In Dulciubs Vero

Part 1


"Hey, you! C'mon in, it's been ages!"

Your longtime ladyfriend Cassandra beams at you from her front doorway. You barely have time to cross the threshold before she wraps you up in a chaste but pleasant hug. After returning the gesture (without getting handsy), you take a moment to get a good look at your old friend.

She's got the same brown doe eyes and infectious smile you remember, but her off-blonde hair is now clipped into a spunky pixie cut. Cass has lost some weight too. In fact she looks pretty darn fit- her legs are toned and shapely beneath a tight pair of shorts, and you can catch a glimpse of firm abs beneath the hemline of her short T-shirt.

"Good to see you too Cass, you look great! Sorry it's been so long, things have been crazy the last few months," You dutifully reply, while also feeling a twinge of guilt. The last time you'd seen Cass she was a touch chubby, and though you absolutely felt the extra pounds suited her, you could tell she hated the weight. You briefly cringe internally, also remembering some photoshops you'd recently made of Cass where she looked vastly fatter and... more sexually adventurous than you'd ever known her to be. Your guilt evaporates as the real, fit Cassandra replies to you, "No worries Anon. We'll have tons of time to catch up. Dinner's just about ready, you must be starving!"

"I am actually, thanks again for having me over," You respond with a smile, following her into the kitchen. As you take in Cass' house, you can't help but feel a bit overwhelmed. The place looks so different from the last time you were here. Much homier and cozier, including a sumptuous leather lounger set in the living room.

"Your place looks nice," you say just as you reach the table, "Really settling in since the last time I was over, huh?"

Cassandra beams with pride as she fetches some hot-looking dishes. "Thank you! Yes, I've really been enjoying decorating and making this place my own. It feels so good to finally have some stability in my life."

You sit down at the table, taking in the delightful aroma wafting from the dishes. Cassandra sets the food in front of you, a delicious-looking portion of fettuccine Alfredo with a side of garlic bread and a cheerfully colorful salad. Cass sits across from you with a portion that matches your own. She shoots you a wry smile and says, "Today's my cheat day, so I'm planning on really filling up. You down to stuff your face with me?"

"Sure, I'll join you," you reply with a chuckle, reaching for your fork. As you dig into the pasta, it's even more delicious than it looks. Cassandra seems to be enjoying it too, and the two of you make small talk about old times and shared memories. After a while, you start to notice something odd about the food. It's not that it tastes strange; in fact, it's even more delicious than before. However, you're starting to feel... different. Your stomach feels a bit bloated, and you're not sure why. You realize that between the two of you, you've eaten almost all of the pasta, and Cass made a big pot. You chalk up the overfull sensation to, well, being overfull with at least two dinners' worth of tasty calories. After all, Cass did just as much damage as you, and she looks to be in heaven. As you're about to ask Cassandra about the food, she lets out a contented sigh and says, "That was amazing, right? I just love making food for my friends. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

You feel a pang of guilt for even thinking about bringing up the weirdness of the food. Instead, you take a sip of water and lean back in your chair. Whatever was in the food, you feel amazing. Full, and heavy, but amazing. Cass is patting her trim tummy contentedly, and lets out a small burp. "That was some amazing food, Cass," you say, trying not to sound too out of breath, "I haven't felt this stuffed since, well, since the last time I was over. What did you put in this stuff?"

Cassandra chuckles softly, a blush creeping up on her cheeks. "Oh, nothing special. Mostly just lots of butter and garlic."

You chuckle back, and the two of you sit quietly, enjoying the aftermath of the meal for a few pleasant minutes.

Cass perks up first, seemingly recovering some energy.

"So, cake?" She asks, "Always room for some dessert, right?"

Your stomach groans in anticipation at the thought of more food, but you manage to nod in agreement.

"Aw, why the hell not?" You mutter, "You're gonna make me so fat, Cass,"

Cassandra giggles again, a bit nervously this time. "Yeah, well... I hope you like it. I made a special one just for us."

She gets up from her seat and heads to the kitchen. You hear some shuffling and clinking of dishes from the kitchen, and soon enough, Cassandra returns with a big, colorful cake. It's decorated with swirls of white and caramel frosting with rainbow sprinkles, and it looks absolutely astonishing. She places it on the table in front of you both with a proud smile. She hands you a dessert plate and a blunt knife, then motions towards the cake and says, "Cut yourself a slice, then I was thinking we could enjoy this out on the porch?" You nod, taking the knife and cutting yourself a large slice of the cake. The frosting is thick and creamy, and the cake itself resembles cheesecake, it's so dense. You steal a nibble of the frosting, and it's even better than you could have imagined. The sugar and cream seem to sink into your tongue, somehow leaving a feeling of excitement and sensitization in their wake. You look up and see Cass' face flicker with... some kind of odd emotion. Irritation maybe? You aren't sure, and it only lasts the barest moment.

The next beat, she's cutting herself a healthy slice of the vibrant cake and ushering you towards a set of sliding glass doors. The evening air is refreshing, humid and not quite cool. Cass' backyard is fairly secluded thanks to a few stands of droopy old oak trees, and you step carefully on the rough cobblestone patio. You scope out a comfy-looking metal chair, settle in, and turn your attention to your slice of cake. As you take your first proper bite of the sugary delight, you can't help but feel a strange sensation wash over you. It starts as a tingling in your stomach, then spreads outwards, making your whole body feel warm and fuzzy. "Hey Cass," you say, your voice slurring a bit, "Did you put something weird into this cake?" Cassandra's face darkens slightly, and she glances away. "I... might have added a little something extra," she admits, her voice quivering just a bit. "But it's just for tonight, okay? Just enjoy it."

Part of you realizes that you should follow up that oddly evasive answer, but a peculiar gluttonous urge drowns the notion. You take another bite of the cake, this time savoring the taste even more. You barely even think about Cassandra's weird response, your hand working basically on its own to keep shoveling this eerily good cake into your greedy mouth. A tiny voice in the back of your mind is now screaming alarm, but it can't cut through the haze of gleeful greed filling your senses.

As you continue to eat, the sensation grows stronger, and you start to feel oddly... full. Not just of food, but of something else as well. It's like your stomach is being filled with warmth and comfort, and at the same time, you feel strangely weightless, like you could float away. You barely even recall unbuttoning your pants, only noting a feeling of relief around your waist once you do. You're dimly aware that Cass seems to be watching you intently. Has she even eaten any of her cake? You poke at your plate and realize that most of the cake has gone down your throat. Without missing a beat, you lick the plate clean, moaning lasciviously as you swallow every last bit of the oddly alluring frosting. You feel an unfamiliar sensation spreading through your body as you finish off the last of the cake. It's almost like... euphoria? Contentment? And at the same time, your stomach feels like it's about to burst. You place your hand on your belly, feeling it grow bigger by the second.

"I'm so full..." you moan, marveling at how impossibly bloated and round your stomach is becoming. A bubbling, churning sensation seems to spread outwards from your stomach, creeping through your torso and into your limbs. You're caught off guard by a huge belch, sheepishly excusing yourself while Cass titters. Oddly, you don't feel any relief, only seeming thicker and more bloated. You glance down at yourself, noticing with growing disbelief that your clothes are straining against your body. Your shirt is stretched tight across your chest, revealing a creamy roll peeking out under your shirt. Your pants are practically painted onto your thighs, hugging your newly rounded ass cheeks. "Cass..." you groan, "What's going on?"

Cass gazes at you with a bizarre mix of hunger and amusement.

"What are you talking about?" She giggles, "Looks to me like you just ate a bit too much."

The bubbling, bloating sensation flooding your body isn't quite as distracting as whatever was in the cake, but you're still struggling to think. "Cass, this isn't funny. I've been plenty full before, but this isn't normal! My clothes are about to explode!"

Cassandra looks away, biting her lip as she struggles with her emotions. "I... I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. You really did deserve it, you know." She pauses, taking a deep breath before looking back at you. "But enough about that." Despite the euphoric sensation of your.... expansion, your fight or flight reflexes are kicking in, and your head is rapidly clearing. You feel a seam pop in your pants, and you experience the novel sensation of your growing belly rolling over your waistband.

"Deserve what?" You demand.

"Fucking deserve what, Cass!?"

Cassandra looks at you, her eyes wide with fear and shame. "I... I hexed the cake. It's making you fat." She whispers. Somehow you suspected exactly as much, but hearing it said out loud leaves you speechless. You loose another curse-powered belch, and your shirt rides up a bit more. The night air at least feels refreshing on your burgeoning flesh.

"Why?" Is all you can muster in response to Cass' incredible admission.

Cassandra looks down at the floor, her face flushed with embarrassment. "Because... because I wanted to hurt you. I know it's wrong, but... I've been so angry with you lately. Every time I see those disgusting photos of me, it feels like a knife in my gut." At this point you're beginning to feel noticeably heavier. Your clothes are still somehow clinging to your body, but the seams have begin snapping at a drumbeat pace.

"Pictures? Cass, what the fuck...."

Then it hits you.

"How on earth did you find those? Were you spying on me? Cass! Cassandra! How did you know?"

Cassandra looks up at you, her eyes filled with tears. "I... I am so sorry. I've been using magic to keep tabs on you. I didn't mean to see those, but I accidentally stumbled across them. I tried to ignore them, but every time I thought about them, it just made me more angry."

