Positive Influence

Chapter 14 - Bill of Health


You stir, feeling a ray of sunlight warming your face. You groggily look over at Val laying next to you. She extricated herself from that robe at some point during the night, and she lies naked on her side, facing away from you. You gently roll over and wrap an arm around her, tracing bundles of muscle with a finger. You watch her chest rise and fall, looking at her perfect cheeks as she breathes.

You have always had a bit of a thing for girls who like their food. Val stirs and turns over, smiling sleepily as she stares at you. Her hair is a wild mess, and her eyes look at you with a shyness that is new to you. She grins.

"Hey..." she says, rubbing her eyes and leaning up on one elbow.

"Hey," you reply, staring back at her with a grin.

"So... That was fun last night."

You feel another blush creep up your cheeks.

"Yeah, it was," you say, trying to sound nonchalant.

Val laughs, before reaching over and pulling you into a kiss. You wrap your arms around her, and roll on top of her. You enjoy kissing her for a few minutes, before she pulls away, smiling.

"Come on, we should get up," she says.

"Let me guess, for breakfast," you chuckle.

Val bubbles with laughter, "You know it!"

The week passes by fairly quickly. You continue taking it easy and Val continues testing the limits of her stomach capacity. The two of you catch meals with the other girls occasionally; lunch with Vicky one day, dinner with Jen once she felt better, and Lena swung by once to drop off a pie. Val inhaled most of it that very night. You and Val work together to day trade, not thinking about the influence Witness might have on the markets. You're almost not surprised to see some of your stocks go way up, but you sell and reap your profits all the same.

Thursday morning rolls around, one short week since your discharge from the hospital. Today is your followup appointment. It's earlier than you like, and you slowly roll out of Val's bed at the urging of some alarms. Val groggily swings her legs over the side of the bed, yawns, and stretches. The two of you shuffle down to the kitchen and start prepping a light breakfast. Val starts some coffee and you start looking through the pantry. The two of you stand, looking at each other, feeling the undeniable tension from the upcoming visit. You're feeling good, but it'll be up to the doctors to determine if you're actually recovered.

"You're awfully quiet," Val says, "What are you thinking about?"

"The doctors, the clinic, you, the future," you reply, not meeting her gaze.

"Oh?" Val asks.

"Yeah... I'm nervous. What if something hasn't healed right?"

Val reaches over and grasps your hands. "You're gonna be ok, I just know it."

You smile weakly back at her, "Yeah... I just need to hear the professionals make it official..."

Val wraps you up in a comforting hug, holding you close. After a few awkward moments, the two of you let go. Your stomach is a knot, but you instinctively know you need to eat, and some caffeine would be a good pick-me-up. You choke down a muffin and a partial mug of coffee. Val takes her pills and eats an uncharacteristically light breakfast too, her anxiety obvious.

With a sigh, Val clears the dishes and leads you back to her room to change. She pulls on a skirt and a tanktop, and you don your typical jeans and a t-shirt. Val offers to drive, and you climb into her car and she sets out. The drive is tense, with neither of you hardly speaking a word.

Once at the clinic, you're pointed towards a room with a large number of chairs. You're told to wait here, and that a doctor will be in to see you shortly. Val holds your hand, and you doomscroll on your phone, trying to think of anything else. Sooner rather than later, your name is called, and a nurse beckons you into the back area. Val follows you in, and you're immediately greeted warmly by a neurologist you recognize by iron-gray hair and unmistakable mustache. He leads you to an exam room, you sit on the paper-clad bed, and Val sits quietly on a chair in the corner. The doctor begins his examination, and asks you some questions. He writes notes on a pad, and after a few minutes he's finished.

"You're looking good, and your recovery is frankly amazing. You might be one of the luckiest patients I've even seen, Anon. One last thing, we need to do an MRI to confirm how your blood vessels have healed."

You follow the doctor down the hall into a room with a large machine. Val grips your hand excitedly, flashing you an encouraging smile. You part with Val, and lay on a table. The MRI machine whirs and beeps as it powers up, and you hold as still as possible as the table goes into the scanner. You close your eyes and try to sleep, but the machine's noise is too loud. You drift in and out of consciousness, but eventually you're pulled to full awareness by the technician who beckoned you into the room.

You get to your feet and the technician directs you to the control room where the neurologist waits. As you enter, a bevy of computer screens display unmistakable images of your brain, and the doctors are pointing and talking about various things on-screen.

"There it is! See? No leakage, minimal scarring, your white matter is fine, your gray matter looks normal!" one the doctors exclaims.

"So...?" you ask.

"So, I'd say you're completely fine. You have no long-term effects from your ordeal. We will still hold to one more follow-up a week from today, but frankly I doubt it's necessary."

