You awaken to sunlight streaming through the bedroom window. You've clearly slept way in, but it was just so nice to be back in a familiar bed. Val is snoozing away off to your side, and doesn't seem to stir as you wake up. You stretch leisurely and ease yourself off the bed, heading to the bathroom.
After freshening up a bit, you decide to step on the floor scale, out of curiosity. You are surprised to see that you've gained four pounds. That's... weird. Especially since you didn't even eat that much while you were in the hospital. Maybe it's just water, dinner last night was pretty salty.
You step out to see Val is awake. She's still laying in bed and is playing on her phone. She looks at you as you leave the bathroom.
"How are you feeling?" she asks.
"I'm good."
"Think you can eat a little bit? I can make some breakfast if you'd like."
"Yes please," you reply, then stroll over and bend down to kiss Val. She lifts the covers and swings her long legs to get out of bed. You ogle her toned body as she stands and stretches. Val bites her lip and smirks at you as she catches you looking.
"Is there something I can help you with?" she asks.
"Maybe," you reply, grinning from ear to ear. Val giggles, then strides over to her closet. She shimmies and does a cute little dance as she dresses, pretending she can't see you watching. Val pulls on some pink booty shorts and a short, loose t-shirt that shows off her midriff. She turns to you, and you can't help yourself. You bend down and kiss Val's abs, sliding your tongue into her belly button. She squirms as you lick her belly button, and then you kiss your way up to her nipples, which you gently bite. She coos and giggles, then pulls you into a tight embrace. "I better get cooking," she purrs. "Otherwise you're liable to eat me!"
"Have I mentioned how beautiful you are?" you ask.
"About fifty times," she says, smiling.
"And I love hearing it every time," she whispers in your ear. A moment later, she pulls away and playfully smacks your ass. "Ok, I'm gonna go cook. You can stay here naked all day if you want, but you won't get any pancakes that way."
"Fine, fine," you playfully whine, and put on a pair of light shorts and a tanktop.
You grab your phone and follow Val into her kitchen. She pulls out a mixing bowl and a whisk, and begins to whip up some pancake batter. You put on a pot of coffee to brew.
"You want some help?" you ask.
"Not this time, honey! I'm gonna take care of you," Val replies while working at the stove. The kitchen fills with the smell of pancakes as you check your phone. There's a price update alert on some of your stocks. Your portfolio is up. It's up by quite a lot, in fact. A pleasant smile appears on your face as you look at the display. Val sets a big plate of pancakes in front of you, and you dig in. You continue sleepily thumbing through your stocks when you spot something. You drop your fork. One of your holdings is up ten-fold from where you bought it.
"I thought I was doing well... but this is incredible!" you say, disbelief in your voice.
Val cocks her head, "hmmm?"-ing around a mouthful of pancake.
You turn your full attention to your phone to make a sell order and lock in your profits.
"Sweetie, you gonna eat?" Val asks.
"I can't believe this! I must be psychic!" You grin from ear to ear.
Understanding blooms on Val's face as you explain. "Some of my stocks are way up. I just made months of wages in a couple days!"
"Mm-hm," Val says, still chewing her pancake.
"I should sell some of my holdings before it gets away from me!" you exclaim. You do so, and the following confirmation email solidifies your elation. A thought pops into your head unbidden. Witness.
Could he have done something? No, best not to think about that.
Also it's probably best to avoid getting excited. Blood pressure and healing and all that. You deliberately place your phone on the table face-down, and take deep breaths.
In the meantime, you continue eating your breakfast. Between her appetite and your delay, Val has already polished off her stack.
"I'm gonna make some more," she says.
You continue methodically slicing and eating your food, and Val gets up to work at the stove again. The pan sizzles merrily once more. You consume most of your meal and drink your coffee. Val ambles back from the kitchen with a new plate of flapjacks. She brought over the coffee pot as well and pours you a refill. You watch as Val smears her pancakes with butter, then sprinkles them with cinnamon before drizzling syrup all over them. The smell is intoxicating.
"You want some more?" Val asks.