Based on how heavy and soft you feel, you briefly muse that you must've somehow put on at least a hundred pounds. And the cake hex shows no signs of stopping. Just how fat is Cass' hex going to make you? You groan and grit your teeth, trying to focus through the magic's perverse euphoria. It would be truly transcendent in a less dire situation.

"Cass, why do you care what sort of dumb horny photoshops I make in the privacy of my own computer? It's not like I was sharing those or anything!"

"I... I know. I shouldn't have cared. But every time I saw those, it felt like you were laughing at me. Like you thought I was disgusting." She takes a deep breath, her chest heaving with emotion. She's hiding something, but you have no idea how to pry out the truth. One of your pant legs finally gives up the ghost, and your newly-chunky thigh and hip explode outwards. It's honestly a huge relief, and it's also seriously distracting. You lose precious seconds and rack up yet more chub trying to resettle your brain.

Eventually you manage to muster a response, swinging for the fences, "Cass, I thought you were really sexy when you were chubby."

Cassandra looks up at you, her eyes widening in shock. "You... you did?" She whispers. It's clear she didn't expect that response. "But I've always been so ashamed of it. Of how I looked." She shakes her head, tears starting to well up in her eyes. "I just..." She looks up at you, fury in her eyes.

"You're lying. You're fucking lying to save your sorry fat ass."

"Cass, no -"

"Shut the fuck up," she hisses, "I know you, Anon, I know you were laughing at me, laughing at what a disgusting fat hog you thought I was!"

You feel a rush of anger and hurt as Cassandra lashes out at you. But her words only confirm your suspicion. She truly believes you were laughing at her, when in fact, it was the opposite. "Cass, I... You were my wing-woman when I was picking up huge girls at bars! So many times!" you say, fully infusing your words with hurt and defensiveness.

Cassandra looks at you, her face twisted in confusion and anger. "I don't understand," she says, her voice shaking. "Fat chicks were just easier lays, right?"

You feel a moment of triumph as she looks at you, genuinely confused. This is your chance to set the record straight. Your other pant leg has exploded too at this point, and you're feeling the armrests of your chair against your increasingly-plush hips. Your shirt probably isn't long for this world either, but at least your boxer shorts seem to be holding together somehow.

"Cass, I realize now that I never explicitly spelled this out for you, and I know how fucking weird this sounds given how much we've been through together, but," you take a deep breath, laboring against your weightier chest, and continue, "Cass, I like fat chicks. God's honest truth."

You wait for Cassandra to process this revelation, but she just stares at you, tears streaming down her face. You reach out to her, trying to comfort her, but she recoils, pushing you away. "I can't believe you," she whispers, her voice barely more than a hoarse croak. You watch as Cassandra struggles to comprehend your confession, her emotions a whirlwind of hurt, confusion, and anger. Despite your best efforts to comfort her, she remains distant and withdrawn. The cake hex continues to gurgle away, causing your body to balloon up further with each passing moment. A large part of you wants to withdraw into the bubbling expansion sensations suffusing your body, but you manage to stay in the moment somehow.

Cass works her hands, deliberately flexing and clenching them, while visibly flipping through several very strong emotions on her face. After several interminable seconds, she settles on one that freezes your blood. Cass cocks her head to the side, her mouth pulled into a wide toothy grin and her honeyed eyes glinting with what you can only call sadism.

"That doesn't matter," she says in a tone you've never heard from her before. "Because this isn't just about me. You made those weird horny fat photoshops of so many of my girlfriends... Tina with beach ball tits, Erin with rolls spilling off a bed, Trish with hips wider than double-doors..."

You're actually frozen in panic as Cass looms over you, gripping your now-chubby wrists and pinning them against the armrests. Fuck, she's actually a lot stronger than you remember!

"I'm going to stuff your face with this hexed cake until you're fatter than a fucking house. Then you're going to tell all of your friends just what a degenerate fucking pervert you are. And only, maybe then, if you grovel hard enough, I'll consider turning you normal again..." Your heart races as Cassandra's words sink in. You feel your body continuing to inflate, the mass of your rapidly expanding girth causing the chair to creak and groan under your weight. You struggle against her pinning, but between her newfound strength and your newly heavy, ham-like arms, it's no use. Cassandra leers down at you, smirking dirtily as she surveys your still-growing body. You're definitely well past obese now- your belly is covering your groin and starting to eat up your lap, your thighs feel squishier by the second, you feel a freshly-burgeoning set of moobs threatening to finally end your tortured shirt, your arms jiggle madly with every little movement, and you can feel your face getting rounder and chubbier in real-time. Honestly were it not for Cass' weird psycho turn, you'd actually find your transformation oddly fun. You struggle against her grip, feeling your once-familiar body turning into a bloated, jiggling mass of lard. "Cass, please," you plead, your voice thick and muffled by your rapidly swelling face. "I'm sorry. I never meant for you to find out like this..."

Cassandra's expression softens slightly at your plea, but she shakes her head. "It doesn't matter," she says, her voice wavering. "You deserve this." You never would have considered yourself especially good at thinking under pressure, but somehow, at this absolutely insane moment, something switches on in your brain. Lesser men might have simply gone mad at the revelation that magic is real, and they've just been subjected to a pretty strong hex. Somehow, here and now, this is just a datapoint to you.

The bubbling, expanding feeling of the cake's magic seems to be slowing down, but you're still now massive. Maybe five hundred pounds? Datapoint.

There's something off about Cass' eyes - maybe it's wishful thinking, but something tells you that the Cass you know isn't actually in the driver's seat. Another datapoint.

You see that second slice of cake, sitting on a small plate on the porch table, untouched. Perhaps Cass isn't immune to her own hex?

Her grip is insanely strong, but your wrists have gotten so chubby that she can't actually wrap her hands around them. Does she not notice this?

In a matter of seconds, a plan comes together. You feel the bubbling feeling within you finally recede, leaving only the sensation of heavy, warm chub. Cass notices this too, and flashes a devilish smile.

"Uh oh, looks like fatty Anon's first dessert has finally settled. But you still look so skinny!" she laughs at her own joke.

You need to lower her guard a bit. Hopefully she's still deep in a power fantasy. You make a show of groaning and writhing pathetically in the chair, whining, "Cass, please, aren't I fat enough already?"

Cassandra's eyes light up at your pathetic display, and she chuckles, "Oh, you think you're fat now? Just wait until you've had a taste of my real magic." She takes your bait and releases your wrists, seemingly assuming that your fattened arms are now useless. Cass giggles insanely and turns away from you, retrieving the next slice of the cursed cake from the porch table.

You quickly take stock of your strength, flexing your arms and legs. They're a fuckload heavier than before, that's for sure, but with the adrenaline surging through your veins, you're banking that you've got the muscle for one single gambit.

Cassandra brings the second slice of cake over to you, leering as she teases, "Here you go, fatty. This one's for you." She loads a fork with a glistening morsel of the dessert and proffers it towards you, clearly intending to hand feed you.

For the briefest moment you're tempted to submit to her twisted ministrations, but your willpower wins out. Just before the fork can reach your lips, you reach up and wrap your pudgy hand around Cass' wrist. She blinks and hesitates for just a beat, and you make your move.

You heave your flabby torso backwards, pulling Cass' arm over your shoulder. The fork clatters to the porch and she loses her footing, landing against your chub with a "meep!"

You then heave your bulk forwards, praying you'd put in enough leg-days for a moment like this. You charge up and forwards from your chair, roughly bowling Cass to the ground, and firmly pinning her under your new soft bulk. Cassandra gasps as you wrestle her to the ground, her disbelief quickly turning to fear. "W-What are you doing?" she stammers, her eyes wide with shock. You can feel her struggling weakly underneath you, but it's clear she's having trouble moving against your newfound weight.

Her fear turns to anger. "You asshole! You fat fuck! You pervert jerk-off! Get off of me!"

"No," you reply simply, and wrestle Cass' free hand beneath your gut, more or less locking it in place.

Cassandra snarls and growls, spitting curses at you, and you notice the cake laying on the ground, still mostly intact. You feel a twinge of guilt for what you're about to do, but tell yourself "fight or flight, and running isn't in the cards". You reach towards the cursed dessert, grunting as you stretch. Somehow the cake has basically held its shape, and you easily retrieve it. Unable to turn her head, Cass continues raging until you bring the cake to her.

Her stream of invective cuts off instantly, replaced by abject panic.

"Anon, don't you fucking dare!" Cass almost shrieks.

"Turnabout is fair play, Cass," you reply flatly, then begin cramming the hexed cake into Cass' mouth. Cassandra squirms and writhes underneath you, trying desperately to dislodge your flabby form, but she can't move you. She chokes and gags on the cake, tears streaming down her face as she realizes what you're doing. A moment later, she sighs and closes her eyes contentedly, as the devilishly good flavor of the cake fills Cass' senses. She stops resisting, and begins actively trying to force more of the cake into her mouth. She even bites your fingers more than once and greedily sucks every last trace of the frosting from your fingers and palm. After a few moments of this, Cass is breathless and your hand is covered in saliva, but the cake is gone. You check your fingers for broken skin, then grunt as you push yourself off of Cass, finally allowing her to get free. She pants heavily, her eyes unfocused as she stares at you.

