lucy keep eating for a while. You each finish a whole pizza, and start to split the last one. You say, "Lucy, I'm so happy. It's just you, me, and some delicious food, and I couldn't ask for more."

"I'm happy too."

"You can't imagine how happy I was when you said you'd stay with me."

"I'll stay with you forever."

You laugh, "If we get much fatter then we will definitely be stuck together forever. And I'd be ok with that happening. You and me turning into a pair of huge fat blobs."

"That sounds like a beautiful ending to me."

You laugh, and take another sip of wine. You finish the bottle, then stand up. "We should probably go to bed now."


A few more years pass. Your massive weight gain has made you and Lucy worshiped among the fat-admirer community. Your fans buy some robots to keep you and Lucy fed and to help out around the house. The influence of Corpulex keeps you and Lucy mobile, but not very fast. You find your blubbery self atop Lucy, in the midst of a passionate fuck session.

"I think it's time for me to pop." You say.

"Do it in me." Lucy says, with a smile.

You grunt and heave, and start to reposition yourself. Lucy spreads her vast blubbery thighs as best she can and pulls up her waterbed belly. You flop your enormous gut on top of hers and slowly push your throbbing cock into her soft, wet pussy. Lucy looks up at you as you lift yourself up and slowly lower yourself into her.


You hold down Lucy's arms and start to rock your hips. Your thrusting sends jiggling waves through both of your massive bodies, which only excites you further. "Harder...fuck me harder!" Lucy shouts.

You pound into her for the next few minutes. Despite how fat you both are, you're more than strong enough to keep her in a submissive position. She can grab the edge of the bed, but other than that she doesn't really have much movement. Your blubber-filled bodies slap against each other, and with each impact you let out a grunt. You feel a tightening in your stomach, and you know you're getting close.

"Lucy...I'm gonna..."

"Cum inside me!" Lucy cries.

You grunt, and heft your fat body up off the floor. You grab her wrists once again and start to thrust harder and harder into her.

"I'm gonna...I'm gonna..."

You release your pent up energy and start to flood into her. With each pulse, you let out a powerful yell and shout,


"Fuck yeah!" Lucy shouts back.

The sound of your bodies slapping and grinding fills the room. You hold onto her wrists, and stare into her heavily make-up'ed eyes, as her chins quivers. This is followed by long minutes of not moving or doing anything.

Finally, you collapse forward. Lucy grabs a nearby wine bottle and pours some wine down her throat.

"I'm fucked up..." Lucy says, pouring more wine down her throat.

You laugh, and grab some wine for yourself. The two of you continue drinking and laughing for hours, and the sun begins to come up.

"I forgot how much I like drinking with you." You say.

"Yeah, and we're going to continue doing it a lot." Lucy replies with a smile.

The two of you kiss and end your night of debauchery.

You and Lucy eat some snacks before eventually drifting off to sleep. You're not sure how long you sleep for, but you eventually wake up.

"I'm not hearing any more snoring. Are you awake?" Lucy says from her bed.

You sit up and look at the two of you. You see that her breathing is even and she's not moving. You look down and see that her head is resting on your belly.

"I...guess I fell asleep." You say.

"Yep. I know how to make you sleepy too." Lucy says, and snuggles against you.

A thought crosses your mind. You say to Lucy, "Honey, I just realized - I think we could make a push for becoming the world's fattest couple."

"You mean it?"

> You say "Absolutely. We're fat as fuck already, and not slowing down. Let's go for the record."

"Hell yeah!" Lucy replies, and snuggles against you.

You kiss her and tell her to go back to sleep. She complies, though not without saying "I love you" before closing her eyes.

"I love you too." You reply.

You stand up and begin heading to the kitchen.

You bring back a massive smorgasbord of decadent, greasy treats. You and Lucy eat every last scrap, feeding and stuffing each other until your bellies are painfully distended.

You both head to bed, full and happy. You've got the rest of your lives to gain more weight together.


About another year passes, and you've done it. Lucy hit the record for world's fattest woman, and you became the world's fattest man a few weeks later. Your efforts as a couple have ignited a media frenzy, and you've attracted a veritable cult of disciples drawn from those who admire your lavish displays of hedonism, excess, and self-indulgence.

You don't really give a shit though. You're happy. You've got a wonderful woman who loves you for who you are, and that's all you need.

Eventually, you and Lucy lean into your cult popularity and found a new religion. Based on the precept of "nobody goes hungry", a new era of compassion and understanding sweeps the globe, along with a ballooning in humanity's collective waistline.

You and your beloved could have ended up very differently. For whatever reason, the forces of destiny decided that you should meet, and unification was inevitable. Her love for chocolates, sweet drinks, and fries, and your love of eating them, meant that your bodies were never going to let you live without each other.

Together, you two lead a new generation of happy hedonists, placing happiness and fun before everything else. And why the hell not?

The end.