You consider it, "Maybe later. I'm pretty full right now."
Val nods and happily devours the rest of her food.
You put down your knife and fork and lean back in your chair.
"That was perfect," you sigh. "Just what I needed."
Val smiles and nods, cleaning off her face with a napkin. You push back from the table and give Val a big hug, "I'm so happy you're here."
Val hugs you right back, "Me too, babe. Me too."
The two of you relocate to the living room. Val flips on the TV, a cooking show comes on, but neither of you is really watching. You're cuddling on the couch and playing on your phones. You snicker as Val loses a few rounds of a cheesy mobile game. Val briefly shoots you a dirty look, then puts her phone down and asks, "Well, what do you want to do today?"
"Let's get some fresh air," you offer. "We can go to the park, then maybe check out the shops?"
"Yeah, that sounds good to me," Val agrees.
You and Val get up and throw on some clothes. The weather is nice, so you're wearing (nice) shorts and a t-shirt. Val decided to swap for a blue sundress with a deep v neck, along with a wide-brimmed hat and a handbag. Moments later, you're out the door and heading towards the park. The two of you spend over an hour meandering along the trails, enjoying the weather and the foliage, and occasionally sitting to watch the world go by.
Eventually you decide it's time to swing by the row of shops nearby. You're not particularly looking for anything to buy, but you're appreciating doing normal life things again. You decide to head into a bookstore first. Not because you're particularly intellectual, but it's been far too long since you've taken a look at a real book. The soft lighting and pleasant smell of new paper invokes memories of evenings reading with your mother, and you browse the shelves for something to read. Inspiration suddenly hits you. You make your way to the section on computer-related books, and start looking for titles regarding artificial intelligence. You find a few, but none of them are exactly what you're looking for. Then you notice an entire subsection of books regarding the philosophy of AI. You pick up a few of those and start reading the covers.
One of them, The Consciousness Collection, catches your eye. The cover art is minimalistic, with the title written in very fine, moden-style lettering. You open the book somewhere in the middle. It's a collection of essays discussing the nature of sentience, and its relation to elaborate discussions on the mind-body problem, the hard problem of consciousness, qualia and the like. It sounds like something relevant at the moment. Satisfied, you close the book and look around the store for Val. You find her browsing the herbal/health foods aisle. You call to her.
"Hey, Val."
Val walks towards you, a book of her own in her hands.
"What did you find?” you ask.
Val grins holds up her selection. It's a manual of DIY herbal supplements, and it appears to have been endorsed by some botanical association.
"These are really niche," she says. "But they have potential."
She hands you the book, and you glance through it. There's an extensive collection of what you assume are folk remedies. "Will these do?" you ask.
"I don't know," Val says. "But they're worth a shot, right?"
"Yeah," you reply. As you show off your own choice, you comment, "Looks like we're nerds today," grinning.
Val smirks, before nodding. "Indeed."
You and Val pay for your books and step back outside. Val turns to you and asks, "You getting hungry yet?"
You know that look - Val is definitely ready for lunch. And come to think of it, you are too.
"Well, what sounds good, baby?" You ask.
"Surprise me," Val says.
You smile, thinking of what you can order that will surprise her and satisfy your own cravings.
"I know a taco place around here that does a great lunch special," you say.
"Tacos it is, then."
You and Val head across the shopping center and step through the door of the taco place. You walk to the counter and order your food: two corn tortilla tacos filled with carne asada and pico de gallo, along with a soda. The guy behind the counter nods his head. Val orders the same thing, but more and with a large soda. You find a table in the corner and sit down. As you bite into your first taco, you comment, "This stuff is good," taking another bite.
Val smiles across the table at you and replies, "So are you."
You try not to stare into her eyes, but you do anyway. You see her staring back, looking a little confused. You get lost in Val's crystal blue eyes for a moment, then the spell is broken when she noisily stuffs another taco into her mouth. She chews and swallows, laughing a bit, "Are you not hungry anymore?"
With a start, you remember the rest of your meal waits for your attention, and reach for your remaining taco. You quickly eat it and down the last of your drink. "Mm, I think I'm full," you say.