You stand there stupidly for a long moment, digesting this great news. Val squeals with happiness and grabs your hand with a broad smile.

You blink a bit, then manage to say, "Uh, is there anything else?”

The doctor replies, "Oh, right, this is probably the update you actually wanted - It is this doctor's professional judgment that you're clear for strenuous physical activity again. We'll call later to set up that final follow-up but at this point that's a procedural formality."

You shake hands with the doctor and his technicians, then walk out of the clinic hand-in-hand with Val, grinning like an idiot. By the time you get to the car, you notice that Val's face has changed. Oddly, she looks to be holding back tears. You strap in, and she starts the car, and you ask, "Hey, are you ok?"

She seems distracted for a second, but replies, "Yeah...."

Val is obviously hiding something, but you decide not to push. You turn on the radio during the drive, but it doesn't really diffuse the awkward silence. You don't want to make anything worse than it is, and just ride it out. The two of you return to Val's apartment, and once the door latches behind you Val bursts into tears. You're not exactly sure what's wrong, but don't want to force her to say anything.

Finally she speaks. Between sobs, "It's just... So much.... I thought you'd be gone, and I had so many regrets..."

You take Val's hand, and instead she squeezes you into a tight hug. Tears stream down her face and into your shoulder.

"And now all of a sudden, you're ok and everything is back to normal. It's just... So much to process..."

You hold Val tight, unsure of what to say. A moment later, you open your mouth, "Yeah. I *am* ok now, and I've got you. It *has* been a wild ride. C'mon, we don't have to think about that anymore."

Val nods into your shoulder.

A while later, she pulls away to wipe her eyes, and says between breaths, "I'm alright..."

"Are you sure?” you ask.

"Yeah," Val replies firmly.

An awkward moment passes.

"So uh..." You start, "You mentioned regrets? Do you want to talk about them?"

Val has regained much of her composure, but her eyes are still a little puffy from her crying. Her mouth curls into an odd smile, then she closes the distance between you and interlaces her fingers with yours. She leans down and purrs into your ear, "I want you to fuck me into a coma."

Val then licks your earlobe, sending a thrill through your body. You feel as if someone placed you inside a microwave, only to have someone twist the dial and stir, stirring sensation after sensation in a relentless quest to annihilation. Holy shit that feels good.

You can barely think. "Right now?" you reply stupidly.

Val laughs seductively, "Well the doctors just said you're ok to do it, unless you're not feeling ready..."

Her hand finds your crotch, and starts teasing your rapidly-stiffening cock through your pants.

"I was worried you'd never ask..." You whisper back.

Val licks her lips and looks down at your hungrily, "So that's a yes?"

"That's a fuck yes, bitch," you murmur into Val's ear.

She smiles and giggles back, "Don't be mean... Yet."

Before you can say anything else, Val suddenly crouches down, braces her arms under your hips, and has lifted you off your feet. She holds you off the ground, and kisses you greedily. You grab her hair with a free hand and deepen the kiss. She carries you up the stairs towards the bedroom, and you feel more than see her approach the bed. You feel her lean forward and deposit you atop the sheets, and she follows through the motion to crawl astride you.

The kiss breaks, and you moan into her mouth as she grinds against you. She wiggles and grinds some more, grabbing one of your hands to grip her ass and pulling it into you.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" you whisper.

Val nods, then says into your ear, "Don't be scared. I've got a birth control implant. So you can do whatever feels right,"

You dig your fingers into her taut ass in response. Val throws her head back, gasping with pleasure. A moment later, she looks down at you and takes her shirt off. The bra that lies underneath is plain, non-padded, mostly beige cotton. She tosses it aside as well.

You stare up at Val, your eyes darting from her amazonian abs to her perky breasts, to her face flushed with excitement. She smiles down at you, waiting a moment, before getting impatient and reaching down to pull your own shirt off. She then gently pins your arms in place and starts kissing her way down your bare chest. She leaves delicate kisses all over your torso, and your breath hitches when she licks your navel and crawls further down. Val's kisses are making you dizzy, and you feel light-headed.

She looks up at you and starts unbuttoning your pants. You shift your weight to help her remove them, then she slides her own skirt off and finally removes her panties. She crawls back up your legs, and you grip the sheets as she moves closer to your pelvis.

She lays on top of you, kissing and touching her body against yours. You passionately return her kisses, desperate to return the affection she's shown you. Her body feels very warm, and deceptively soft in spite of her muscles. Eventually, Val can wait no longer. She straightens up, leans back, and gently lowers herself onto your cock, guiding it into her with a hand. She rests her forehead against yours as she rocks back and forth, up and down.

