In Dulciubs Vero

Part 2


You sleep fitfully, bouncing between spells of unsettling nonsense dreams and half-remembered vignettes of struggling to roll around on a protesting bed. When you properly come to, sunlight is threatening to blast through the window blinds. You feel slow, sluggish, and your mouth is dry - you must have been snoring mightily. You slowly push yourself up, feeling the mattress dip and creak under your immense weight. Your eyes flutter open, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings of Cassandra's guest room. The memories of the night before come rushing back, and you can't help but feel a mix of shame and relief at your current situation. As you detangle yourself from the sheets, you realize that you're naked, having stripped off the barely-fitting black robe at some point in the night. You hear heavy footsteps approach, and a gentle knock at the door.

"Come in," you croak. The door opens slowly, revealing Cassandra's round, concerned face.

She takes in your naked form with a mix of curiosity and hesitation. "Good morning, uh, partner," she says, a hint of awkwardness in her voice. "You up for breakfast in bed before, we uh, go back to normal?"

You blink blearily at Cassandra, trying to process her words. Breakfast in bed? You suddenly feel a pang of hunger in your gut, in spite of how ridiculously you gorged yourself last night. "I... think that sounds like a great idea," you manage to croak out.

Cassandra nods, a small smile curling on her lips. "Great. I actually had some donuts delivered a bit earlier. Just give me a moment," she says, her voice softening as she looks you up and down once more. As Cassandra steps out of the doorway, you take a moment to collect yourself. You look down at your massive body, still not quite used to seeing yourself like this. You feel a strange mix of arousal and embarrassment as you remember the depths of your gluttony last night. You chuckle to yourself, shaking your head slightly.

Sounds of rummaging and Cass grunts filter in from the kitchen.

"You ok out there?" You call out. Cassandra's voice echoes through the door, sounding slightly breathless. "Yeah, I'm fine! (Hrk) Just bringing a few things..." A few seconds later the door bursts open, slamming loudly against the stop and revealing a side-on robed Cass all but filling the doorway. She has a heavy bag in one hand, two flat boxes balanced in the other, and a shocked expression on her face.

"Whoops, didn't realize how much momentum my hips had now," she mutters. You see Cassandra struggling to navigate through the doorway, her massive hips and thighs wobbling rhythmically as she shifts her weight from one foot to the other.

"Whew, gonna need to get the doorways widened," she jokes after clearing the threshold. She shuffles to the bed, carefully setting down the boxes and placing the heavy-looking bag on the floor near you.

"Mind if I join you?" She asks with faux shyness.

"Please do," you respond, slowly scooting over and patting the mattress next to you. As Cassandra approaches the bed, you can't help but admire her corpulent figure in motion.

Just before she can actually start climbing onto the mattress, you say, "Cass, wait."

She looks at you confused.

You explain, "Are you sure this bed can handle our combined weight?"

Cassandra looks down at herself, then back up at you, chuckling softly. "Well, I suppose we can find out," she replies with a playful grin. She climbs up onto the bed next to you, her massive frame causing the mattress to sag and creak ominously.

"See? Looks like we're good!"

As she hands you one of the donut boxes, she admits, "We should probably avoid any sudden moves though,"

You take the box from Cassandra, opening it to reveal a dozen donuts. They're a mix of chocolate glazed, sprinkled, and plain. You pick one out (double chocolate) and offer it to her. She refuses it, instead grasping your wrist and directing the treat towards your mouth. You obediently take a bite of the donut, savoring the rich chocolaty goodness as you chew. "Mmm, these are delicious," you say, licking the chocolate off your lips. "Thanks for getting these for me."

As you finish the donut, you notice Cassandra watching you intently. Creaks and pops from the strained bed herald Cass' next move. She deliberately but steadily rolls over, straddling one of your legs and very thoroughly pinning it under her blubber.

"I want to feed you every one of those dozen donuts," she whispers, her face flushed from exertion and desire. You feel a blush rise to your cheeks as Cassandra's weight presses down on your leg, her soft flesh molding around your thigh. Her confession sends a shiver of anticipation down your spine.

"Only if I get to return the favor to you, big girl," you reply with a grin.

Cassandra giggles, the sound deep and rumbling. "Deal," she agrees, leaning in to press her hot, soft body against yours. Her warm breath fanning across your neck, sending shivers down your spine.

You reply by simply opening your mouth and closing your eyes. You feel Cassandra's soft bulk shift against you, no doubt as she retrieves another donut. Her other hand caresses your lips, then your chubby jowls, then traces down your neck to sink into the center of your soft chest. The next moment, your mouth is filled with the sweet, dense texture of a glazed donut. You savor the donut, taking small bites and chewing slowly as Cassandra continues to feed you. Her fingers trace gentle patterns across your chin and neck, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. As you finish the donut, she leans in closer, her lips brushing against your ear. "Ready for more?"

"I'm actually really thirsty," you admit sheepishly.

"Ugh, damnit. Shit, hang on, shoulda thought of that..."

You feel Cass' weight lift off of you, and the mattress rolls and squeaks as she moves around. She grunts briefly, then you hear and feel something being dragged across the mattress. Cass then resumes her position over you, all but smothering your flank with her sexy blubber.

You then hear a plastic cracking sound, and a moment later what you realize to be a cool jug of chocolate milk is at your lips.

"Just say when," Cass remarks.

You eagerly gulp down the delicious chocolate milk, feeling it flow down your throat and into your belly. The coolness is a welcome relief from the warmth of your surroundings and the heat generated by so much fat flesh in close proximity. After a long series of gulps, you push against the jug, signaling that you've had enough.

Cassandra removes the jug, her hand replacing it, caressing your jowls and chin once more. She whispers in your ear, her breath tickling your skin. "You just chugged about a quart of that milk, big boy."

"Oh was that all? Honestly I barely felt it."

"You're getting used to being a fat boy awful quickly aren't you?"

You open your mouth to respond but Cass' next comment cuts you off.

"Don't answer that. Eat more for me instead..."

You obediently open your mouth, and feel a new donut promptly land on your tongue. This one has sprinkles and a thick crust of glaze, and your senses are drenched in sugar the moment you bite down. As you chew the donut, Cassandra's weight shifts against you once more, her squishy thighs pressing into your sides and her massive belly pressing into your chest. You feel a wave of arousal wash over you at the sensation, and you can't help but moan softly.

"I like that you're keeping your eyes closed," she comments.

You swallow a bite of the donut, the morsel leaving a trail of delight as it slides into your depths.

"I'm choosing to trust you, Cass. Make this morning special, ok?" You whisper.