"Lightweight," Val teases, before finishing off her own lunch. She delicately dabs the grease from her lips, then the two of you throw out your trash and head back outside. You look upwards and give Val a quick kiss.
"So, what's next on the agenda?"
Val surprises you by cradling your face in her hands. She stares at you seriously, before smiling and pulling you in for another kiss.
"I don't think I'll ever get sick of that," she says. She pulls back and grins. "Come on, let's head on home."
You combine the books into one bag and carry them for Val. The two of you return to Val's place hand-in-hand.
You and Val get comfy on the couch and start thumbing through your new books. You're not particularly in the mood for AI philosophy, but you feel like it's important. Val starts reading up on various herbal concoctions.
"Why the sudden interest in herbs?" You ask Val.
"Jen gave me a few roots and herbs a little while back, but I didn't really know what to do with them," She replies.
Val flips a couple of pages, then looks intently into her book for a few moments. "We can make this one," she says. "It's a strong herbal tea. Jen says she drinks it when she wants inspiration for her art."
"Sounds fun," you say.
"Ok!" Val jumps up and strolls into the kitchen. "You just stay there, honey. I'll be back with some tea in a minute."
You hear sounds of chopping and a kettle starts to boil. A strange, earthy aroma wafts out from the kitchen. Soon, Val comes back with two steaming mugs.
"Here you go, sweetie," Val says, handing you one of the mugs.
"Thanks," you reply. Val sits next to you on the couch, and you take a sip.
The tea is bitter and leaves an unpleasant aftertaste in your mouth, but you choke the mug down anyway. It also tingles slightly, leaving an oddly comfortable feeling where it passes. A warm, subtly heavy sensation settles into your stomach once you've finished the tea. The tingly, warm sensation spreads out from your middle, and you start feeling a little light-headed. You look over at Val, and she seems to be feeling a little dopey herself. She giggles and nuzzles into your shoulder. Everything starts to get fuzzy. Your surroundings seem to blur, but you don't feel tired.
"Val, did you just get me high again?" you ask.
Val giggles and snuggles in a little closer to you.
"I think so," she says, almost too softly to hear.
"Well, what are you feeling?" You ask.
"I... I feel happy," Val says.
"Good." You smile and kiss her on the head.
You yawn, your eyelids growing heavy despite you not feeling tired. You and Val cuddle, and melt into each other. You float in a haze, and ribald visions start to play in your mind.
The room starts to get warmer and warmer, and the haze around you gets thicker and thicker. You start to float upwards, carried by the thick, heavy liquid. You look around and realize you're laying on a vast expanse of warm, squishy, flabby flesh. It feels so good that you start sinking into the pink, squishy flesh. You sink into the soft, warm flesh, and enjoy its embrace. Somehow you know that this ocean of flesh is a vast woman, perhaps as large as a planet. You feel a profound sense of ease, and also of longing. You feel so tiny and insignificant amidst this fleshy embrace, and you ache to drink in more of this feeling.
The feeling is only getting stronger, and you desperately want more. You need to have more, but also you long for the feeling to never stop. Suddenly, a myriad of liquid bubbles appear around you. You taste one, and it's a thick, decadently sweet syrup. You gulp it down, and feel utterly satiated, as though you had eaten a giant donut. Then, the bubbles appear in front of you, and you guzzle them down. Despite the fullness of your stomach, you feel utterly insatiable. No matter how many bubbles you slurp down, you easily find a new one. Your mind is awash with pleasure as you feast, and your body tingles excitedly. You feel your body burble and churn, and you start to swell, fattening rapidly. Your skin grows warm and soft, and you feel your clothes stretch tightly against your rapidly swelling figure. It feels so good that you want to stay like this forever. The universe seems to hum with pleasure as you feast and expand. You lose track of time as your body swells with vast amounts of jiggly flab. Your clothes are torn to shreds, and you giggle with hedonistic delight as you feel your fat burst free. The universe seems to laugh with you, finding joy in your inexorable growth.