Your hands wander over her body in return, as you both groan into each other's mouths. You both start thrusting in unison, as her walls embrace you. You grip her ass tightly, and she throws her head back with a gasp. She firmly places a hand on your chest, "Let's switch it up."

Val climbs off of you and lays on her back beside you. She reaches across your body, obviously prompting you to get on top this time. You comply, and she wraps her legs around your back. She pushes your chest forward and up as you start rocking back and forth. "You feel so good," She pants.

You kiss her neck and shoulders as you thrust harder.

"Yes... Fuck, fuck, fuck me, fuck me...." Val growls.

You grab her arms and place them in submission above her head, kissing her mouth hungrily. Val's face glows with ecstasy, her eyes rolling into the back of her head, barely open.

She grimaces, biting her lip before crying out with an orgasm, "Ahhh! Don't... Stop... Keep... Going!”

You speed up thrusting roughly into her, making her entire body tense up.


Val's velvety insides feel amazing on your cock, but it's her cries of pleasure that are sending you over the edge. Your mind clouds with pleasure as you feel your an orgasm churning in your balls and swelling your cock. It's all you can do to keep your pace, riding this moment for as long as you can.

Suddenly, you can take no more. You arch your back and drive your cock deep into Val's pussy. Burst after burst of hot cum shoots into her, and you groan wordlessly as you empty your balls.

You fall heavily onto Val, panting heavily. Your heart is racing and your body is buzzing. You stay inside Val as you lay on her, her twitching folds feeling amazing on your overstimulated cock. You have no idea how long you're like this, but for you it feels like forever. You and Val trade quiet gentle kisses, and savor this long-awaited moment of intimacy.

Soon, your sensitivity fades, and you slide out of Val to lay next to her and look her in the eye. She smiles at you, her eyes glazed over from pleasure. "God, I've wanted to do that for so long," She says.

"Me too..." You reply.

You stare into her eyes for a moment, before kissing her. The pair of you lay there, basking in the afterglow, sated and happy. Good things come to those who wait...

You feel closer to her than you ever have before, and it hits you that you'd do anything to protect her. Not that she really needs the help.

You hold each other wordlessly for a bit, then you hear Val's stomach grumble.

She giggles, "I'm hungry."

Her stomach growls again, "Let's get cleaned up then get some lunch."

"How do you feel about sandwiches?" You ask.

"Oh? I bet there's a certain shop with a certain cashier that you'd like to visit," she replies with a smirk.

You blush a little but hold your ground, "That cashier is part of the reason why things wound up working out. I think you'd like to meet her. Plus, I think you'd enjoy ogling her."

Your girlfriend smiles, then nods. She then rolls out of bed and stands up. You give Val's naked form a good look. She's built, that's for sure. You think you could get used to her body, but you can't help but wonder where she'll fill out as she keeps eating. Val walks to the bathroom, and you follow. You hear the shower turn on, and the bathroom starts filling with steam. You walk up behind Val and wrap your arms around her. She leans back against you, and you feel her hands grip your forearms.

"You know," She says, "I could get used to this."


"Yeah," She says.

You reach up and nibble her ear, and Val sighs, gently leaning back into you. A moment later, she wriggles free and steps into the shower, beckoning you to follow. You do so, and you get to enjoy a hot shower with your girlfriend. The hot water feels great, but you're starting to feel a little hungry too, so neither of you dawdles under the refreshing stream.

Soon after, the two of you are toweled off and getting dressed again. While Val is putting on her usual tank-top and shorts, you stare at her ass, which is almost completely uncovered, and wiggle your eyebrows many times. Val giggles, pretending not to notice your gaze, and wiggling her ass a little more to put on a show for you.

"Ok, that's enough. C'mon honey, get dressed, I'm hungry!" She laughs.

You dig through your bag and put on a t-shirt and your own pair of shorts, and pull on a beanie. You're still feeling self-conscious about your scars, and plan to keep wearing the hat until your hair fills back in. A few moments later, the two of you have snatched up your things and are sitting in Val's car, on the way to your favorite sandwich shop. You talk with her about nothing in particular, just enjoying each others' presences. After a brief drive, you pull up to the restaurant and enter.

There's a short line, and you decide what you want pretty quick. Val's eyes dart between a menu above the cashier's counter, and Syl, who's busy with other customers. You look over at Val, and notice she's staring hungrily at Syl.

You smile and whisper to Val, "Be careful with her, she's really good at getting you to buy more than you meant to."

Val glances up at you, smiling. "Do you really think so?"

"I do."

"Well then..." she says, winking.

You pretend to be worried, and approach the counter. Syl distractedly calls out "Next," then looks up, and further up, to meet Val's gaze. Syl smiles, then turns her head to look over at you. "Anon, right? Haven't seen you in a while..."