Cassandra seems to mull over your words for a moment, then you hear the smile in her voice. "Alright then. Just relax and enjoy, okay?"

Her warm weight shifts once more, this time pushing you deeper down into the mattress. You feel her fingers gently caress your cheeks, tracing the lines of your jowls and chin. You let out a soft sigh of pleasure as her touch sends waves of contentment through your body. Her soft giggles fill the room, and you can feel the vibrations of her laughter against your skin. Another donut, double chocolate again. As you steadily work through the treat, Cass remarks, "It's always made me really happy whenever I could make you feel good..."

You feel a blush creep up your neck as you hear her words, but you don't have time to dwell on them as another donut lands on your tongue. This one is glazed with a thick layer of creamy custard, and you close your eyes in delight as the sweet, rich flavors explode in your mouth.

The next few minutes crawl by, you wordlessly savoring each new donut and Cass whispering sensual inducements to keep on eating. You also take huge swigs of the cloying, creamy milk, enjoying how heavy it feels and how it seems to make the donuts expand in your stomach. As the last of the donuts disappears into your gullet, you open your eyes and take in the sight of Cassandra. Her cheeks are flushed, and there's a mischievous glint in her eyes that tells you she's thoroughly enjoyed her not-so-little indulgence.

"God, that was hot," she moans, both hands gently massaging your tubby gut.

"Well I hope you're ready for a bit of an encore," you say.

Cass coos with interest.

"Can you let me sit up first, please?" You ask. Cassandra giggles and nods, her hands slowly sliding away from your belly. The mattress roils and creaks as Cass slowly hefts herself off of your leg. Without her leaning against you you actually feel a touch chilly, especially when considering what you're about to do.

With a grunt and a few burps, you heave yourself upright. You then take a chance, attempting to fold your doughy legs underneath you so you can kneel. You struggle a bit, your rolls of fat shuddering and wobbling with the effort. But slowly, you manage to get one leg beneath you, and then the other. You wobble unsteadily for a moment, then settle your weight, marveling at just how much padding you've accumulated.

"Hand me the milk jug," you ask, holding your hand out expectantly. Cassandra giggles and obediently picks up the half-empty jug of milk, handing it to you with a smile. You take a deep breath, steadying yourself before tilting the jug up to your mouth. As the cool, sweet milk flows over your tongue and down your throat, you savor the feeling of it filling your belly. You let out a contented sigh, your eyes closing in bliss as you feel yourself becoming even fuller.

"Oh my," Cassandra breathes, her eyes fixed on your plump form. Part of you still can't believe the sheer capacity of your present body's stomach; neither component of this morning's breakfast would've had a prayer of fitting into your normal, skinny body. But now? A dozen big donuts and soon to be a gallon of whole-fat chocolate milk sloshing around inside you leaves you breathless, bloated, and above all else, satisfied. You open your eyes, feeling the milk slowly begin to digest in your stomach, leaving you with a warm, fuzzy feeling.

Cassandra's gaze is still fixed on you, her eyes wide and filled with wonder. "You're incredible," she murmurs, awe in her voice. "It's like you were meant to be a glutton... Is it wrong that I kind of want to leave you like this?"

You grin at Cassandra, your chubby cheeks dimpling. "It would be," you reply, "But I understand the urge." You stay there for a while, gently swaying and indulgently rubbing your full belly.

Eventually you say softly, "Any time you're ready, Cass, and it'll be my turn to feed you."

Cassandra smiles back, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "I'm always ready for a little indulgence," she says, her voice low and seductive. She leans in close, running a finger gently along your plump arm. "One last treat before we have to go back to normal?"

You blush slightly at Cassandra's seductive tone, your heart racing in your chest. "I think we can manage that," you reply, your voice quivering with anticipation. You reach out and take her hand, squeezing it gently. "Lay down and get comfy then?" Cassandra smiles and nods, her gaze softening as she trusts you to take care of her. The mattress creaks and quakes as the two of you slowly swap spots. You're tickled to notice that you're not even especially slowed or discomforted by the sugary binge sitting in your stomach. Deliberately, but inexorably and with a lot of heavy breathing, Cass settles against a pile of pillows at the head of the bed. You watch with bated breath as Cassandra takes her place on the pillows, her vast thighs and belly spreading invitingly. She looks back at you, eyes sparkling with anticipation. You take a deep breath and reach for the other box of donuts, opening the lid and presenting the spread of treats to Cass like a briefcase of cash.

You make eye contact with her, your eyes doubtlessly gleaming as you show off the box of donuts. She smiles widely, her chubby cheeks dimpling in amusement. "Mmm, these look delicious," she murmurs, reaching out to take one of the pastries. You gently slap her wrist away from the box, feeling a flare of dominance.

Before Cass can even whimper her confusion or objections, you declare, "A deliciously fat, sexy goddess like you can't be moving. That'll burn too many calories. Just lay back, and trust me to fill that huge tubby belly of yours." Cassandra looks at you, her eyes widening in surprise and excitement. She licks her lips nervously before nodding slowly.

"Alright," she murmurs, her voice quivering slightly. She lays back on the pillows again, this time more confidently than before.

You watch as Cassandra obediently lays back on the pillows, her eyes locked on yours. A thrill runs down your spine at the thought of being in control like this. She rests her flabby arms on her stomach, waiting patiently for your next move, her mouth open expectantly.

You decide to lean into your newfound dominant vibe. You set the donut box on Cass' blubbery belly, then lean in slightly and pause.

A moment later, you grab a handful of her short sandy hair, firmly tugging her head backwards. Cassandra lets out a soft gasp as you pull her hair, her eyes wide with surprise and arousal. Her mouth opens wider, anticipating what comes next. You grab one of the donuts from the box without even looking, then stuff the whole thing into Cass' mouth. You pause for a moment to watch as Cassandra chews and swallows the donut, her eyes never leaving yours. You can feel the heat radiating off of her, and it's exhilarating. You lean down and gently nip at her plump upper arm, eliciting a soft moan from her. You smile widely and continue to tease Cassandra. You lean in close to her ear, your breath tickling her lobe. "You know you love this, Cass," you whisper, feeling your own heart race with anticipation. You grab another donut and bring it up to her mouth, pausing for dramatic effect.

Cassandra looks at you, her eyes brimming with lust and desire. She parts her lips slightly, waiting for you to continue. You tease her by brushing the donut across her lips, eliciting a soft whimper from her. You chuckle softly before finally stuffing the donut in her mouth. "Maybe I should go and get some of that cake from last night," you tease, "I wonder if the hex is still fresh this morning..."