You take a moment to survey your newly expanded form. You're much bigger than ever before, a titanic mass of warm, sensual, fleshy softness. The slightest movement sends quivering ripples through your flabby expanse, and you're all but pinned to your back by your immense belly. Your limbs are so massive and heavy that you can barely lift or bend them.
Feeling a sudden compulsion, you pause your feast. With great difficulty, you start wobbling from side to side, building up momentum before heaving yourself to lay face-down on the fleshy ocean. Your soft flab presses deeply into the expanse of fat, and you feel warmed and blanketed. On a lark, you push your face forward and caress the skin of the planet-sized woman with your lips and tongue.
You feel more than hear a long, low moan reverberate all around you. A moment later, you feel as though tender kisses are being planted on every inch of your body, and you quake with pleasure. Your body begins to expand yet again, waves of sweet ecstasy flowing through you as your flabby flesh churns and swells beyond any human reckoning. After some time, you melt into the planet-sized woman, and you become aware of her warmth and her mass, and it is now your mass as well. You mind expands as your body does, and for a single, searing moment of clarity, you understand.
You are the universe, understanding itself. Loving itself.
Then, rapture. Then, nothing.
You wake up on Val's couch, entangled with your girlfriend and covered in sweat. You groggily look around Val's living room and remember who you are and what day it is. With a sudden embarrassed start, you realize you had a huge orgasm during your vision, your boxers sticky with your cum.
Val seems to be faring similarly, her hips twitching and thrusting instinctively as her shallow breathing approaches a crescendo. Her breathing catches as her hips tense, then she cries out repeatedly as she climaxes powerfully during her dream. She trembles in the aftershocks, and her breathing slowly returns to normal. Val opens her eyes and looks at you.
Val slowly looks around the room, then says, "Fuck.... that was powerful...."
With a start, she reaches for her crotch, "I think I just came, like a lot," her face reddening with embarrassment.
You own blush tips your hand, but you level with Val, "I did too. Guess we both had pretty good visions then, huh?"
Val's still sort of getting her bearings, but she shifts on the couch to get a little more comfortable.
"Well, what did you see?" She asks.
You tell her about your vision. About the ocean of squishy flesh that belonged to a planet-sized woman. Your impossible feast with the syrup bubbles that fattened you to the size of a planet and sparked a moment of revelation.
"The feeling was pretty intense, though. Everything was really smooth and warm. I could feel everything so clearly," you say.
Val's eyes widen as she realizes what you just said.
"Wait, a planet?" She asks. "As big as the Earth?"
You nod, "Yeah, why?"
Val gapes at you, "You just had sex with the planet Earth."
You look down, suddenly feeling self-conscious, "I... might have, yeah. It was kind of hard to tell exactly what was going on, but everything felt really really good."
"Did-did you see me?" Val asks.
"I didn't really see anybody else, but I guess the planet-sized woman's skin was a similar color to yours. It could have been you! But way way squishier."
Val's face goes red, "I- I hope it was supposed to be me. Fuck, that sounded really hot..."
"Well, what happened in your vision? It looks like yours was pretty hot too." You ask.
"Well, there was a lot of squishing and I felt really warm. It was all really fuzzy, but it was fun!"
Val pauses and thinks for a long moment, "Actually, let me see if I can recall any details..." She says.
Val takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, pulling memories of her vision back to the surface.
Val recounts that she was floating in space, then suddenly found herself presented with a huge banquet of exotic foods. As she ate them, Val felt impressions of pride and satisfaction, as though whoever made the food felt happy that it was getting eaten.
Val says that she absolutely gorged herself, as though each meal only made her hungrier. Eventually, she felt as though an invisible dick was slowly sliding into her, each thrust causing her to slowly get fatter and fatter.
"It felt really good, but then I felt like my whole body was getting so full and heavy. I didn't know what would happen if I ate any more." She says.
"It felt so real. The way I felt my fat jiggle and quake during my vision. It felt amazing, and I needed more, consequences be damned," she continues.
"I kept eating in a frenzy, the vibes from each food pushing me further and further. That invisible dick just kept pumping me up too, and eventually I was too fat to even move my arms. That's when the food started flying into my mouth on its own."