There's nobody behind you and Val, so you decide to chat a bit.

"Yeah, I ....uh, almost died. It's a bit of a story."

Syl looks genuinely distraught for a moment, "Well.... I guess I'm glad to see you're doing well," She looks over to Val, "And this lovely lady must be your friend you mentioned a while back..."

On cue, Val's stomach growls loudly with hunger. Val blushes, and Syl jumps in, "You sound like you're hungry..." Syl subtly poses to accentuate her abundant chest, leaning forward as she speaks to Val.

"Starving," Val replies.

"Oh, we can fix that," Syl purrs.

You order a roast beef sandwich with some chips. Val is practically drooling as she's effortlessly persuaded into ordering a pair of large meat-laden subs, along with a pile of chips, and a huge cinnamon roll. Val also orders a huge soda to wash it all down.

Syl is beaming. Val turns the tables by caressing her hips and leaning in towards Syl, "I hope all these calories go right to my ass. I think I'd look good with fuller curves, don't you?"

"Well," Syl sputters, "I've just met you, and I think I have to agree..."

Val chuckles and reaches down to pat Syl's head, "And I think you're a cute little chubster yourself,"

Syl blushes bright red and stammers, "Hey, uh... no touching! But I'll give you one for free... this time."

Val blushes and recoils, looking properly apologetic. She holds her hands in front of her mouth and stammers an apology to Syl. "Ohmigosh, I'm sorry! I thought there was a vibe - and - and...."

Syl waves Val off, "It's cool, tall stuff. Just don't do it again, ok? Tell you what, I'll add a free muffin, if you scarf that too we'll call it even."

Val smirks back, "Ooh, you really are trying to fatten me up. Can't say I hate that..."

Syl blows Val a kiss and winks, then Val rejoins you and the two of you look for a table to sit at.

"I told you she's good," you joke with Val.

Val giggles, "Oh yeah. She hasn't managed to crack you yet?"

You feign annoyance, "What do you mean 'yet'?"

Val holds your hands and smiles, "I'm just playing, honey. If you want to eat more, then eat more. I'll think you're a cutie at any weight."

You pull her in for a quick kiss, "I don't plan on holding you to that, but that's good to know."

A few moments later, Syl strolls up with your food. She easily deposits your sandwich, and needs a few moments to organize Val's huge lunch. Syl smiles and walks away, making sure to sway her curvy hips as she does. Val is mesmerized, and you smirk at her with your mouth full of sandwich. Val beams back as she devours her subs. You're hungrier than you thought, and quickly much through your sandwich. You open your chips, and snack on then as Val starts on her second sandwich.

"So, now what?" You ask, to which Val replies with a question.

"Why didn't you tell me about this place sooner?" She points at the last scraps of her sandwich, "This is great!"

You smile and sip your drink as Val stuffs the last bit of sandwich into her mouth, chews, and swallows. She looks at the pile of potato chips, thinking. A moment later she says, "I'll pack those up for a snack later. For now, dessert!"

She tears off a strip of her cinnamon roll and offers it to you. After a moment, you accept. A grin tugs at the corners of your mouth as you take your first bite. It's pretty tasty. You think you catch Syl smirking at you out of the corner of your eye, but you can't be sure. Val quickly polishes off her portion of the roll, sucking her fingers clean before unwrapping the muffin. It looks like a fairly standard blueberry muffin, but you don't get a good look before Val starts ravishing it. She finishes it in three bites, licking her fingers clean. Val closes her eyes and sighs with contentment, doing a cute little sitting dance.

She opens her eyes again, "Yeah, we'll be here all afternoon if I eat those chips here. I'll get a box for them, then we can go?”

"Sure," you reply.

Val gets up and walks to the counter. You can't hear her conversation with Syl, but the cashier girl is smiling and laughing. A moment later she hands Val a to-go box, and strikes a cute pose before Val returns to the table.

"Okay, let's go," she grins.

Val dumps the chips into her to-go box, then you help her clear the trash, and follow her back to her car. The rest of the day marches by in a pleasant blur. You bounce between day trading and video games and Val does likewise while grazing on her chips. As the evening draws closer, you help Val make a dinner of chicken and rice. It's light fare, chosen out of deference for your own diet, and Val compensates by eating about a whole chicken's worth of meat. You spend the rest of the night playing your games and generally just relaxing. Well, and getting distracted by the occasional skin view of Val's midriff while she's stretching or changing position.

Weariness eventually catches the two of you after another eventful day, and you retire to Val's room to sleep. Horniness also catches the two of you again, and you give each other some oral pleasure before finally turning in for the night.