Cassandra's eyes widen at the mention of that damned cake. "No, please don't," she begs, her voice muffled by the donut still in her mouth. She chews effortfully, but her inner conflict at maybe indulging in the impossibly fattening, sweet treat is obvious.

You grin, taking her plea as a challenge. "Oh, come on, Cass," you tease, "You know you want to. Just a little taste won't hurt, right?"

Cassandra gulps heavily, finally finishing the donut. She glares at you, putting up very much not playful resistance to the idea, "Anon, I'm serious! Don't you fucking dare."

You raise an eyebrow at Cassandra's outburst, surprised by her sudden ferocity. You lean back, crossing your arms over your squishy trunk. It takes you a moment to find a comfortable position for them.

"Ok, yeah, you're right. Magic like that isn't something to fuck with," you admit.

You tap your flabby second chin and muse, "Should we have set up a safeword for today?"

Cassandra calms down a bit, taking a few deep breaths. Her face is flushed and she licks some powdered sugar off her lips. "No, just so long as you leave that fucking cake where it is. Beyond that," Cass bites her lip, her face painted with hunger, "Just keep those donuts coming and I'll be happy." You decide to push your luck a bit more.

"Noted. But I think you need a good swig of chocolate milk first," you say, reaching for the other gallon jug on the floor. Cassandra's eyes widen in anticipation, her gaze locked onto the jug. She nods eagerly, her breathing slightly faster. "Yeah, that sounds good. Please, Anon?"

You crack the seal on the jug and remark, "You should just be glad I don't have any rope today."

Cassandra's face goes bright red as she looks away, her cheeks heating up. She tries to hide her embarrassment by clearing her throat. "I-I'm not sure what you mean," she stammers. You chuckle softly, shaking your head in amusement. "Just shut up and chug," you command, bringing the jug to Cass' plump lips and tilting it upwards.

Cassandra obediently seals her lips against the jug opening and begins to chug down the thick, sweet chocolate milk. It flows down her throat easily, and she gulps greedily as if trying to drain the entire jug. Her face contorts slightly with each gulp, and her eyes roll back in pleasure. After imbibing a large fraction of the jug, Cass clamps her lips shut, clearly having had enough for now. You carefully retract the jug, only spilling a couple drops of the rich chocolate milk onto her chubby chest.

Without missing a beat, you lean forwards and slurp up the spilled droplets. Cassandra's breath hitches in her throat as she watches you clean her chest with long, slow licks. Her heart races, and you can see the heat spreading across her face. She tries to swallow past the lump in her throat, unable to tear her eyes away from the sight of you lapping at her. You recap the jug and nestle it between Cass' squishy legs, satisfied that the jug is secure. You then return to the donut box and slowly draw out one of the decadent custard-filled treats. You hold the donut up to Cassandra's eagerly waiting mouth, and she takes it greedily, her plump cheeks bulging as she bites down into the soft, sweet dough. Custard oozes out of the sides of her mouth, dripping onto her plump chin and neck.

Cassandra moans softly in delight, her eyes rolling back in pleasure as she savors the rich flavors of the donut. She takes another bite, her cheeks still bulging with the previous mouthful. "Mmmm... these are incredible," she murmurs, her voice dreamy. Cass hasn't even finished her current bite before you're cramming yet another donut in, this one sprinkly and glazed. She gasps and sputters, careful to not inhale any food, as you pack her cheeks to bulging.

"I mean, these donuts are pretty good," you tease, "But I wonder how much of the fun is coming from us being super fat and super horny right now?" As you finish your sentence, you reach over and caress Cassandra's flabby leg, letting your fingers glide up her thigh and under her quivering stomach roll. She shivers slightly under your touch, her breath quickening. Her gaze is locked on yours, a mix of desire and vulnerability shining in her brown eyes. "And how much of the fun is coming from your years-long crush cramming these treats down your throat like an aspiring prize hog?" You continue, sloshing Cass' blubbery paunch, shocked at how naturally this sort of dirty talk is flowing today. You watch as Cassandra processes your words, chewing furiously and her eyes still locked on yours. She roughly gulps down the sugary dough in her mouth, then quickly gasps for breath. She bites her lower lip, considering what you've said.

"Maybe it's a little bit of both," she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper.

"That was a rhetorical question," you chuckle, wasting no time to proffer an overstuffed custard donut to Cass' maw. You lean in close, your chest pressing against Cassandra's ample belly. Your breath is warm against her neck as you watch her take another bite of the pastry, her cheeks still bulging. She moans indulgently, exhaling through her nose and seeming to melt into the sagging mattress. You keep the treats flowing, barely giving Cass any sort of break. Her mouth is constantly full of either sugary delight or chocolate milk. She's positively loving the attention, and you're loving how she seems to feel even fatter with every bite. You're definitely feeding her more aggressively than she fed you. Maybe you're discovering an unexpected dominant streak, or maybe Cass isn't as dominant as she thinks herself to be. At any rate, you keep up the onslaught of sugar and fat right up until you finish the box. Cass whines petulantly through her final bites of the donuts, though you have a burst of inspiration.

You gently shake and tap the box, collecting the crumbs and scattered sprinkles into a corner. You then bring the box to Cass' mouth and tip the scanty extra particles in. Cassandra's eyes light up as she sees what you're doing. She eagerly opens her mouth, allowing you to pour the leftover sugary goodness back into her maw. Her tongue darts out, trying to catch any stray crumbs as she moans in satisfaction. "Good girl," you say, "You finished those treats in record time! But you're not done with your meal until you finish this gallon of chocolate milk. I managed it, and I'm a lot smaller than you."

You watch as Cassandra processes your words, her eyes locked on yours. She cocks an eyebrow and shoots you a wry, toothy grin. "You're talking mad shit for a lightweight, Anon," she quips, the two of you trying not to crack up laughing, reckoning your current massive weights.

"I betcha I could chug two right now," Cass boasts.

You shake your head, grinning. "Easy there, big girl, it's not a challenge. This time. And besides," you add, holding up the half-empty gallon and giving it a shake, "I don't think we have an extra."

As you hand it over to her, Cassandra snatches the jug with two hands and playfully pouts, "Well maybe next time you should bring more provisions for your sexy fat queen!"

You chuckle and give Cass a firm slap on her wobbling belly. "Oh, 'next time', you say?"

Cass doesn't answer. You look up and see that she's already chugging the remaining chocolate milk.

"Well and also, you brought the provisions for this morning, so if you're somehow still hungry, then it's your fault," you tease.