"Why... why did you do that?" Tears resume rolling down her cheeks as the fattening effect rapidly takes hold. "Anon... No..."

In moments the definition of her muscles has vanished and a modest roll of chub is already bulging over her waistband.

"Fine... You win again Anon. You fucking win..." Cass whispers raggedly, then begins sobbing wordlessly as her body rapidly fattens, much faster than yours did. Cassandra's words sting, but you can't bring yourself to feel too bad about what you've done. She sullenly pulls herself to a sitting position and strips off her shorts with a hint of difficulty. She continues sniffling and crying, seemingly accepting the transformation you've just forced on her. You watch in silence as Cassandra grabs a handful of her now ample ass cheek and squeezes it sadly. Her once firm and toned body is rapidly turning into a curvy, jiggly mass of fat. The tears keep streaming down her cheeks as she struggles to comprehend what has just happened. In under a minute, she's plumped back to where she was the last time you saw her: thick, jiggly thighs, a modest rounded belly, and plump boobs barely contained by her bra. Cass appears to be in discomfort from her increasingly restrictive bra. She glares at you and spits, "Here, have a free peep show, shithead."

Cass fluidly strips off her shirt and unhooks her bra, flinging it approximately at you with manifest contempt, before shielding her burgeoning tits with an arm. You feel a pang of guilt for what you've done, but also a sense of satisfaction. You watch as Cassandra's breasts push against her arm, growing larger and more rounded with each passing moment. The rest of her is steadily becoming larger and softer too. Hips and ass creeping outwards, belly starting to erode her lap, thighs and arms seemingly wobbling while at rest. It would be impossibly arousing were it not for the stale adrenaline leaking out of your system.

As she continues to balloon and glare at you, you break the silence.

"Cass, you have to know that I'm not sorry. You forced my hand, and I didn't know what else you were capable of."

Cassandra sighs deeply, her body shuddering slightly with each heavy breath. She looks away from you, seeming to be lost in thought for a moment before speaking. "I know, Anon. I know. It's just... I don't know what I was thinking..." Ok, old Cass is definitely back in control. You hear a gurgling sound in her now pillowy gut, and Cassandra belches, feeling the magic's side effects. In spite of herself, she begins gently rubbing her gut. Her eyes close and a wave of contentment visibly washes over her obese form.

"Why does this feel so good?" she moans to herself, her hands caressing and squeezing her abundant curves and rolls. You can't help but feel a twinge of arousal yourself, despite the guilt. You're not sure what to do or say next. Cassandra seems to be lost in the sensation of her own growing weight and the expansion magic. You decide that you feel jealous that she gets to experience the sensual magic without somebody menacing her. In but a moment or two more, she's blown past your own huge size. Each of Cass' thighs has to now be bigger than her waist was, her tits eclipsing watermelons, her huge doughy belly filling her lap and gently folding onto itself with an upper roll. Her face has rounded out so much and added such a chunky double chin that she almost looks like a different woman, and her arms are so flabby and pillowy you're kind of surprised she can still move them. Cassandra appears to be enjoying the sensation of her rapidly expanding form, seemingly lost in a mix of pleasure and disbelief. Her eyes flutter open, and she takes a deep breath, "This feels... indescribable," she gasps, her voice barely above a whisper.

You decide to be somewhat gracious, despite everything.

"Right?" you say gently. "This could have honestly been really fun to explore together, Cass. It's incredible that you've found this power, and it's really upsetting that your first use of it was to turn it against me."

You slap your huge beer gut for emphasis, trying not to enjoy the ripple it sends through your body. Cassandra looks at you, her eyes filled with a mixture of regret and curiosity. "I know, I know. It's just that I never thought I would be able to do something like this. It's... addicting," she admits, running her hands through her sticky hair. "But you're right."

At about this time you notice that the telltale gurgling from within Cassandra seems to have stopped, and the swelling of her body with it.

If you're fat, then she's massive. For all the world, the term that comes to your mind is "blob-like". Almost every bit of Cass is now round, flabby, dimply, jiggly. She's breathing heavily just sitting on the patio, and she can't be comfortable.

"Addicting?" you ask, "That's an interesting term to use here."

"Let's get inside before somebody sees us," she replies flatly.

You slowly haul yourself to your feet. Without an adrenaline turbocharge, you finally feel every new pound, groaning as you straighten up. You awkwardly waddle towards Cass, struggling to get to grips with your newly fattened thighs, your adjusted center of gravity, and the pendulous swaying of your new apron belly.

You're already on the verge of huffing and puffing when you reach Cass and offer her a hand. She heaves herself over to hands and knees, slowly rising to her feet and accepting your aid. She's now even heavier than she looks, and she nearly pulls you from your feet.

Superfat Cass finally straightens up, her face flushed from the otherwise simple movement. Between shallow breaths, she says, "We've... Both wronged each other.... I owe you... At least one... Explanation..."

Though you fear you barely have the strength to move yourself, you find that you're offering a supporting hand to Cass. She takes your hand in her own, and before you can dwell on how delightfully warm and pudgy it is, the two of you have waddled back into Cass' living room. You close the sliding door behind you, and she closes the blinds. You place a hand against the wall, trying to catch your breath and process what just happened. You feel a wave of embarrassment as you realize that your boxer shorts disappeared or disintegrated at some point during your rapid fattening, but at least your hanging gut covers your junk.

Cass immediately begins waddling away from you. As you watch the jello sacks that are her ass and things quake and wobble with each step, you quickly realize that Cass' panties disappeared too. She raises a blubbery arm and wheezily calls back at you, "Stay there for a sec... I'll get us some clothes..."

You lean against the wall, taking slow, deep breaths to try and calm yourself. Your heart rate is still elevated from the adrenaline rush, but you feel the fatigue settling in now that it's starting to wear off. Soon after, Cass emerges from her bedroom wrapped in a thin flowery bathrobe. The garment is obviously quite large, but it still barely covers her. Cass takes a few shuffling steps towards you, then tosses a wadded-up ball of black fabric at you. As you catch the fabric, you realize it's a robe, maybe about the same size as Cass'. This one is in some satiny black material with subtle vine designs embroidered in black thread. Beggars can't be choosers, and you also convince yourself that the robe is unisex. You nod your thanks and begin to struggle into it. The fabric is soft and cool against your skin, though the garment is a touch too small for you. You fiddle with the belt and front panels, eventually compromising on a fit that covers your waist, but exposes most of your sweaty, flabby chest. At least you feel semi-decent now. As you adjust your robe, you notice Cass is still standing there, looking at you. Her expression is difficult to read, but there's something akin to concern mixed with something else - maybe... appreciation? You break the stalemate with a question of your own, "Cass, why do you have plus-sized clothes? These robes would have been way too big for you even back when you were chubby."

Cassandra looks away for a moment, clearly uncomfortable with the question. When she looks back at you, there's a mix of emotions on her face - shame, embarrassment, and perhaps a hint of defiance. She takes a deep breath before answering. "I... I've been hiding my actual weight from everyone."

You raise an eyebrow, surprised by this revelation. "What do you mean? You've maybe been a bit chubby, but I never thought it was that bad."

Cassandra shakes her head, clearly frustrated with herself. "No, you don't understand." She pauses for a moment, gathering her thoughts. "I... I've been using magic to make myself appear thinner than I really am. I've gotten so fat that it's become harder and harder to maintain the illusion." She looks at you beseechingly, as if begging for understanding. You don't know what to say. The conversation is increasingly uncomfortable, both from the subject matter, and from the unfamiliar strain of moving around at about triple your normal weight. Cass is blushing deeply, and all of her considerable exposed skin is shiny with sweat.

"Anon, can we sit?" She pleads, "You're obviously exhausted, and I'm even bigger than you right now."

You nod, still a bit stunned by the revelation. Together, you both struggle to make your way over to the couch. The leather creaks ominously under your combined weight, but it holds. You sink down into the cushions with a sigh of relief, panting slightly from the effort. Cass' hips practically ooze outwards as she properly settles onto the cushions, and despite your efforts to give her some space, your own expanded hips brush up against hers. You look over at Cassandra, noticing how most of her body is flushed and sweaty from the exertion. Despite the discomfort of being so incredibly fat, you can't help but feel a strange sense of connection with her in this moment. You clear your throat, trying to find the right words to say.

Cass speaks up first, "I wasn't mistaken when I broke out the word 'addicting' earlier. I've been using the skinny illusion spell for, oh maybe about a year. My real weight just keeps getting harder and harder to manage... It's been a while since I weighed myself, but I'm actually well north of three hundred pounds... It's like my body is starting to resist and rebel against being skinny..."

As you listen to Cassandra's confession, you can't help but feel a mix of emotions. You're surprised, of course, but you're more intrigued, hungry for any scrap of information about actual, verifiable, real magic being put to use for some tangible end.

You simply let your friend unburden herself. "This was a long time coming, I guess," she continues, "It really kind started a few years back, right after I helped you slim down, actually."

In spite of yourself, you chuckle at the memory, and reminisce. "Yep, the college freshman fifteen became a sophomore fifty, and landing at a desk job didn't do my waistline any favors." You smile at Cassandra, remembering how she helped you set up meal plans and would browbeat you into sticking with workouts.

"I don't get it though," you admit, "Right out of college you were basically a fitness queen..."

"And you're wondering what happened?" She interjects.

Your silence answers affirmative.