Val's voice lowers to a whisper, as though she can still feel the food inside her, "I just kept chewing and swallowing, and that dick just kept fucking me fatter and fatter. It got to the point where the only thing I could feel was the warmth of my own flab, whatever was in my mouth, and that dick."
Val breaks into a distant smile, "At that moment, when I was crammed full to the brim with foods from all over, that dick finally came inside me. I was overwhelmed with a feeling of the universe caring for me, and a sense of pride for all the things that people could make. It was... Transcendent. The universe being proud of itself..."
Val starts to giggle, "Words don't do it justice. Oh yeah, and the experience made me cum so hard I soaked my poor panties."
"Transcendent and erotic. Transcendentally erotic?" you joke.
"We should do that again some time," Val giggles.
"Oof maybe later. Between everything lately I don't know if I can really handle more mind-blowing for a while," you reply.
"Also I would like to get cleaned up," you add flatly.
"Ugh me too," Val agrees.
The two of you gingerly get up and head to Val's bathroom, carefully stripping off your clothes as the water warms up.
You step under the water, and sigh in ecstasy, "Ahhhhh."
Val walks in behind you and immediately grabs your ass, which startles you, and she then licks your ear. You sigh with pleasure and back into Val's waiting arms. She wraps you in a tight embrace, the warm water flowing between your bodies. Val's muscles are reassuring in their firmness, but you can't help but think about sinking into that ocean of warm flab again. You'd bet anything that Val is thinking about being that ocean of flab. Val lets you go with a giggle, and you grab the soap and quickly lather up. You also take the liberty of soaping up Val, sneaking cheeky caresses of her belly button and nipples as you do so. Val giggles, and you turn your attention to washing each other. You're still mildly euphoric from your trippy vision, and the shower is pleasant, if brief.
The water stops, and the two of you step out to towel off. Val pauses, holding her towel and looking over her body. She runs a hand over her washboard stomach and sighs.
"What's wrong, baby?" you ask.
Val shakes her head, "Nothing. It's just my stomach, it... Feels weird."
You look at your stomach, and absentmindedly touch it as well. It's the same as you remember, flat enough, if not exactly bulging with muscles. Val absentmindedly runs her hands over her body, caressing her skin and tracing bundles of muscle. You watch as she clasps her tight ass with two hands and jiggles it, then the gently massages her b-cup breasts. She sighs and then runs to a mirror, bending over and sticking her ass out. She looks at it and wiggles it, and then turns around and poses.
You step close and put your arm around her, admiring her sexy reflection. "You're beautiful," you tell her.
Val looks at you with an odd half-smile. "Thanks baby. It's not that though. I just feel so.... Small after that vision."
You bend your head back a little to look Val in the eye. "Baby, you're six-foot-three and 220 pounds of sexy muscle. There's no world where you're a small human being."
Val pulls you tight and looks at the two of you in the mirror. "I guess I'm still kind of feeling that tea vision. Hard not to feel small after dreaming about having an ass the size of a planet."
The memory of your own vision is still vividly fresh. "I know what you mean," you reply, idly running your hands over your body and imagining where some flabby rolls might land.
"Yeah..." Val says, a far-off look in her eyes. "Let's have a chill rest of the day, I think we need time to finish coming down from that trip."
You laugh, knowing that she's still feeling the after affects of her dream. You get dressed, opting for some sweatpants and a tanktop. Val goes for lazy-day clothes too, pulling on some loose shorts and a flannel shirt.
The two of you settle in the living room, and Val has a sudden idea. "This herb business was kind of Jen's idea. I'm gonna check with her and see if I made that recipe right," she says.
Val pulls out her phone and texts Jen. A few moments later, it buzzes with a call, and Val answers, putting it on speaker.
"So you made gemtree root tea, huh?" Jen's voice asks from out of the phone.
"Yeah, I made a mug for myself and Anon. He's here too," Val says.
"Hi Jen," you say towards the phone.
"Hey Anon. So, Val, how much root did you use?"