Cassandra continues gulping down the rich milk, but she does spare the effort to flip you a playful middle finger. You sit back and watch as Cassandra finishes the chocolate milk in but a few more seconds. She gulps the last bit down and belches loudly before leaning back against the headboard with a satisfied smirk. "Damn, that was good," she says, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "Nice light breakfast," she chortles, sloshing her bloated, blubbery gut with manifest satisfaction. As you watch Cassandra bask in her post-meal bliss, you decide to take advantage of the moment to express your affection for her. Leaning in close, you plant a gentle kiss on her plump cheek before whispering into her ear, "You're so amazing, and it makes me really happy that I can finally say that."

Cassandra lets out a soft moan, her eyes fluttering shut at the gentle touch of your lips. She leans into you, savoring the moment. When you finish, she lets out a content sigh, her chest heaving slightly as she takes in the warmth of your words.

"You too, Anon." It isn't hot by any means in the guest bedroom, but you've been flushed and lightly sweaty since waking up. Cass, being even more belarded, isn't doing any better at staying cool. All the same, you don't hesitate to lay against her, your own blubbery expanse molding against hers. As you lean against Cassandra, you feel the warmth of her body enveloping you. Her soft, plump flesh pressing against yours feels comforting and intimate. You can't help but marvel at how your flab almost seems to merge.

She reaches across her expanse and gently pulls you close, and you relax against her. Even though she feels like a hot water bed, you can't resist her embrace. The two of you lay there for some time, gently squishing against each other, feeling more than hearing your stuffed bellies gurgling from processing your gluttonous breakfasts. The two of you continue to bask in each other's company, enjoying the comforting silence that fills the room. Cassandra snuggles closer to you, her soft, warm belly pressing against your side. You can't help but breathe in her scent, a mix of stray sugar and womanly musk.

"Cass," you whisper.


"After you cancel the hex and we go back to normal," you swallow, bracing yourself for a difficult admission, "I want to stop dieting."

Cassandra's eyes widen in surprise, but she doesn't pull away from your embrace. "You mean it?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Yeah," you nod, squeezing her hand. "You're going to be slowly dispelling your skinny illusion spell, quote-unquote getting fatter, right? I want to get fat with you."

"Anon..." Cass' voice is strained.

"Think about it. It's a perfect story. Lifelong friends who finally confess their feelings, and wind up putting on relationship weight."

Cassandra takes a deep breath, her chest rising and falling heavily beneath her soft skin. She's clearly weighing your words carefully. Finally, she looks away, a tear rolling down her cheek. "Anon," she whispers. "Don't make a promise like that when you're happy. We've had a hell of a weekend..."

You lean forward, reaching up to wipe away a tear from her cheek. "I'm not just saying this because we're in a good place right now. I mean it. I want to share everything with you, including the weight gain."

Cassandra looks at you, her eyes softening. "Okay," she says slowly.

"I know I can't really understand all the years of struggle you've had with your body image and your appetite," you explain. "And no matter how sensual all this lard makes me feel," you grope your own moob and pinch your nipple, unintentionally causing your breath to hitch, "And no matter how good stuffing my face feels, I wouldn't do these things just for me. I want to share the burden of your true form, as cringey as that phrasing may be."

Cassandra looks at you, her eyes wide with disbelief. "Anon, you really would?"

"I would," you nod. "I now know just how much staying skinny meant to you, and you're giving that up of your own accord. I... Want to do whatever I can to make that transition easier for you, and - it's part of why I couldn't sleep well last night, I got the idea in my head that I could gain as you did, and we could face whatever petty jokes and comments together, rather than you doing it alone."

Cassandra stares at you for a long moment, her eyes searching yours for any hint of deception. Finally, she seems to accept your words as genuine. "Anon," she says, smiling slightly. "Thank you."

You return her smile, feeling a warmth spread through your chest.

"I know this probably isn't an equal sacrifice to you giving up the illusion," you admit, "But I can think of nothing else that's more appropriate."

Cassandra's eyes mist over with tears, and she reaches out to hug you tightly. "You're really something else, Anon," she whispers into your ear. "I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I'm so grateful for you."

"I lo-" you hesitate, but recover, "I am so unbelievably happy that I get to be with you, Cassandra."

She either doesn't notice or isn't bothered that you almost said "love".

"I'm never going to let you forget that you're mine," she purrs. "All the other girls are going to be so jealous. We're going to be the cutest chubby couple ever!"

You lean back and look her up and down, taking in the fullness of her blubbery curves. "I can't believe *you're* actually mine," you breathe, your eyes sparkling with excitement. "And you know, I don't think I'll ever forget it." Cass just giggles, stroking your arm and your chubby flank. She apologizes for finding a ticklish spot, then continues to lazily survey your rolls and folds.

You lay together quietly for a few minutes, in spite of the shared body heat and extra insulation making the two of you perspire freely.

Eventually Cass slaps your shoulder with an air of finality.

"Ok, my blubbery loverboy," she says, "Are you finally ready to be skinny again?"

You grin up at her, feeling a mix of nervousness, excitement, and a splash of disappointment. "I am," you reply, "Let's do this."

She gestures for you to stand, and you slowly roll yourself to the edge of the bed, and take to your feet with a groan. You immediately miss wallowing in bed as your weight grinds down on your legs.

With the grunts and groans Cass is emitting, you wonder if she's considering giving up on the counter spell. But sure enough, with a determined exhale and a relieved creak from the bed, Cass stands too and straightens up.

She groans, looking over her shoulder at the now-battered guest mattress.

"Maybe it'll... Bounce back on its own?" She chuckles, surveying the crater your combined mass pressed into the bed. "Ok... Anyways... Follow me..." She huffs, and begins waddling out of the guest bedroom. With a restrained groan you set your own bulk in motion and follow along.

Cass carefully wedges her way through the doorway, then leads you jiggling across the sun-drenched living room, and into her bedroom.

"Go into the bathroom... And... And sit on the floor..." She pants, nearly winded from the minimal journey.

You nod, feeling a mix of anxiety and anticipation as you head into the bathroom. Once inside, you slowly and awkwardly lower yourself to the cool tiles, bracing against a countertop as you drop one knee, then the next.

You splay your chunky legs out in front of you, trying to get comfortable, when you notice that Cass' master bathroom is actually quite spacious, with a surprisingly accommodating open area in the center of the room.

A few moments later, Cass wiggles her way through the door (sideways of course) with a scruffy paperback book in her hand plus some candles and other items nestled in her flabby arms.

You're tempted to comment or question the items she's using, but you think better of it.

Cass sets up her little ritual just in front of you, carefully arranging her supplies and taking deep, calming breaths, checking her book occasionally. You watch her with a mix of curiosity and admiration, impressed by her determination despite her obvious discomfort.

She arranges seven candles in a rough circle, then sifts out some exotic-smelling powder into purposeful shapes. After a few minutes of careful preparation, Cass finally turns to face you.