"Well..." Cassandra begins, looking away awkwardly. She absentmindedly wobbles her massive gut as she considers her next words.

"I'm honestly not sure. It's like my metabolism just crashed when I turned twenty five, but I know that couldn't have happened!"

Cass' voice is strained, it's clearly upsetting for her to revisit these events, but she persists. "I did literally everything I could. I wore biometrics monitors, I weighed literally everything I put in my mouth, I lifted, I ran, I did yoga, swimming, all kinds of exercises and every day. Nope, the number on the scale kept going up."

As you listen to Cassandra's story, you feel a pang of empathy for her. You know how hard she's worked to maintain her fitness, and it must've been devastating for her to watch it all slip away.

"I'm sorry, Cass."

"My dumbass ex, Kyle, was zero help. Fucking himbo could eat nothing but butter and beer and still have a six-pack. Of course he didn't understand. He'd get annoyed when I watched what I ate, he'd scold me about my weight if I ever dared to indulge at all. I just couldn't fucking win..."

You can see the hurt and frustration in Cassandra's eyes as she recounts her ex's insensitivity.

Her eyes go distant as she thinks for a bit. "You know... I think all of that stress and frustration made me go a little crazy."

You grab heaping handfuls of your lardy gut and shake it for emphasis, "This is past a 'little' crazy, Cass."

Cassandra laughs, but there's an edge of hysteria to it. "Touche. But in my defense I didn't instantly jump to this level."

"I was snooping around an old bookstore. Not even sure why, maybe I thought there was some arcane archaic diet trick that might work."

She stares ahead, and you see her doughy chest rise and fall with a shaky deep breath.

"'Arcane' was the right word. I found what purported to be a spell book. I don't know why I thought it would help. Maybe I thought it would be funny."

As Cassandra continues to speak, her cheeks redden, and she looks away sheepishly. "It wasn't until later that night, when I tried out what was supposed to be a 'beginner' spell. It was actually that scrying spell."

"It's..." Cass' voice hitches, "It's supposed to 'lock on' to whoever you're thinking of..."

"Cass..." You gasp, putting the pieces together.

Cassandra's confession comes tumbling out, words on top of each other, "I was in a bad headspace, I just couldn't stop thinking about how much better you would be than Kyle and why did we have to just be friends and then...."

She sobs once.

"...and then suddenly I could see into your room, almost like it was a TV screen in my mind, and what do I see but you photoshopping my face onto some fat bitch of a pornstar!"

You watch as Cassandra's face turns a deeper shade of red, and she wipes away tears with a fat arm, but they keep flowing. You can feel more than see the hurt and betrayal in her eyes.

"Cass, I know 'sorry' doesn't begin to help, but..."

She cuts you off, "I know. It's ok. I believe you now when you said you didn't mean anything by it. But at the time..."

She takes a ragged breath, her whole body subtly wobbling, "I thought you were better, I thought you were different... At that time I thought you were making fun of me, just like everyone else."

You feel a spike in your heart as you see the pain and disappointment on Cassandra's face. You know she's right; you never intended to hurt her. You reach out to her, placing a comforting hand on the jumble of folds that is her knee.

"I'm sorry, Cass. I never meant to make you feel that way," you say with sincerity. "But in my defense, you were spying on me."

Cass grimaces briefly with annoyance, but she clearly knows you're right.

"That spell book was fucking loaded with warnings, you know," she admits, "Being able to do things you normally can't, knowing things you normally shouldn't... The authors kept saying that good sorcerers needed utmost virtue to stave off disaster... Heh, guess I'm pretty short of 'utmost', huh?"

She sniffs and wipes her eyes, then laughs shakily, "Well, fuck virtue, I guess. At least we're both sharing some deep secrets."

You chuckle softly and shake your head, "Cass, about that. I'm still really hurt and betrayed that you could cook up something like this cake plot and invite me over under false pretenses. I'm honestly still in disbelief that you could be so cold-hearted."

Cassandra's face falls again, and she looks away guiltily. "I know. I'm sorry, I really didn't mean for it to go that far. I just... I don't know. I was so angry and frustrated and hurt and sad, it's like... Something snapped inside me, or something woke up. Something devious..."

She trails off, her voice quivering. "I just wanted to make you feel the way I did, even just a little bit- some shame, some embarrassment... I wanted to hurt you back, but not really. I don't know. It was like I was possessed or something." That weird twinkle is in her eye again, but you let Cass keep going.

"I don't think I had a plan. Feed you the whole cake, make you impossibly fat, then...?" She smirks, mostly to herself, and whispers, "Then you couldn't ever run away from me, and I could take care of you forever, and you'd be mine... Only mine..."

"Cass, what are you saying?" You whisper in disbelief.

Cassandra turns her chubby face to look at you, then opens her mouth, but before she can say anything, there's a firm knocking at the door. You both jump at the sound, exchanging nervous glances. You laboriously get up from your seat and walk towards the door, feeling a bit unsteady due to your newfound weight. You reach out and turn the handle, opening the door to reveal a tall, broad-shouldered man with short black hair and piercing blue eyes.

"This is the residence of one Cassandra Rosenthal, correct?" The man asks crisply. It wasn't obvious in the dim light, but you quickly make out the uniform elements and realize you're speaking with a police officer.

Cass calls back from the living room, "Uhh, yes, sir! I'll be there in a moment, hang on please..."

You stand awkwardly in front of the officer has you both hear Cass huff, heave, and eventually waddle her way towards the door. She's wrapped a blanket around her shoulders to try and preserve some decency (and maybe mask her corpulent figure a bit). As Cass approaches, her face is flushed with embarrassment and exertion. She clears her throat nervously before speaking to the officer. "Umm, hi. Yes, I'm Cassandra Rosenthal. How can I help you today?"

The officer looks her up and down, taking in her considerable bulk. He then looks at you and raises an eyebrow.

"Am I interrupting anything?" He asks, deadpan.

You shake your head quickly, hoping to dismiss the idea that anything inappropriate is going on. "No, officer, we were just chatting. Is something amiss?" You say, trying to maintain a neutral tone.

The officer nods slowly, his eyes swiveling towards Cassandra. "Miss Rosenthal."

"We received a domestic disturbance complaint regarding this address. The report suggested that there was a verbal altercation and maybe a bit of a scuffle. Do you know anything about that?"

You feel your heart skip a beat as you glance at Cassandra, her face flushed with embarrassment and exertion, but her expression exuding a certain air of calm and command. She chuckles, "Oh, I see. That makes sense." Cass regards the officer, now bearing a confident smile, and explains, "So... my boyfriend here and I were feeling a little frisky, and we decided to play around with some roleplay and a bit of roughhousing. Guess we got a little too rowdy, sorry about that."

Cass grabs a big handful of your chunky ass for emphasis. You jump a little, but also smirk appropriately. The officer looks between you both, considering her explanation. His expression is difficult to read, but he doesn't seem entirely convinced. Maybe he's wrestling with the unbidden mental picture of two jiggly, sweaty fatasses enthusiastically fucking. The officer fixes his eyes on you, "Sir, is that explanation true?"

You and Cass have lied for each other plenty of times in the past, so you have no trouble following her lead for the cover story.

"Yes, officer. Guess we just got a little out of hand," you chuckle. As you speak, Cassandra nods in agreement, her gaze never leaving the officer's. She leans against you slightly, tenderly placing a chubby hand on your chest. Your heart races at her touch, but you keep your cool. The officer seems to hesitate for a moment, then finally nods.

"Alright. Just be mindful of your behavior in the future." You and Cass make acknowledging noises, and the policeman steps away from the doorway. "I think we're done here. Stay out of trouble, and have a nice evening, you two."

As the officer leaves, Cassandra leans closer to you, her breath warm on your neck. "Damn, I didn't think we were that loud back in the porch. At least we could talk that cop down," She says with a nervous laugh, her hand still resting on your chest. You really want to sit back down even after this brief exchange, but something demands your immediate attention.

"Cass," you start, laying a hand on top of hers on your bare chest, "When you told that cop I was your boyfriend..."

No turning back. Deep breath.

"It felt.... Right. Hearing you call me your boyfriend, even if you were lying to a cop. I..."

Cassandra looks at you with surprise, her eyes softening as she realizes what you're asking. "You mean...?" she trails off, her voice almost a whisper.

You nod, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness. "Yeah, Cass. I'd like to know how you feel about me too."

Cassandra looks at you, her face flushing slightly as she processes your request. She takes a deep breath, her chest heaving with every ragged inhale and exhale. You can see the conflict in her eyes, but ultimately, she nods slowly. "Okay," she says softly. "I..."

"Before we got interrupted... I was going to say..."

Another breath.

"I think I have a bit of a yandere streak, and I wanted... you... Anon..." Your breath catches. A fresh twinge of fear at the word "yandere".

Cass continues, her pace picking up, "I wanted to confess my crush to you, but I was so worried about fucking up our friendship. Then I learned my spying spell and I saw those photoshops you made of me and I didn't know if you were actually into me and I still wanted you in spite of that..."

Cass doesn't seem to be breathing as she adds, "So I'd make a situation where I could just overload you with doting and attention, fatten you up to where you couldn't turn me down! Hahaha....." That creepy, wide-eyed stare has seeped back in as Cass starts to get manic.