"I got a book of herbalism recipes, and it said to use ten grams per mug," Val answers.
"Ten grams per mug!?" Jen's shock is apparent. "Oh honey. That can't be right. Did you really do ten grams each?"
Val is hesitant, "Uhhhhh yeah? Is that a lot?"
Jen's laughter explodes out of the phone, "Val, that's enough for a whole kettle. Jesus, ten grams each.... Well, did you see God?" she says between giggles.
You cut in, "Actually yeah I think we did. You say you drink this stuff when you need art inspiration?"
"Yes! If I drink enough of this stuff, the hallucinations are the most amazing things. You do not get those from weed, I can tell you that."
Val: "Were your visions ever, well, sexy?"
Nervous laughter on the other end, "Omigosh yes. Why? Did you have an erotic trip?"
Val giggles with embarrassment as she recounts her vision, including her unintended orgasm at the end.
There's a bit of a pause on the other end. Jen eventually replies, "Wow. I've never had a dose that big. Maybe I should... Anon, you said you had the tea too?"
Val looks at you with a huge shit-eating grin as your cheeks flame red.
"Well... Since we're already in TMI land and we're all adults and good friends here..."
You recount your own vision. The dream of the bubble feast, your rapid fattening, the cozy ocean of flab and the planet-sized woman. You even share that you creamed your pants at the end, not feeling the need to be bashful.
"OH MY GOD!" Jen's squeals and laughter flood the phone, "That sounds amazing! You guys are so lucky, I need to try that dosage too.... Whew, sorry, I'm actually getting flustered over here."
Val's face is bright red too, and you hold hands in your mutual embarrassment.
Jen giggles apologetically, "Sorry, sorry, I'm not trying to perv on my friends, and I should have told Val that gemtree root has a way of making things.... Very lusty."
"Does it infuse your visions with fat fetishism too? We've seen your art, Jen," Val laughs.
An embarrassed squeal-scream from the other side, "You didn't! Ahh, no, you did... Well, you got me, and yeah I've got a dirty mind. But so do you!"
"Oh?" you ask.
"The effects of the root only bring forward things you already like. It shouldn't plant any new desires," Jen explains.
A moment passes, then peals of laughter break out on both sides of the call. Val regains her composure first, "Maybe this is some primal caveman shit. Maybe they were onto something with all those fat Venus figurines..." She rolls her eyes.
You crack a smile, "I gotta say, I'm pretty glad you told us this. I was starting to feel uncomfortable about the experience."
Jen's voice is reassuring out of the speaker, "Don't be. None of us can run from what we like. And the fact that we like similar things makes this easier... Gah, I'm nervous, but I want to try that heavy dose now!"
Val and you look at each other, both of you unsure of how to respond.
"Just be careful, ok, Jen?" Val replies.
Jen answers, "I will. I've been making this tea for a while, it's safe so long as you don't drink it too often. Oh by the way, I'll try to make it out for Sunday brunch, but no promises..."
"I gotta go for now, it was good talking to you two. Oh - Val, I can send you Jen-approved recipes for those other herbs," Jen adds.
"That'd be great, talk to you later," Val answers.
"Ok, bye!" Jen ends the call.
You and Val sigh and lay heavily back into the couch.
Val looks at you, "Anon, do you think we over-shared?"
You think for a moment before replying, "Normally I might say yes, but Jen of all people would understand. I guess we're even on embarrassment since we looked up her art first."
"True," Val says.
A long moment of silence passes as you watch a small bird flap around the on the porch. The late afternoon sun gives the outside a subtly burnished look.
"This is too much thinking," you declare. "Let's play some videogames and veg, honey."
"Hear, hear," Val agrees.
You grab a pair of controllers and hand one to Val. She boots up the console, and after a bit of back-and-forth, the two of you settle on a co-op dungeon crawler. Neither of you have much experience in the game, but the basics are easy enough and you're both having a blast. A few hours pass, then Val pauses the game and turns towards you.
"Hey," she says, "I think it's dinner time."
Those lunch tacos are long gone, and your stomach grumbles with hunger. "Yeah," you agree with Val, "What sounds good?”