She looks at you with a mix of determination and vulnerability in her eyes. "Ok, this might... This might hurt a little..." She warns, swallowing hard. "But it'll be worth it."

You nod, gulping down your own anxiety. "I trust you, Cass. But, uh, what exactly do you mean?"

Cassandra breathes deliberately, a hand resting on her chubby chest as she tries to dispel her exertion and steady her nerves. "So... I know this will work because I tested the cake hex on myself a while back, then dispelled it."

You raise an eyebrow, intrigued despite your initial discomfort. "You mean you intentionally made yourself super fat and then undid it?" You ask, trying to wrap your head around the concept.

She nods gently. "Yeah, exactly. As angry as I was at the time, I still couldn't bring myself to hit you with an untested spell."

"Anyways (oof)..." Cass squats down effortfully, setting a small drinking glass at the center of the ritual circle, "Gaining weight magically was kind of fun, right? Well, losing it... Well it's not outright painful but it's just not pleasant, is how I'd describe it." You watch as Cassandra dips her finger into the exotic-smelling powder and traces a delicate symbol on the inside of the glass. The powder shimmers and shifts, seeming to respond to her touch.

She nods, her expression intense. "Ok, now we're ready."

As Cassandra finishes her preparations, you can't help but feel a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. This is a side of your friend you've never seen before, and it's both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. "What do I need to do?" You ask.

"Right now, nothing," Cass answers, readying a butane lighter and nodding her head to some imagined cadence or chant.

She continues, "The counter spell is going to condense into a liquid in the glass. You're going to drink it."

"Ok," you reply simply.

Cassandra doesn't acknowledge you, instead chanting something under her breath and lighting the candles one by one, going around the circle seemingly at random. The air around you begins to feel charged as Cassandra continues her chant, and you start to feel a strange sensation in your gut. Is it anxiety or something else? It's hard to tell.

Suddenly, the candles flicker and go out, leaving you in near darkness. A moment later the candles re-ignite on their own, flames in a shifting iridescent rainbow. Cass has carefully extricated herself from the ritual circle and is now kneeling beside it. You watch in astonished silence as she chants something in a language you've never heard. You realize that you're holding your breath as you watch Cassandra's performance, entranced by the power and emotion she's pouring into her words. Slowly, the words seem to echo in your mind, as if she's speaking directly to you.

Then, without any sort of crescendo or obvious conclusion, Cass stops chanting. Her whole body is pink with exertion and she's struggling to keep her breath somewhat even. She flicks the lighter and deliberately brings the flame to her opposite palm. Her chubby free hand isn't burned, instead it's instantly wreathed in the same rainbow flames as the candles.

Cassandra is dripping sweat and panting at this point, but she carefully leans forwards into the ritual circle, touching the symbol-marked glass with her flaming hand. The powder inside the glass instantly begins to bubble and churn, condensing and expanding into a deep purple liquid. Cassandra withdraws her hand from the glass, and the flames around her instantly dissipate. She looks over at you, a mixture of pride and exhaustion on her face. "Ok, it's ready. You should drink it."

As Cassandra hands you the glass, you can feel the heat radiating off of it. The liquid inside looks thick and syrupy, almost black. You take a tentative sip, and it tastes bitter and acrid, burning your tongue and the roof of your mouth. You grimace but force yourself to swallow it down.

The taste lingers in your mouth, sticking vaguely like melted rubber, and you feel a strange sensation spreading through your body. It starts as a tingling in your fingertips and toes, then gradually moves up your limbs and throughout your torso. The tingling intensifies, and soon it feels like every ounce of your flesh is practically fizzing. Your head swims and you grit your teeth, you barely manage to set the glass on the floor before losing your grip.

"Just... Try to breathe..." You can barely make out Cass dabbing her face with a towel. She's drenched in sweat and blotchy, still breathing heavy, "You can... Take it... It won't... Last forever..."

As you struggle to catch your breath, you feel your body's reaction intensifying. The tingling sensation spreads rapidly through your system, causing your muscles to twitch and your skin to feel tight and hot. The hundreds of pounds of formerly soft, comforting fat now seem to be a solid mass of bees vibrating under your skin. You feel your heart hammering in your chest as the sensation continues to build. It's like every cell in your body is being charged with an electrical current, causing your fat to vibrate at an almost visible frequency. The heat is unbearable now, making you sweat profusely despite the cool air conditioning. Your vision refuses to focus, and the only thoughts you can keep in your mind are to just keep breathing, while wondering if you're about to die.

You aren't sure how long you're like this, but the vibrating sensation suddenly stops, as though a switch were thrown. You lay on the cold tiles of Cassandra's bathroom, gasping for breath and shivering intensely as your nerves adjust to the massive stimulus suddenly ending. You immediately find yourself blanketed in a fluffy towel, and embraced by a sweaty, blubbery Cassandra.

You're grateful for the dry towel and the sudden contact from her very warm body, and as you process your sudden temperature sensitivity you realize that you're skinny again.

Cass kneels over you, on the verge of sobbing, "Oh God, Anon, I'm so sorry, I had no idea you'd react so strongly... Please be ok, baby, please tell me you're alright..." You cough and wheeze, your chest heaving as you try to catch your breath. Your skin is covered in a fine sheen of sweat, and you can feel the lingering effects of the intense sensation that coursed through your body. You look up at Cassandra, feeling the warmth of her embrace. You manage a weak smile, "It's... Okay, Cass. Really. Just... give me a minute." Your words are ragged, but you're relieved to see that Cassandra seems genuinely concerned for your well-being.

"I'm here for you, Anon," Cassandra says softly, running a hand through your sweat-soaked hair.

You lean into her touch, appreciating the comfort she provides. "I'm cold," you chuckle, "But I feel a hell of a lot lighter. But also mostly fucking exhausted."

"I'm just so relieved you're ok," Cass whispers, "I need to figure out why the counterspell was so rough for you, but that's a problem for later."

You haul yourself to a sitting position and wrap the towel around you more properly.

"Are you sure you want to dispel your own curse today?" You ask, your own traumatic anti-magic experience chillingly fresh.

Cassandra looks at you, a mix of concern and determination on her face. "I can do this, Anon," she says firmly. "I know my limits, and I'm certain I've got enough stamina left to do this again."

"Ok Cass," you say uncertainly. You slowly rise to your feet (marveling at how much easier it is now in spite of your exhaustion) then move to the sink, fill a glass of water, and drink.

Cass watches you closely, vigilant for any sign of lingering malaise.