You feel your heart racing as she confesses, her words tumbling out in a rush. You can't help but notice the desperation and obsessiveness behind her confession, which unnerves you. Despite this, you're touched by her vulnerability and honesty. But first, she needs to calm down.

You place your hands on either side of Cass' round face, gently squishing her chubby cheeks. You only barely resist the urge to play with her soft jowls.

"Cass, slow down. Take a breath," you command. Cassandra takes a deep breath, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she tries to calm herself. She looks up at you, her brown eyes wide and pleading.

"I'm sorry," she whispers. "I just... I've wanted you for so long, and I was so scared of losing you as a friend. And now I've gone and done... This," gesturing over your flabby bodies. "And now I've fucking ruined everything forever... And my legs hurt..."

"Cassandra," you reply, "I really want to settle my fat ass back down too, but one thing first."

She looks at you, eyes wide.

"I cannot tell you how happy I am that you've told me how you feel. Because I've had a crush on you for ages too. And I was afraid of fucking up our friendship.... And it sounds so stupid that we felt like this about each other and would do everything except just tell each other, right?" Cassandra stares at you, her mouth slightly agape. You can see the relief wash over her, and she smiles tentatively.

"Really?" she asks, her voice cracking slightly.

You nod, smiling back at her.

"Yeah, really."

Cassandra gasps and throws her arms around you, squeezing you tightly. You feel her soft belly press against your own, and it's a strangely comforting sensation. For a moment, you both just hold each other, relishing in the comfort and understanding you've found.

Cass groans uncomfortably. "I'm used to being heavy, but not this heavy. Anon, I don't want to let go, but my legs are about to buckle..."

You giggle softly as you disentangle yourselves. "I know what you mean, Cass. My legs are killing me too."

You both struggle back towards the couch, leaning on each other for support. You hold Cass' arms as she carefully lowers her blubber onto the couch. You're about to start lowering yourself down next to her when Cass says, "Anon, I'm sorry to ask, but... Our phones are still out on the porch. They're probably still in... In what's left of our old outfits. I know you're beat, but I'd really appreciate it if you could retrieve them..."

You nod, wincing slightly as you push yourself away from the couch. "Don't worry, Cass. I got you."

You groan as you make your way back out to the porch. Cass had the foresight to disrobe before bloating with fat, so you easily find her shorts and fish out her phone. Luckily there isn't much wind, so the shreds that used to be your pants are still about where they fell.

You breathe a sigh of relief when you see that your phone made it through the night's events undamaged.

As you waddle back inside, you hold up your phone in triumph. "Got them both, Cass!"

She smiles weakly from the couch. "Thanks, Anon. God, you're so good to me..." You plop Cass' phone into her waiting hand, then waddle around to the front of the couch, and slowly settle onto the couch amidst a chorus of huffs and groans. You both let out a sigh of relief as you sink into the cushions. The soft leather hugs your massive bodies, and for a moment, you just sit there, taking in the comfort of each other's presence.

"So, what do we do now?" Cassandra asks softly, staring down at her blubbery belly.

"Cass," you say quietly, reaching out to stroke her plump cheek.

Cass grips your chubby wrist, trying to tug you closer. You grunt, shoving your weight closer to her. You overshoot a bit, landing heavily against Cass' flank, squishing the air out of her, and promoting a laugh.

"Sorry, not used to being a heavyweight," you laugh. Cassandra giggles softly, her stomach jiggling slightly beneath her hand. "It's alright, Anon." She looks up at you, her brown eyes meeting yours.

She reaches out with both hands, setting one on either of your chubby cheeks.

"Come here," she purrs, drawing your face towards hers. You lean in, your fat chests pressing together. Cassandra's lips brush against yours, soft and gentle at first. She deepens the kiss, her tongue gently exploring your mouth. You wrap your arms around her, pulling her close as you return her kiss, your heart racing with excitement. The kiss continues, growing more passionate as the two of you embrace your newfound weight and attraction to one another. As you break the kiss, you can't help but feel a sense of relief and happiness wash over you. "Cass, I've wanted to do that for so long."

Cassandra smiles softly at you, her chubby cheeks dimpling. "I know, Anon. Me too." She leans in close again, her massive belly squishing warmly against yours.

You both lean in for another kiss, this time with even more passion. The couch groans under the weight of your massive forms as you shift closer together. Your fingers entwine, and you both sigh contently, savoring the moment. The rest of the world seems to fade away as you lose yourself in each other's company.

"Anon, I'm so sorry," Cass whispers.

"For what?"

"Really?" Cass replies with mild annoyance.

"I feel so unbelievably shitty about tricking you with that cursed cake and making you so fat," she spells out.

"Well..." you ponder, "I tricked you too and outright force-fed you a slice of that cake. That's kind of fucked up, right? Guess that kinda makes us about even?"

Cassandra's face contorts with frustration and embarrassment. "I can't believe I forgot about that! You're right, we are kind of even." She sighs heavily, her massive breasts heaving. "I'm still sorry for everything that happened, Anon."

"For what it's worth, I accept your apology. And I'm sorry for what I did too- both the cake and the photoshops," you reply.

Cass sighs, "I forgive you too, Anon."

You both laugh softly, feeling a sense of relief wash over you.

You then say, "So, the other elephants in the room..."

Cass cocks her head and giggles, letting you continue.

You grab a handful of your doughy gut and give it a couple slow sloshes, "I think I don't actually hate all this blubber, at least so long as I don't need to go running. It actually feels kinda nice? Especially if I can squish against you..."

Cassandra looks at you with a mixture of curiosity and surprise. "You don't mind being this fat?" she asks. "I always thought you'd hate it."

You shrug, "I mean, it's not ideal. But it's kinda cozy too?"

Cassandra chuckles, a warm sound that makes you feel even closer to her. "You're weird," she says, patting your belly affectionately.

You reciprocate, wobbling Cass' pillowy hip, as you retort, "Bold words, coming from our apprentice blubber sorceress."

Cassandra giggles and squirms under your touch. "Hey, I'm learning! You know magic takes time." She takes a deep breath, then exhales slowly. At the mention of magic, a thought occurs to you.

"Cass," you say, suddenly serious, "Is this permanent?"

Cassandra's smile fades slightly as she looks down at her massive form. "Kind of," she admits.

You cock an eyebrow, prompting Cass to elaborate, "Ok, fine. In direct terms, the curse is permanent."

You bite your lip, processing this news.

Cass isn't done explaining, though. "Don't panic just yet though. I know an anti-magic incantation that'll turn us right back to normal. I actually got pretty good with that one since I wanted to experiment safely."

You breathe a sigh of relief, grateful for Cass' reassurance. "That's a huge relief," you confess. "But I sense there's a catch?"

Cassandra nods solemnly. "There is," she says quietly. "The incantation is very demanding, and it takes a lot out of me to cast it."

You furrow your brows, trying to think through the implications of her words. "You... Can actually do the anti-magic ...spell though, right?"

"Oh!" Cass perks up, realizing the timbre of the conversation.

"Don't worry! I can't do it tonight, but I think I can reverse both of our curses tomorrow morning after a good night's sleep."

You nod, still feeling a bit apprehensive about the situation. Cassandra seems to sense your unease and places a comforting hand on your arm.

"Don't worry," she says softly, "I'll dispel your curse first thing tomorrow morning. I can wait on dispelling myself if I need to." You look into Cass' eyes, seeing the sincerity in them. She really does care about you.

"Thanks, Cass," you say, a small smile tugging at your lips. "I appreciate it."

She smiles back at you, her brown eyes crinkling at the corners.

"Unless you'd rather stay big?" She asks, though you can't quite tell if she's joking.

"I'd take such good care of you, I'd wait on you hand and foot, make sure you're always stuffed with the best meals I can make..." Cass' voice hits a low, seductive register that makes your spine tingle and your buried cock pulse.

You feel a blush creeping up your cheeks as Cassandra's words sink in. "Cass, I... I appreciate the offer, but I think I'd rather be normal again," you stammer, not quite meeting her eyes. You're not sure how to handle the sudden shift in conversation or the unexpected arousal you feel.

Cassandra chuckles softly, a knowing glint in her eyes. "I understand," she says, her voice returning to its usual tone. "Well, either way, we'll figure it out together. And hey, maybe we could have some fun while we're big?" she winks at you playfully.

Her soft hand glides over your flabby stomach, gently pressing into your fat. You feel vulnerable but also undeniably ...sensual, and Cass' touch leaves a warm tingle in its wake. She giggles when she reaches your bellybutton, gently but swiftly sliding a pudgy finger inside. You let out a soft moan, your eyes closing briefly. It feels... good, having someone touch you like this. Cassandra smirks, clearly enjoying the newfound intimacy between the two of you. As she pulls her finger out of your bellybutton, she leans in close, her warm breath tickling your ear.

"So," she whispers, "I don't know about you, but I'm more than a little peckish. What do you say we order a big second dinner, and we find out how much we can eat as a couple of superfats?"

As Cassandra suggests the idea of ordering a second dinner, you find yourself surprisingly intrigued by the prospect. Your stomach rumbles in agreement, and you chuckle softly. "Well, if you're up for it, I guess I am too," you reply, a smile tugging at your lips. Cass taps at her phone, eyes on the screen as she says, "I'm ordering pizza. Two for each of us. Any requests?"