In keeping with the lazy afternoon, Val suggests pizza, and you offer no complaint. She taps in an order on her phone, then hands you the device for your own selection. Val has of course ordered a personal feast: two large supremes, plus a side and a dessert. You punch in an order for a large Hawaiian pizza, and return Val's phone. She sends the order in, and the two of you return to your game. Before you know it, the doorbell rings, and Val jumps up to answer. You hear some chatter and a cheery "Thanks!" then the door closes.
Val returns a moment later with a huge stack of warm boxes. She peeks into each pizza box, then hands you your Hawaiian. She claims one of her own supremes, and promptly digs in. After a couple of slices each, Val wipes her mouth with a napkin and turns towards you with a mischievous grin, "Wanna toke a little and hit burnout bingo?"
"Hell, why not," you remark. "Being high is fun."
Val quickly prepares a joint and lights up. She hands it to you and you take a deep toke. The sweet smoke fills your lungs, and your head begins to swim with a familiar fuzz. You return to your pizza, quickly plowing through a couple more slices. Val hums with pleasure as she finishes devouring her first pie. She puts aside the empty box, and sets the second one on her lap. She runs her hands along the perimeter of the box, giggling with anticipation. Suddenly, Val pats her stomach with both hands and makes a strange face. She rubs her stomach, tilts her head back, and looses a huge, low, belch.
A moment of silence, then you and Val burst out laughing at her piggish display. She rubs her stomach one more time and laughs. "Oh man, that was good," she says, licking her lips.
Val unbuttons her shirt, and shimmies a little to flaunt her exposed torso. She beams as you leer at her, then peels her shirt off entirely and sits back up. Now situated, Val adjusts the box and opens it, folding the top underneath. She looks down at the pizza in the box, caressing the crispy crust with a finger. She licks her lips, and says to the pizza, "And now you're next."
Val grabs a slice and starts tearing into it. The whole pizza already filling her gut isn't slowing her down at all, and she steadily munches through her second pizza. All the while, you've been idly eating slices of your own as you watch Val stuff her face. She sits up suddenly, pausing in her chewing. She looks at you, frowning.
"What?" you ask.
"Garlic bread. Could you bring it up here?"
"Oh yeah, sure," you reply slowly. You lean forward and fetch the box of garlic bread from the coffee table and set it on the sofa between the two of you.
You're puzzled by how slow you're moving, until you look into your pizza box and see only two slices remaining. You suddenly feel very full, but you're also still oddly hungry. Val notices your hesitation, then peeks into your pizza box. "You can do it," she encourages. You stifle a burp as you try to take stock of the pressure in your stomach. Then, you feel foolish. Val's already done major damage to her second pizza, and has even started eating some garlic bread. Surely, you can ingest a fraction of what she's putting down? You grab one of your remaining slices, close your eyes, and start chewing. The flavors play off of each other almost as well as they did on the first slice, and soon, you're biting into the yeasty crust. That too, is gone soon, and you're faced with one final slice of what once was a large Hawaiian pizza.
You look down at your stomach. It's already bigger than you're used to, but you should be able to finish this one without a problem. With a determined grunt, you grab that last slice and bring it to your mouth. You've never eaten this much pizza in one sitting, but at this point, you want to finish the whole pie just so you can say you did. This time, the flavors on the slice feel greasy and heavy, and you struggle mightily to chew your way through it. You finally reach the crust, and forcing down all the crispy dough is downright unpleasant now, but you won't waste a scrap. Finally, you pop the last morsel into your mouth and lay back with a heavy sigh. You chew slowly and finally swallow.
That was more than you thought you could handle. Your meal sits in your belly like a bowling ball, but a pleasant contented warmth spreads from it.
"That was... impressive."
Val's comment pulls you back to the present, and you look at her.
You look up to see Val stroking her full, rounded belly, the corners of her eyes wrinkled in a grin. "You're not done until you have some dessert," she smiles.
"That... is not what I wanted to hear," you say in between heavy breaths. "I'm absolutely stuffed."