You finish the glass of water and set it down, then turn to Cassandra. "Whew, already feeling a lot better. So," you settle on the lip of Cass' luxurious oversize bathtub and continue, "I don't know if I'll be much help in magical matters, but if I can do anything, I'm here for you, ok?" Cassandra smiles softly, her brown eyes warm and grateful.

"Thank you, Anon," she says quietly. "I don't need any help with the actual spellcasting, but having you here will help in its own way." She then takes a drink of water from the sink faucet herself, obviously trying to recuperate a bit. Cass then spends a few minutes poring over her hokey-looking spellbook, brows furrowed in concentration and no doubt searching for any whiff of a mistake. As you watch Cassandra studying her spellbook, you notice her looking more and more frustrated. Finally, she sighs heavily and closes it, running a hand through her fluffy hair in exasperation. "I don't know what it is," she says, shaking her head.

"But I'm still going to take my chances," she continues, kneeling next to the ritual circle and double-checking the powder symbols on the floor. You watch as Cassandra takes a deep breath, and you can see the determination etched on her face. She produces a second drinking glass, smears the appropriate symbols into it, then sets it into the ritual circle and prepares to start again. She begins to intone the words of the spell, her voice strong and clear despite the obvious fatigue.

She relights the candles one by one, again seemingly at random. This time she does so from outside the ritual circle, deliberately shifting her heavy body as she reaches for each new candle. With all the candles lit, she seems to linger on a few particular verses of the chant for longer than you recall the last time.

Then again, with no warning, she falls silent, summons a flame from her lighter, then touches the flame to her free hand. Despite seeing the feat for the second time, you still nearly gasp as her hand flares with the mystical rainbowed flames. Cass takes a deep breath, this time clearly anxious about her abilities, then touches the marked glass a second time. The powder symbols again sputter and fizz, transmuting into the same viscous purple fluid. Cass' doughy chest heaves, her apron belly visibly rising and falling along with her breathing, and she is drenched in sweat. Regardless, she immediately picks up the glass of the anti-magic elixir and in one fluid motion gulps it down, her face betraying only the merest moment of discomfort. You watch Cassandra carefully, making sure she's okay after such a strenuous display of magic. As she finishes the elixir, you notice her eyes widen and she takes a deep breath, clearly feeling the effects of the potion. She closes her eyes tightly and grits her teeth, then lays on the floor, settling onto her side in preparation for the elixir to take effect.

Her already-labored breathing accelerates into almost frantic wheezes, and despite her preparation, Cass moans uncomfortably as the elixir cleanses the fattening hex from her body. You watch as Cassandra's body begins to shift and contort under the influence of the potion. Her skin turns a deep shade of red, and beads of sweat break out all over her body. Like you, she begins to shiver uncontrollably, her blubber jiggling madly. As the pitch of her breathing intensifies to near cries, you see her body begin to slim down before your eyes.

You watch in amazement as Cassandra's body continues to transform. The fat evaporates off of her frame, doughy cellulitic flesh smoothing out and firming up, though her shrinkage slows down while she's still very plump. Cass' breathing finally becomes less pained and her skin gradually gets less flushed, and you somehow just know when the elixir had finished its work.

Cassandra lays on the cold bathroom floor, drenched in sweat and shivering, though probably not as miserable as you were upon cleansing your own curse. You don't fixate on ogling her true form, but you get a good enough look as you scramble to cover her with a fresh towel. She still sports a double chin, though she actually bears some jawline now. Her arms are back to merely plump, even suggesting some muscle underneath. Cass' chest, though downgraded from colossal soft watermelons, boasts a surprisingly perky pair of cantaloupe breasts. Her belly now doesn't even hint at an auxiliary upper roll, but still hangs slightly over her pubis and doesn't compete with her plush, curvaceous hips. Cass' thighs are chunky and thick, though they have a decidedly full, smooth look in spite of their obvious fatness. Cassandra groans softly as she feels the towel wrapping around her body. She opens her eyes slowly, blinking away the sweat that still clings to her eyelashes. "Wow... that was intense," she says, her voice hoarse from the exertion of using magic.

"That was... Much worse than usual..." She observes, "But we made it through." You help Cassandra up from the cold floor and into a sitting position, taking note of the new curves and changes to her body. You realize that even though she's still very plump, there's an undeniable allure to her true form that was previously hidden by magic. Perhaps it's the self-assurance and comfort that comes from finally dropping the act and revealing herself to you. You watch as Cassandra struggles to her feet, her newly-revealed body shaking with the aftereffects of the transformation. You feel a mix of emotions seeing her in her true form, both awe at the beauty of her new curves and concern for her well-being.

"Cassandra," you breathe, "You might be the most amazing woman on earth."

Cass leans against you, her reduced pudge no less comfortable against your body. You quickly realize that she isn't simply being affectionate.

"Anon... Thank you..." She leans her head on your chest and whispers, "For forgiving me... For accepting me and my feelings..."

"Anything for you, Cass," you reply warmly, scrubbing your fingers through her sweat-drenched pixie cut.

Cass almost collapses against you, and you scramble to hold up her reduced but still considerable weight. She breathes, "You're so goddamned sweet, but I'm about to keel over. Help me to my bed, please?"

"Of course, baby," you say, wrapping your arms around her voluptuous frame.

You spare a moment to be grateful that your coordination doesn't seem to be thrown off after gaining and then losing hundreds of pounds in under twenty-four hours.

Cass can barely walk, and exhausted as you are, you manage to take the lead, shuffling the two of you towards her plush bed. With a final heave, you manage to lower Cass onto her bed, and she gasps in relief. You can see the exhaustion in her eyes, but there's also an underlying glow of happiness and contentment. "Thank you, Anon," she murmurs, running a hand over her still-damp hair. You sit down on the bed beside her, gently taking her hand in yours.

"You did amazing, Cass. I couldn't be more proud of you." You give her a warm smile, trying to reassure her.

As you sit with her, you can't help but feel a mix of emotions.

"Nap with me?" She whispers.

"I'd love to," you reply, your own exhaustion reasserting itself insistently. She peels back the covers on her side of the bed and limply rolls herself into place. You slide under the covers next to her, and curl up next to her soft form. Cass is asleep instantly, and before you can really savor the feeling of being naked together and cuddling, you're asleep too.

You come to some time later, and you find yourself nestled against Cassandra's warm, plush body. She's still asleep, and you can't help but take a moment to just enjoy the feeling of being this close to her. As though of its own mind, your cock is at full mast, throbbing eagerly and pressing against one of Cass' thick asscheeks. You stay curled against her and check the clock on her nightstand - it's a little past noon.