You shrug, feeling a bit out of your depth in this new, larger body. "Surprise me, Cass," you say with a small laugh. She smiles back at you, clearly pleased with your response.

"That's dangerous request, mister. But don't worry, I'll behave. Mostly."

With that, Cassandra punches in an order for four total pizzas, two for her, two for you, plus some extras. It's a ton of food, and you're not sure you'll be able to finish your portion, but Cass seems confident that it's the right amount. You lean back against the couch, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sudden shift in your relationship with Cassandra. Good friend when you showed up tonight. Mortal enemy for about five minutes during the struggle with the hexed cake. And now... Cassandra, your girlfriend. God, it feels so good to roll it around in your mind. Like something you never knew was missing.

"Hey," Cass whispers, "what're you thinking about?"

"I'm ... happy. Euphoric. Weightless, even," you chuckle at your wordplay.

"Cass, honestly I should have been braver and told you how I felt years ago..."

"Shhh," Cassandra interrupts softly, placing a plump finger against your lips. "Don't dwell on the past, okay? We're here now, and we can make the most of it." She smiles warmly at you, her cheeks dimpling slightly. "I'm glad we got this chance, too."

As you lean in to kiss Cassandra, you feel a warm glow inside. It's as if the weight of the world has been lifted off your shoulders, and you're floating on a cloud. Your lips touch hers, and you can taste the sweetness of her kiss. It's a gentle kiss, full of promise and affection. You pull away, and nuzzle your face into the crook of Cass' neck. You feel a wave of contentment wash over you as you nestle against Cassandra. She giggles softly, her breath tickling your ear. "Mm, I'm glad you like it there," she murmurs, running her plump fingers through your hair. You sigh contently, enjoying the feeling of being close to her.

"I make a good pillow, don't I?" Cass giggles quietly. You let out a laugh at her joke and nuzzle your face deeper into her neck.

"You make a great everything," you whisper, feeling a warmth spread through you as you bask in the moment.

You can feel her heartbeat against your cheek, and it's comforting. "Here, there's a better spot for you," Cass says, gently cradling your head. She nudges you downwards, settling your head on her blubbery stomach. You shift the rest of your body with grunts and jiggles, then lay more or less sideways against Cass' vast gut. You sigh contentedly, feeling the warmth and softness of Cassandra's stomach beneath you. It's a strange yet comforting sensation, as if you're propped against a giant marshmallow. As you gaze up at her face, Cass' innards quietly gurgle and squelch with hunger.

You reach up to gently pat Cassandra's belly, causing her to giggle again.

"Hey, what's that for?" she asks, her cheeks reddening slightly.

You shrug and grin at her. "I don't know, it just felt right," you reply with a chuckle. Cassandra laughs softly, her belly jiggling slightly under your hands.

"You really are something else," she says, reaching down to give your hand a squeeze. "But I like it. A lot." She gently knots her thick fingers in your hair, slowly massaging your scalp. As you relax against Cassandra's vast stomach, you feel a sense of peace wash over you. The room seems to fade away, and all that matters is the warmth and comfort of this moment. You close your eyes, letting out a contented sigh as you nestle deeper into Cass' ample folds.

"Mind if I flip on some TV? It's still gonna be a hot minute until we get our pizzas," Cass asks. You open your eyes and nod, still feeling a bit dazed from the cozy comfort of Cassandra's stomach. "Sure, whatever you want," you murmur, your voice sounding distant even to your own ears.


You jolt awake to insistent rapping at a door.

"Waaaah!" You yelp as awareness shoots through you, your body far slower to respond than you remember. You feel yourself sliding off of the couch, but a pair of massively flabby arms hold you up.

As you next become aware of indistinct dialogue coming from the TV, a strained feminine grunt jogs your memory of your new girlfriend Cass, presently struggling to keep you from sliding onto the floor.

"You're ...really fucking heavy, Anon..."

You brace an arm and throw your torso forwards, heaving yourself to a sitting position. As you blink and reawaken, you yawn and quip back, "Hey, that's not actually my fault, you know."

Cassandra looks at you, her round face a mix of amusement and exasperation. "Yeah, well, be that as it may, you're still more limber than I am. Can you be a dear and bring the pizzas in?" You haul yourself to a standing position, letting out a yawn that becomes a groan. You yawn again, quickly checking that your robe still has you minimally covered, then waddle towards the front door. You open the door to reveal a pimply teenage boy standing there, holding a stack of pizza boxes. He looks at you, eyes wide. "Um, hi there. I-is this a bad time?" he asks nervously, clearly unsettled by your immense girth.

"Nah, it's all good, thanks for swinging by," you reply breezily. The boy hands you the boxes, and you take them with a grunt of effort.

"The tip's paid in advance!" Cass calls from the living room. You thank the delivery boy again, then close the door behind you. You wobble slightly as you make your way back to the couch, then you feel compelled to gawp at Cassandra. Her robe is open, so she's practically naked on the couch in all her abundant, corpulent glory.

She hasn't gotten any bigger, but this is the first time you're really getting a good look at her as your superfat girlfriend. Her face is still just as round and plump as ever, with a second and third chin completely subsuming her jawline. Her tits sag a bit under their own immense weight, but they still have a semblance of shape, and they way they flow and squish upon contact with anything else has you dying to play with them. Cass' upper arms are basically pillows, and you're still shocked she can move them, even more so by the grip strength she still has. Her belly is for all the world a thick pancake, swallowing her lap, spilling over her hips, and seeming to encroach outwards on the couch. Though you can't get a good look from your current angle, you already know that Cass' hips and ass complicate passing through doorways, and you're already fantasizing about digging your fingers in. Her legs are proportionally immense, thick tapered columns of chub, made for squeezing and worshiping, rather than walking.

You pause, balancing the pizza boxes in one hand and staring at Cassandra. She looks up at you, an eyebrow raised in question. "What?" she asks, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.

"Cassandra Rosenthal," you say reverently, "As you sit before me in all your massive, abundant, overwhelmingly curvaceous glory, you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever beheld on God's green earth."

Cassandra blushes deeply, her cheeks turning a bright shade of red. She looks away bashfully, "You're being silly," she mumbles, trying to play it off. But the truth is, she's thrilled by your compliment. For a moment it looks like she might cry, a hand going to her mouth, covering up an obvious smile.

She looks back at you and says, "Anon, that might be the sweetest thing anybody has ever said to me. I don't deserve you, and I'm indescribably lucky to have such a wonderful man like you in my life."

Before you can beam at Cass' heartfelt response, she continues, her voice turning curt, "But, that said, if I don't have a slice of pizza in my greedy fucking mouth in the next ten seconds, I'm going to swallow you whole."

You reply, "Coming from you, I know that might not be an idle threat! Just hang on a sec."

You then chuckle, setting the boxes on the coffee table, then picking up the top box and opening it, folding the lid underneath. Cass stares obsessively at the pizza (Canadian bacon with extra cheese), and you gesture for her to lift her arms. She complies, giggling "what?" as she does so. You survey Cass' vast belly for a flat spot and get an idea. You lean in, parking the pizza right on the middle of her gut, then sliding a corner of the box under her upper roll.

"There, good and secure," you laugh, satisfied at the box's stability.

Cass is struggling to not break into a giggle fit and shoots back, "Always so resourceful, aren't you?"

She doesn't wait for your reply before lunging at the pizza. As you turn away to select a pizza for yourself, you hear a mix of aggressive, euphoric moans and mouth sounds.

You settle on the next pizza on the stack, a chicken Parmesan with white sauce and a heart-stopping amount of extra cheese. Well, when in Rome, right? You maneuver to ease your bulk back onto the inviting couch, slowly settling onto the cushions, and making sure your flabby thighs squish up against Cass. You glance over and catch her devouring a pizza crust, damn near swallowing it whole. It's only been a couple of seconds and she made a slice disappear! She moans appreciatively, then meets your gaze. Cass gives you an impish, sauce-flecked grin, then starts inhaling another slice while maintaining intensive eye contact.

Between the aromas of the food, Cass' absolutely slutty indulgence in the greasy pizza, and the new rhythm of your freshly-massive body, you suddenly realize that you are fucking ravenous. Urgency flares in your mind. You snatch a slice of the pizza, trailing thick ropes of cheese and scattering droplets of grease as you cram most of the slice into your mouth. An explosion of savory, greasy flavors fills your senses, setting the core of your being abuzz. You groan lasciviously and gasp for breath through your grease-stuffed mouth, actively wondering if you're on track to cum from stuffing your face. The taste of the pizza is so delicious that it's almost overwhelming. You can't help but moan in ecstasy as the grease drips down your chin, leaving behind a trail of delightful flavor.

Cass gently punches your flabby shoulder, pulling you slightly back to reality. "Hey, you ok over there, stud?" She laughs, "Actually, you look like you're more than ok."

You reply with some sort of neanderthal grunt, then take a few long seconds to chew and swallow the mass in your mouth. You sigh as this first bite of your feast begins to settle, then finally answer your fat girlfriend.

"Yeah, I'm feeling... Pretty damn good," you breathe, rubbing and squeezing your blubbery gut as you talk. "Cass, this pizza it's... It's almost sexual, it's so good. Did you curse this meal too?"