Val laughs and nods.
"Don't make me cram these brownies down your throat," she says with a mischievous smile.
"Hah... Like you'd be able to hold me down. I bet you can barely move right now!" You laugh.
Val giggles in reply, "Maybe so, but if I do manage to sit on you, you'll be at my mercy..."
You groan as you give in to Val's playful threats. "Fine... Always room for some dessert, right?"
"That's the spirit," Val purrs. She hauls the final box between the two of you and folds open the lid, revealing a tray of decadent-looking brownies.
Val reaches into the box and extracts most of a slice from the tray, leaving a considerable amount of chocolatey goodness behind.
You awkwardly pry a brownie out of the box and start nibbling on it, trying not to make a mess. The cakey, chewy texture hits you in such a pleasant way, you can't help but take another bite. You manage to finish that brownie, and part of another, before finally tapping out.
"That's it... Any more, and I'm going to explode..." you groan.
Val gingerly clutches her overfull belly and moans in combined pleasure and discomfort. "Oh my god.... That might have been too much, but I feel amazing...."
"Mmmmm, good. That makes two of us," you say, looking down at your own stomach, now looking visibly distended and peeking out from under your shirt.
Val giggles, "Well look at you. Suddenly you're the alpha glutton."
You laugh in turn, "Can't say I wouldn't dream of it..."
Val snickers as she replies, "You're up against a planet in your dreams, hungry man. It's good to have ambitions, but you've got a long way to go..." She glances at your pizza box, empty save for some grease stains, "That said, I think you've made a good start..."
"Still trying to fatten me up, huh?" You try and fail to sound wry.
Val replies with fake indignance, "All I'm trying to do is fatten myself up. If you're dumb enough to follow my lead and pig out too, then that's on you."
You lock eyes with Val, the two of you trying to look tougher than the other. In moments, you both break down into fits of giggles.
You get serious for a moment, "Honestly, I don't know if I want to get fat. I guess I do like pigging out sometimes when I'm with you."
Val looks at you with caring eyes, "Honey, if you want to eat, then eat. I won't mind if you put on some weight. I also won't mind if you stay skinny." She touches your cheek, "But whatever you decide, I'm here for you."
You nod vigorously in response, genuinely touched by Val's words.
You add, "I do like it when you cook for me though, and you have a way of making it harder to put down the fork..."
Val smiles, "I want to make you happy. And if food makes you happy, then that's easy for me to do."
You lean in and peck Val on the lips, "I'm happy." After a pause you groan and add, "And I'm still full as fuck and shouldn't be moving much."
"Oof, me neither," Val commiserates.
The two of you lay heavily on the couch, massaging your aching stomachs. Val flips on the TV, a show about some makeover show. You try and focus on it, but find yourself watching Val out of the corner of your eye. She seems happy sitting on the couch, resting and watching TV. You slowly heave and scoot yourself to be next to her, and Val pulls you in, resting your head on her shoulder. Her hands find their way to your aching stomach, and your hands find their way to Val's stuffed gut. Almost on their own, they start massaging aching bellies, easing your discomfort. Your eyes begin to shut on their own accord, and you are out like a light.
You wake up when you feel the remote in your hand. "Hey sleepyhead," you hear Val's voice say.
You groan and nuzzle into Val, "Food coma," you complain.
"Seems like it," Val agrees, and you feel her chest swell as she yawns.
"What time is it?" You ask groggily.
"Later than you'd think, and close enough to bedtime."
"Yeah... bed sounds good..."
Val sits you up straighter, and you blearily take stock of the living room. Val slowly stands up, and extends a hand to help you up too. Your stomach sloshes as you stand up, but the ache is much reduced. You put your arm around Val, and you walk to her bedroom. The two of you are already dressed to sleep, so it's a simple matter of teeth-brushing and snuggling into the covers. Val retrieved her flannel shirt and re-buttons it to sleep in.
You and Val cozy up to each other under the plush covers. You're filled with a sense of pleasant contentment from your full belly and from Val's warm embrace. In moments, exhaustion from your eventful day catches up, and you fall asleep.