You feel more than hear a sensual purr emanate from Cassandra, and she gently grinds her ass against your crotch. Cass' eyes flutter open, and she smiles lazily at you. "Hey there, big guy," she murmurs, running a hand down your thigh, "Still into fat little me after everything I put you through?" Her voice is teasing, but there's an undeniable heat beneath it.

You chuckle softly, sliding your hand around her hip to gently grope a handful of her tummy. "You know I am, Cass. Every inch, every pound." You try very hard to not giggle at the double entendre.

Cass breathes heavily, enjoying the attention. "You shouldn't stick your dick in crazy, Anon. And I'm a yandere witch."

You lean in closer to her, your lips brushing against her ear. "Then let's be crazy together," you whisper, feeling the heat in your words.

Cassandra shudders with delight, her breath hitching. "Oh, Anon," she whispers back, her voice thick with desire. Before you can move to make the situation hotter, Cass gently but firmly pries your hand off of her. She shifts away from you, then rolls over to look at you directly. She takes a deep breath, her eyes practically glowing with an autumnal hue, before taking your hand.

"Anon, I'd be lying if I said anything other than 'I want you so fucking bad right now'. But..."

Your initial excitement snaps in an instant. She continues, "I genuinely am absolutely exhausted after weaving both of our anti-magic spells and undergoing my own dispel. Like, I'm surprised I'm not comatose. I know I keep kicking the can down the road with us finally getting to fuck, and I'm not leading you on, I promise."

You sigh, understanding completely yet still trying to stem an outpouring of disappointment.

"I understand, Cass."

She adds, "Also you know darn well that this isn't a good time to escalate like that. Even though I've been driving, I need some time to digest everything that's happened over.... Jesus it's been only a day," she laughs.

"Amazing we can pack so much drama into so few hours. We gotta be us," you joke back.

"I'm not saying no, Anon," Cass reassures you, "I like the digestion metaphor. This was a giant emotional meal... But I'll be ready for more very soon."

You nod, understanding her need for time. "Take all the time you need, Cass. I'm still just over the moon that we could finally open up to each other." You brush against her plump cheek, giving her a reassuring smile, "We held out our crushes for years, I can be responsible for just a bit longer."

"Thanks, Anon," she replies, returning the smile. "I really appreciate it. ...And speaking of digestion and appetites, I'm actually seriously hungry," she laughs.

"Me too," you reply, tickled but also not really surprised at being hungry after the weekend's incredible indulgences.

"Since I procured breakfast in bed today, how about you fix some lunch? My kitchen is pretty organized, you should be able to find bread and stuff easily."

"Cassandra," you scold playfully, "Are you literally asking me to make you a sandwich?"

"I'm not asking," Cass laughs, "And make two! And bring chips!"

You chuckle and lean over to give Cassandra a quick peck on her plump cheek before climbing out of bed.

"And ditch the towel, I wanna look at your ass," Cass giggles.

You grin at her playful remark and toss the damp towel aside. The air is cool on your nude body, but you honestly feel more comfortable as you dry. You lean forward slightly, and check your butt towards Cass before giving your hips a semi-coordinated gyration.

Cassandra laughs and applauds your little show, her eyes following your swaying hips. "Very nice, Anon. Now get to work."

You chuckle and head towards the kitchen. True to her word, Cass' kitchen is easy to rummage through, and soon you're arranging sliced ham and lettuce atop mayo-slathered bread. Your portion mirrors Cass' - you want to make it clear that you're serious about plumping up with her. You stage out the hearty quartet of sandwiches on a plate, grab a bag of potato chips and a big bottle of soda, and are suddenly struck with a moment of profound inner conflict.

The cursed cake from last night is still on the dining table, just as explosively sweet and colorful as before. In spite of everything, you feel a sore temptation to devour the hyper-fattening dessert, briefly fantasizing about once again ballooning into a blob of fat. You grit your teeth and shake your head, dispelling the temptation. You turn towards Cass' bedroom with your meals in hand, hoping that the hex on the cake will dissipate on its own.

As you enter the bedroom, Cassandra is sitting up in bed, looking at you with an expectant expression and clutching a sheet around her torso.

"Lunchtime!" You announce with a flourish. Cassandra's eyes light up at the sight of the food, and she smiles widely. "Thank you, Anon. You really know how to take care of a girl," She says as she takes a bite out of her sandwich, closing her eyes in delight at the taste.

You slide next to her on the bed and grab a sandwich for yourself. You've seemingly barely had the chance to savor your handiwork before you're wiping your face and licking your fingers clean, both sandwiches gently swelling your stomach. You lean back against the pillows and let out a satisfied sigh, watching Cassandra finish her own sandwich.

"So," She begins, her voice slightly less sugary than before, "Are you really going to put on weight for me, Anon?" She asks, her eyes boring into yours. You meet her gaze unflinchingly.

"Absolutely," you reply, placing a hand on your stomach. You give it a rub, really soaking in the sensation of your muscles under your fingers, the slightly bloated sensation from your big lunch, and contrasting against the tubby doughball you carried just a few hours ago.

"I've made up my mind," you continue, "I want to help you feel more comfortable in your own skin, and if that means gaining some myself, then so be it." You pause, taking a deep breath. "Besides, I liked it when you were hand-feeding me earlier, and I know you enjoyed that too."

You feel slightly silly to be re-litigating this issue yet again, but your creeping blush betrays your sincerity.

Cassandra looks away, her eyes cast down at the floor. "I... I did enjoy that," she admits, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I don't want to push you into anything you don't want to do. If you're only doing this for me, then I can't accept that."

"Cass," you say, clutching her warm hand, "I'm saying this as my normal, skinny self. I'm clear-headed, if a bit tired. I know what sort of door I'm about to open. And honestly," you take a quick deep breath, "I'm pretty sure my days as a skinny guy are numbered anyways. Dieting sucks, I've never been much of an athlete. The call of ...chonk-thulhu?" You snicker at your lame pun, "...Isn't getting any quieter. I kinda liked being heavier when I was younger, and if it seems inevitable, and it's something you'll appreciate to boot...."

You peer into the depths of Cass' rich mocha irises, hoping you sound sincere rather than unhinged, "...then it just seems right, you know?"

Cassandra's expression softens as she looks back at you, her eyes filling with emotion. "Thank you," she whispers, squeezing your hand. "I'm... Honestly jealous that it can be so open and shut for you. 'Welp guess I'm ok with getting fat now',“ she briefly drops her pitch, imitating your voice, then normalizing, "But... Maybe I've never really tried to think that way myself." Cass suddenly giggles, a slightly lopsided smile tugging at her lips.

"Well, I hope for your sake, you're serious, Anon," she laughs, "You get such a cute tummy when you're heavier, and I think I want to be playing with that again as soon as possible."