Cassandra laughs and shakes her head, a piece of cheese hanging from her lips. "Oh no, this is just normal, calorie-loaded junk food." She slurps up the cheese stringer and licks her lips before continuing, "Food... Just has this way of being... More pleasurable when you're fat. And we're pretty goddamned fat right now, in case you hadn't noticed." As Cassandra finishes her thought, she shoves another massive bite of pizza into her mouth, her cheeks puffing out as she chews.

You decide to have a little fun. "Wait, what?" You ask theatrically, "We're fat now?"

You make an exaggerated gasp and look down at your corpulent form, wailing in mock anguish, "No, no, nooo... I've turned into a fucking butterball! This gut, this ass, fuck I've got moobs now! Nooooo, my career as a desk jockey will surely never recover..."

You trail off, barely containing your laughter as you double-fist slices, cramming two into your mouth at once. Cassandra giggles at your antics, her cheeks still puffed out from her latest mouthful. "Oh come on, you know you love it," she teases, reaching over to poke your belly playfully.

You groan in delight, your stomach rumbling happily at the touch. As Cassandra pokes your soft, squishy belly, you let out a contented sigh. "You're right, I do," you admit, shoving another massive bite of pizza into your mouth. "At least for tonight, right?"

Cassandra nods in agreement, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Yeah, for tonight, let's just indulge. We've earned it," she says, taking another huge bite of her pizza. Some sort of stupid cartoons play on the TV screen, but you and Cass are more inwardly focused, mindlessly stuffing your faces and enjoying every novel sensual feeling from your enormous bodies. You two continue to binge on the delicious pizza, barely noticing the TV or anything else around you. The sensation of being so full yet still craving more is overwhelmingly enjoyable. Upon finishing the first round of pizzas, you heedlessly toss the boxes aside. Cass reaches greedily at the remaining boxes at the table, and you hand her one, taking the other for yourself. You peel open the new pizza box, revealing a supreme pie with a diverse blend of meats and veggies. As you shift around to find a landing spot for the box, you're caught off-guard by a thunderous belch. You blush in spite of the low-judgment vibes of the evening, but Cass is unfazed. She's immediately massaging your stuffed, blubbery belly, trying to help settle your stomach for round two. You giggle as Cassandra begins to massage your belly, the feeling of her fingers digging into your soft, squishy flesh sending waves of pleasure through your body. "Mmm, that feels good," you moan, closing your eyes and reveling in the sensation.

You continue to enjoy the massage as Cassandra's fingers trace circles on your distended stomach. The feeling is both pleasurable and comforting, and you find yourself becoming increasingly relaxed. Cass digs into a particular bulge of fat and gives it a firm, steady shake. You burp again, and Cass pats your belly, seemingly satisfied.

"A whole pizza in there, plus all that pasta and cake from earlier, and you still want more," she purrs, "Anon, it's so hot to me to see you stuffing your face like this." You blush at her words, feeling a warmth spread through your body. You had never really thought about how sexy your newfound love for food might be, but hearing Cassandra's words makes you feel incredibly desired. You glance down at your own distended belly, still unable to believe how much room it has for all of this food. You pass on settling the box on your stomach, at least not while Cassandra is massaging it so well. Instead, you balance the box on your chubby thigh, reprising your new trick of tucking a corner under your belly fold. You then draw out a fresh slice, taking a big bite as you contemplate your next words.

"It's like..." you pause to chew, "It's like a mental limiter has been lifted, like even though my stomach is so stretched out, it doesn't hurt like it should..." As you speak, Cassandra listens intently, her fingers never stopping their gentle massage on your belly. She nods along, understanding the sensation you're describing.

"I know what you mean," she replies, her voice low and sultry between bites of her own meal.

"Anon, I have another confession for tonight," Cassandra adds.

"Jesus, Cass," you blurt out, "You still have more secrets, after all this?"

"Just this one more," she replies in a small, defensive voice.

"Okay, what is it?" You ask, trying to keep an open mind.

Cassandra hesitates for a moment, chewing on her food thoughtfully. Finally, she swallows and takes a deep breath. "I thought you were really cute when you were chubby, back in undergrad," she admits in a small voice.

You feel your heart skip a beat at her confession. You had no idea she felt that way about your former chubbiness, but it's a surprisingly sweet revelation. You decide to tease her a little. "Well, I guess you like what you see now."

Cassandra blushes deeply, her cheeks turning a bright shade of pink. "Oh, shut up, I'm being serious," she mumbles, laughing a little as she slaps your belly playfully. "I found it... Oddly disappointing when you chose to slim down, but I wanted to do my best to support you."

"Cass, you never said anything back then, was that really how you felt?"

Cass fidgets with her hands, twining and untangling her pudgy fingers, picking at her nails. "Yes," she whispers, "I didn't want to acknowledge it, because that would have been tantamount to admitting a crush on you, plus you made it clear you weren't crazy about being heavy..."

You feel a wave of emotion wash over you at Cassandra's admission. You realize how much she's been holding back, how much she's been struggling with her feelings for so long. It's a lot to process, but it also makes you feel closer to her than ever before.

"Cass, I had no idea."

Cassandra stares into the middle distance, sufficiently troubled that she's actually paused her eating. "And when I started blowing up, I... I couldn't handle the weight like you could, physically or emotionally. I just could never find that same sort of confidence that you could. I think I got jealous..."

You reach out to Cassandra, placing your hand gently on hers. She looks over at you with those big, expressive brown eyes that always seem to be able to communicate so much. She closes those doe eyes for a long few seconds, taking a breath that swells her flabby chest, before slowly exhaling. Cassandra opens her eyes with a glint of determination.

"I'm going to start winding down my illusion spell. It's time for me to stop living a lie. The real Cass is a fatty (though not this big) who's head over heels for her lifelong friend Anon, and she no longer gives a fuck about who knows!"

You feel your heart skip a beat at Cassandra's declaration. It's both exhilarating and terrifying to think that she's finally chosen to be true to herself, even if it means revealing her shameful secret. You decide to be supportive, no matter what.

"I'm here for you, Cass."

Cassandra smiles warmly, her cheeks still flushed with emotion. "Thank you, Anon. That means so much to me." She takes a deep breath and releases it slowly, her massive breasts heaving with every rise and fall of her over-ample bosom. A smile plays on Cass' plump lips.

"I'm under no illusions (heh) that one conversation, one night, no matter how crazy, is going to instantly fix everything," she says.

You squeeze her warm hand and reply, "I don't really know how I can help other than listening, and being there for you to cry on, but I swear I will be there for you, Cass."

Cassandra looks at you with her big, expressive eyes, and nods, her smile widening. "Well, you're my boyfriend now, so you've gotta be there for me, or else!"

She takes another deep breath, and this time, instead of shrinking back from it, she leans into the sensation. "But what I think I really need right this second is a big fucking dose of chocolate," Cass murmurs while massaging her blubbery belly. "Official boyfie task number one," Cass giggles at the fake imperiousness, "Is to bring me that box of cookies on the coffee table!"

You smile at Cassandra and nod, "As you wish, my queen!" You lean forwards and reach, the simple movement complicated by the sack of blubber hanging off of your front, plus the obscene amount of food you've packed into your stomach so far. You grunt and groan as you grasp, but swiftly retrieve the desired cookie box and bring it towards Cass. Then, you lean back and resume your efforts against your second pizza.

Cassandra watches you struggle to reach the box of cookies with amusement, indulging in the sight of your flabby body and how it jiggles with your movements. As you finally manage to hand her the box, she giggles and says, "Well done, my brave knight!" Cassandra then opens the box and takes out a cookie, her fingers brushing sensually against the edge of the baked treat. She closes her eyes and savors the moment before taking a bite, the cookie disappearing into her plump cheeks. Her face lights up with satisfaction, and she lets out a contented sigh.

"Well, with her highness' treats sorted, Sir Anon the Wide needs to rejoin his battle against the... Uh, second pizza dragon," you laugh.

Cassandra giggles again, her stomach rolling with the motion. "Oh, go on then, brave knight," she says, giving you a playful shove. "Off you go to slay that cheesy beast for your queen!" She takes another bite of the cookie, savoring the rich, sweet flavor.

You look down and consider the pizza box on your lap. You're having the time of your life stuffing your face, but you're becoming increasingly aware of just how packed your gut is getting. You belch uncomfortably, trying to gauge if your still-unfamiliar fattened body is up to the challenge of finishing the pie.

Cassandra looks at you with concern, noticing your discomfort. "Are you alright, baby? You don't have to force yourself if you're not hungry anymore," she says, her voice soft and gentle.

You shake your head, trying to dismiss her worries. "Nah, it's just..."

You pat your belly repeatedly, slightly amused by the ripples in your chub and gauging the turgidity of your guts underneath.

"The spirit is willing, but the flesh (urp) is satiated..." you mumble.

Cassandra giggles softly at your antics. "I believe in you. Maybe you just need a little help getting your momentum back," she says with a knowing smile.

You make a confused noise. Cass ignores this, and reaches down into the box, drawing out the biggest remaining slice of the pizza.