She punctuates her remark by proffering a fistful of potato chips in front of your mouth.

You grin at her, opening your mouth expectantly. Cass giggles, roughly piling the chips past your lips. As you both laugh and you try not to choke, you chew. After making some space, you say through your full mouth, "It'll be fun. I'm sure you'll enjoy this, Cass."

She grins at you, readying another serving of the chips, but before you accept them, you add, "And if anybody gives us shit, we'll just sit on them!"

You both burst into laughter, clutching each other's hands tightly. As the moment lingers on, you realize that you have just shared something truly special - a newfound understanding and acceptance of your mutual desires. You lazily spend about another hour together, nibbling away the bag of chips and polishing off the whole bottle of soda. You make a mental note to avoid the diet brands from now on.

Eventually, Cass pats your thigh and gently caresses it, saying "Anon, as unforgettable and wonderful as this has been, I need to get ready for the week."

"Kicking me out?" You joke.

Cass is irritated, "Don't be like that. We've got jobs and responsibilities and shit we need to meet out in the real world."

You give her a small grin, knowing that she's right. "Sorry, didn't mean to sound so whiny. It's just... I'm gonna miss you."

She giggles and gives you a peck on the cheek, "I know, I know."

With that, she swooshes the covers open and slides her legs over the side of the bed. She yawns and stretches, clearly still exhausted despite the nap and lunch.

"Come with me," she motions, "I'm not going to send you away naked, plus I kinda owe you for shredding your outfit last night."

You grin and nod, getting out of bed with a stretch. "Right, we do have to take care of that."

You dawdle, ogling Cass as she makes her way towards the closet. The way her chubby body jiggles merrily with every step is no less hypnotic than it was when she was bigger. Cassandra seems oblivious to your stare, chuckling softly as she rummages through the clothes. She produces a simple pair of black sweatpants and a large gray T-shirt. Something about the proportions seems like the apparel is meant for ladies, but the outfit will keep you decent while you slink back home.

You take the clothes from her, feeling the soft fabric against your fingertips. "Thanks, Cass. For everything."

She smiles and walks over to you, placing her hands on your shoulders. Her touch sends shivers down your spine. "You're welcome, Anon." She releases you and adds, "Now get dressed, ok? I need to rest up and prepare for... Well, appearing normal again..."

You feel a pang of worry, tinged with sadness, but stall for time, pulling on the sweatpants. You momentarily forget that you no longer have a massive heaving gut, and pull out a lot of the drawstrings to snug up the waist.

As you tie the strings off, you ask, "Cass, I know we've addressed this like a million times, but you're sure you're still ok with all of this?"

Cassandra looks at you with a mix of emotions, sadness, fear, and determination. "Yes, Anon," she replies, "I'm sure. I..."

She fidgets uncomfortably, focusing on squeezing her chubbiest parts. She sighs then continues, "I'm just not stoked to return to living a lie, even if I'm unwinding it. I kinda wish I could just drop the illusion outright," she snaps her fingers for emphasis, "But it's... That'd just be too sudden. There's no way I could explain away blowing up to three-hundred-something pounds over a weekend, you know?"

You nod, understanding her predicament. "I get it. The world's not ready to know that magic is actually real, huh?"

Cassandra chuckles softly, her brown eyes meeting yours. "Yeah."

One word, the barest splinter atop a vast glacier of potential blowback and consequences. Neither of you dwells on the notion. She slips on a hugely over-sized T-shirt, featuring a cutesy design of cartoon animals frolicking in a lush green forest. It hangs loosely off of her like a dress or nightgown. You slip on your own loaner shirt, trying not to vanish into its over-sized folds. Cass ushers you towards the door, talking as you slowly proceed.

"I'm basically going to be asleep from now until tomorrow morning, and then I'll need to take the day off of work. The next time you see me, I'll be skinny again."

You nod, the notion of Cass being trim and fit again already feeling foreign and wrong.

"Gotcha. If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to text me or something," you say. Cassandra smiles warmly at you, her cheeks dimpling slightly. "Thanks, Anon. I think I've got it from here, though."

Cass tugs on your borrowed shirt, gently stopping you.

"Actually, I know something you can do," she says enticingly, "Not in the next day or two, but after that. I'm going to set my my skinny illusion to slowly fade. Maybe over about a year? It'll look like I'm putting on a couple of pounds per week - fast, but not unreasonable, right?" You nod, knowing that Cass will get to the meat of her request at her own pace.

"Anyways. What you can do for me," her voice drops into a purr, and her hand starts stroking your tummy, "Is do your best to keep up with me as I expand."

You feel a blush rising to your cheeks as Cass touches you.

"Well, I did say I hated dieting," you stammer.

"I'll sweeten the deal," Cass persists, "I'll gladly keep cooking for you, and I'll pay for most of our meals out."

She leans in, pressing against you. Her body radiates heat, and her breath tickles your ear, "Let me spoil you, baby,"

Your heart races as you process the sincere desire in Cass' request. A simple, tender moment like this hits harder than any sensual magic-catalyzed confession from earlier. How could you possibly turn down Cassandra?

"Cassandra, that sounds like a dream come true. You keep talking like this, I might do more than keep up with you..."

Cassandra giggles and presses her soft, warm body against you. "Oh, Anon, you have no idea what you're getting yourself into," she whispers, and you feel her grin against your neck. You feel a shiver run down your spine, and you can't help but lean in closer.

"I know exactly what I'm doing," you reply, moving your lips closer to Cass', "I'm getting everything I've ever wanted, and I couldn't be happier."

You gently grip the back of Cass' head and pull her in, her lips greedily nipping at your own. As you deepen the kiss, you can feel Cassandra's tongue dancing with yours, and her hands begin to wander across your chest, over your stomach, and finally come to a rest on your hips. She moans softly into the kiss, her breath hitching as she pulls away slightly. She squeezes your ass, looking into your eyes with a smirk.

"I'll invite you back later this week. I haven't decided what I'll be making, but bring an appetite..."

You blush and chuckle, "I always do when you're cooking." Cassandra grins widely, clearly pleased with your reaction. She leans in to give you one more quick kiss on the lips before disentangling herself from you.

"Alright, I better go."

"Yeah," Cass answers, "I don't want you to leave, but my cozy bed's call is so insistent..."

"Message received," you chuckle, "Don't make me wait too long, ok?"

Cassandra grins widely, her cheeks dimpling slightly, "I won't." With one last squeeze of your hips, she steps back, clearing your path to her front door.

With no further ado, you open the door and begin your journey back to your place, so elated you're practically floating.