"Open up," she commands, gently but firmly, licking her lips and looking at you intently. You open your mouth, feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension. Cassandra leans in, her lips brushing against your ear as she whispers, "I've always wanted to feed you." Slowly, she guides the slice of pizza into your mouth, her fingers brushing against your chubby cheeks. She manages to cram most of the slice into your mouth, then her free hand slides down, gently hooking under your jaw and second chin. She presses up, prompting you to start chewing. Feeling Cass take control in such a gentle yet assertive way sets your core abuzz and sends a fresh surge of lust to your buried cock. You moan softly around the mouthful of pizza, feeling the hot, gooey cheese and sauce melting in your mouth. Cassandra's touch is both firm and soothing, her fingers sinking into your soft double chin as she presses against your gullet.

You obediently swallow the mass of pizza, feeling your stomach seemingly relax in preparation of yet more gorging. You're in no position to check, but you're almost certain that your cock is leaking precum at this point. Cassandra smiles at your obedience and the obvious effect her touch is having on you. She leans in close, her breath hot on your ear, and whispers, "Good boy." Slowly, she moves her hand up to your neck, her fingers caressing your chubby jowls. You shiver slightly at her touch, feeling your heart race in your chest. Cassandra's voice is soft and sultry as she continues to whisper to you, her warm breath tickling your ear.

"Finish that pizza for me. Please? I know you can do it."

Your stomach growls in anticipation as you look longingly at the remaining slices of pizza. You can feel your heart beating faster, your cock twitching with every word Cassandra whispers in your ear. You nod eagerly, unable to tear your eyes away from Cassandra's intense gaze. She grins, clearly pleased with your response, and leans back to grab another slice of pizza. This time, she hands it directly to you, her fingers brushing against your own as she does so.

"No more feeding?" you ask, trying to hide the disappointment in your voice.

Cassandra giggles, "I've got my own binge to finish. Make me proud and finish stuffing yourself, ok?"

You take the slice of pizza gratefully, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness at the prospect of finishing it all on your own. As you bite into the cheesy goodness, you can't help but wonder how Cassandra could be so confident in your abilities. Feeling empowered by Cassandra's faith in you, you take a large bite of the pizza, chewing slowly to savor the taste. The flavors explode on your tongue, sending waves of pleasure through your body. As you swallow, you can feel your stomach churn with fullness and anticipation for more. You slip into almost a fugue state, only really aware of the sensations in your mouth and your increasingly overstuffed stomach. Somewhere off to your side, you half-hear Cass moaning and chewing, her greedy belly at least as stuffed as yours. Your face is red and sweaty, your breath coming in short gasps as you finish off the last bite of pizza. It actually catches you off-guard when you reach into the box and find nothing but crumbs and grease, and you're briefly disappointed.

You feel an odd sense of satisfaction and pride wash over you, knowing that you were able to consume every last morsel on your own. Cassandra smiles at you, clearly impressed by your feat. Your head swims, your heart races, and your stomach pulses with mingled pain and contentment. Your head lolls towards Cass. Her second pizza box is empty, and she's lazily nibbling at the box of cookies.

"How're you feeling, piggy?" Cass asks with a laugh.

You let out a contented groan, your stomach still churning from the massive amount of food you've just consumed. "I feel... Like a beached whale that's been stuffed with a blimp..." You groan. "I feel so fucking huge... Never been this full... It's ...incredible..."

Cassandra giggles, "I know the feeling, although never to the level we hit tonight."

You nod, unable to move much as the warm sensation of fullness spreads through your body. You lean back on the couch, letting out a contented sigh as you take in the cozy feeling of the room. The lights are dimmed, and the TV is still on, but neither of you pay much attention to it anymore.

"Cass, this might be TMI, but you're my girlfriend now," your heart skips a beat at getting to say that, "And I am incredibly turned on right now..."

Cassandra's cheeks flush slightly at your confession, a mixture of excitement and embarrassment crossing her features. She clears her throat, still looking at the empty pizza box in her hands. "Yeah, I uh... I feel the same way, actually." She admits, her voice slightly hoarse. Looks like her own binge is finally catching up with her.

"Well, don't get too excited just yet," you groan, "First off, I don't think I could even find my cock under all this flab. And even if I could... I don't think I could find the energy to fap right now..." You blush beet-red, but finish your confession, "To say nothing of actually trying to fuck..."

Cassandra chuckles softly, "Well, don't feel too self-conscious. I've got even more blubber between me and my pussy, and I'm pretty sure... I'll actually pop if somebody pokes me the wrong way..."

You both laugh, feeling a little silly and a little relieved by your shared vulnerability and helplessness.

"Besides..." Cass adds, "Even if we hadn't just stuffed ourselves to bursting, I... I'd want our first time to be with our actual bodies... No matter how weirdly hot it is to be so fucking huge..."

"Whatever feels right to you, Cass," you reply tiredly. "I suppose I should just be glad we finally opened up to each other, and that I'm not quote, fatter than a house..."

Cassandra giggles softly, her eyes seemingly staring through the floor, "Yeah, well... Anon, I really am sorry for ...well, everything. Spying on you, lying to you, making that cake..."

You muster your strength, barely able to loosely grasp Cass' pudgy hand, "Cass... Cassandra... I... Thank you. It's ok, I forgive you. That said... Maybe that cake was the kick in the ass we needed to finally be honest with each other."

Cassandra seems to visibly relax, her grip on your hand tightening slightly. "Yeah," she exhales, "Maybe it was." The two of you continue to hold hands, lost in your own thoughts about the night's crazy events.

"Cass, I can delete those photoshops of you and the other girls. I never had any intentions of sharing them, but I still shouldn't have made them..."

Cassandra shakes her head, her eyes locked onto yours, "No, Anon. I'm the one who should be apologizing there. I shouldn't have been so paranoid. Besides, I... Think I'm coming around to liking them?"

"Promise me one thing, though," she adds.

"What's that?"

"If you make another one of me..." Cass giggles, then continues, "Put my face on a BBW model with bigger tits. You've seen the real fat Cass, and you now know that I wind up with a big fucking rack!" She squishes and gently sloshes one of her fat udders for emphasis.

You chuckle, "Deal! I gotta be sure my fantasies accurately track reality!"

As you continue to hold hands, the two of you feel a wave of fatigue wash over you. You both lean back in your chairs, your massive forms settling into the cushions. Cassandra looks up at you with a tired smile, her cheeks flushed from the confession and laughter.

"I don't know about you, but I'm ready to call it a night," she says.

"Think you can make it to your feet?"

"I might need your help," Cass admits.

"Shit. I was hoping to get *your* help..." Cassandra takes a moment to think before declaring, "I'm pretty confident that this'll be easier if you stand first. I'm ok with sitting for a bit longer if you need more time to digest..."

"I think I'd honestly rather be laying down."

With that, you begin the process of shifting your bulk and bracing to try and rise to your feet. Cass does her best to help, lifting under your doughy ass, but her support is more moral than material. You groan in pain as you struggle to push yourself up from the sofa, your immense weight and distended stomach causing your muscles to protest.

But you manage it. You exhale with relief and sway gently as your mass resettles into a standing position, and a few moments later, you've turned around and are offering your hands to aid Cass. She takes a deep breath, preparing herself for the task at hand. With a hissed grunt, she begins to push herself up from the couch, her massive body straining under the effort. It takes a while, but Cassandra finally manages to stand up, swaying slightly as her own weight shifts and settles. You wrap her up into an embrace, both out of affection and so she can catch her breath. You and Cassandra stand there for a few wonderful moments, calming your breathing and savoring the feelings of your blubbery bodies squishing and molding against each other. As you hold each other, you both start to feel a bit more relaxed and content. Cassandra leans her head against your chest, still catching her breath from the ordeal of standing up. She smiles up at you, her cheeks flushed with exertion. "Thanks for helping me up," she says softly.

You lean forwards and kiss her briefly, knowing that neither of you is in the mood for prolonged standing.

After you pull away, Cass whispers, "Anon, I'm gonna have to disappoint you tonight. I'm worried about my bed holding up just my fat ass, never mind both of us..."

You chuckle softly, giving Cassandra a reassuring squeeze. "That's ok, I completely understand. You've still got your guest room set up, right?"

Cassandra nods, feeling relieved that you're not upset with her. "Yeah, it's all set up. You'll be comfortable there. Just... Go slow when you're settling down onto the bed, ok?"

You nod, slowly backing away from her. "I will. Thank you, Cass. Good night."

"Remember, back to normal in the morning! Good night, Anon."

You wobble your way towards the guest room, your massive body shaking with every step. As you near the door, you pause, taking a deep breath to prepare yourself for the task of gently settling into the bed.

You enter the guest room and close the door behind you, the soft click echoing in the otherwise silent room. The bed is already made, with plump pillows and clean sheets, looking inviting after your exertions. You take another deep breath and approach the bed, grabbing onto the bed frame for support as you slowly lower yourself down. The mattress dips and groans under your immense weight, but it holds firm. You lay back, your body sinking into the softness of the mattress. Despite your exhaustion, you can't help but marvel at the feeling of your fat flesh pressing against the mattress, molding and conforming to its contours.

As you lay back, you feel a wave of fatigue wash over you, your eyelids growing heavy. You close your eyes, breathing deeply as you try to calm your racing thoughts. You can't help but wonder what tomorrow will bring - the promise of returning to normal size, or the fear of the magic becoming permanent. Despite the lingering uncertainty, you find yourself drifting off to sleep, the comforting warmth and weight of your body lulling you into a deep slumber. Cassandra's voice echoes in your mind, reminding you that tomorrow brings a chance for a new beginning, a fresh start.