Positive Influence

Chapter 27 - Pasta Squad


The next morning, you're jarred from a wonderful dream by the morning sunlight and Val shifting next to you in bed. You lay back and try to recapture it. Something about Lena and Val lounging on pillows, and you had a hose that delivered some kind of cream... You chuckle to yourself as you recall it.

"What's so funny?" Val asks, rubbing her eyes.

"I was just remembering a dream I had."

"What was it?"

"It's mostly gone," you reply, "But I remember you and Lena being there, and I had a hose with like a fattening cream."

"Mm, fattening," Val smiles. "A dream is a little silly to base a morning off of."

"Oh come on, it was a nice dream. And besides, it's a dream you're getting to live, right?”

As you say this, you lightly pinch some new softness on Val's tummy. She jokingly swats you away.

"That tickles," she says, with a playful pout.

"Somebody's starting to get a little squishy," you chuckle, then kiss her.

Valentine cuddles into you ever so slightly. She seems to really enjoy that, and plays with your hair. You lie there for a few minutes, just enjoying her closeness. You feel Val sigh. "Guess we better get the day started, huh?" And indeed you do. The two of you roll out of bed, do your morning stretch workout, then group text with Lena while having some breakfast. Sure enough, Lena is stuck in a meeting, and isn't exactly free to chat at the moment. You and Val while away a little time, eating your breakfast and talking about the day's news.

"Do you think we'll have a chance to take a long walk today?" Val asks. "The day's pretty open other than going to Arno's this evening with Lena," you say over your coffee mug. "They say it might rain later, so we might not want to wait too long."

Val nods, and then continues, "Yeah, I think we can take a walk. It's a nice day, and it'd be good to get out of the house for a little while." You smile and agree. You also think about how Val's place is uncharacteristically kind of a mess, and it'll be nice to ignore the looming housework for a bit. Val doesn't ignore it though, mumbling with a sigh, "We need to put some time into cleaning up."

You scan across the kitchen and the pile of dirty dishes there, then land your gaze on Val. "I know," you say gently, "It won't be that bad, but chores just aren't much fun." Val looks up at you with a pout, and you decide it's best not to dwell on the housework too much. "Anyway, the weather's pretty nice now, you want to get out soon?"

"Mm hm. Yeah, I think so," Val says, then finishes her coffee.

The two of you finish up breakfast, add your dishes to the pile, and go upstairs to get dressed. Val puts on a pair of shorts and a tight blue top. While donning your own shirt-and-shorts outfit, you catch Val looking over herself in the mirror. She says something too softly for you to hear, then shudders as if she's about to cry. Instead, she starts chuckling to herself. She pinches her stomach through her shirt and says to herself, "I still kinda can't believe this is happening. I'm actually getting a little chubby, and it feels pretty good..." You grin and watch as Val runs her hands over herself and strikes a few poses. She knows you're watching and shakes her ass a little for you at one point. After a few moments, she's happy with what she sees, but her hands go back to her tummy. "Guess I'd better be ready to say goodbye to my abs soon," she says with a chortle. You get up and wrap your arms around Val's waist from behind. You reach and plant a kiss on her neck then whisper, "You've got a great tummy whether it's muscular or squishy. It's a fact that you're just doomed to be a sexy bitch." Val giggles and leans back in your arms, giving you a cheeky grin. You try not to grunt as Val settles more of her weight onto you, but a small noise slips out.

"Heh, am I getting too heavy for you, lover boy?“She chuckles.

"Don't be ridiculous," you say through a bit of strain, "Never too heavy for me."

"I'm glad," she says, then runs a hand along your thigh.

She giggles again, and you feel even more of Val's weight settle onto you. You grunt with surprise and adjust your footing, struggling to support your heavy girlfriend. "Val -" you force out through gritted teeth. Val finally shows mercy and sets her feet back down, and you sigh with relief in spite of yourself. With a laugh, she turns around and wraps her arms around you.

"I already know I'll never be too heavy for you to like," Val says into your ear, "But maybe I enjoy being too heavy for you to lift."

You laugh and hug her back. "Hey, this way I don't need to worry about you being carried off by some barbarian, or blowing away in the wind," you reply. Val lets out another laugh and puts her hands on your butt, then gives it a gentle squeeze. The two of you kiss for a few moments, then Val squeezes your butt again, "Ok, we should get going."

You make an agreeing sound and slide out of Val's arms. Val grabs her purse and throws on a lightweight patterned jacket. You grab a jacket of your own and follow your girlfriend outside. The sun is shining through some moderate clouds, and the breeze is cool and refreshing.

You take a moment to feel the sunlight on your skin and gaze at the clouds in the sky. "What a beautiful day, isn't it?" Val says, smiling up at you.

"Sure is. Where to?" you say, turning and putting your arm around her. "Hmm..." Val makes a show of thinking, putting a finger to her lip, "I guess we could take a long route through the park, then maybe do some window shopping before lunch?"

You grin and give Val a quick squeeze. "Good guess."

"I thought so."

The two of you stroll past houses and condos, then take a turn onto a shady concrete path leading to the park. The path is bordered by various bushes and shrubs, and the leaves of the trees overhead provide some shadow and shelter from the sun. You and Val pass a few people, a couple of families out for a stroll, some people with dogs. At one point, you notice a young couple with coordinated trendy outfits heading your way, clearly out for a stroll as well. You and Val are taken aback as you notice that they have a playful trio of leashed ferrets with them. "Ohhh, they're cute," Val says, squinting up at the eccentric couple with their small fluffy animals.

"You like them?" you say.

"I do. They're so cute and playful." She sighs dreamily. "I wouldn't mind having one or two or - several of them." Then she laughs and shakes her head. "But I digress - let's keep walking."

You both continue strolling alongside the path. As you pass the trendy couple with the ferrets, you and Val grin as the slinky animals bounce and bound along. The couple doesn't seem to pay you much mind, but their knowing smiles suggest they're used to that sort of reaction. You and Val continue walking in the shade, enjoying the coolness, the gentle breeze, and the passive people-watching as you progress.

After about twenty minutes of winding through the shady park, you and Val take a fork on the path and emerge at the local shopping center. Despite the shade and the pleasant weather, your jacket is wide open and you feel a hint of sweat under your shirt. You meander past an assortment of upscale boutiques, cafes, and various business offices.

You and Val stop in at a jewelry store, where you browse for a moment. You're looking over a selection of gem-studded bracelets, and look up to see Val intently perusing some elegant necklaces. You catch Val's eye and give her a small smile. She smiles back and gives you a wink. After a moment, Val nods decisively. "I want to buy that silver one." None of the jewelry was catching your eye anyways, so you give Val an approving smile and watch as she completes the purchase. The two of you head out of the store hand in hand, with Val sporting a new filigreed silver hawk pendant.

"How much did you spend?" you ask.

"About four or five hundred dollars," Val says, grinning.

"Well, you just got a good deal, girlfriend."

"I know." She pecks you on the cheek, and continues, "Not that we really need to worry about getting good deals all the time, huh?"

"I suppose not," you smile back.

"How about we get some lunch, Mr. Anon?" Val says, and you can feel her body heat radiating next to you. "I'm pretty hungry."

"Yeah, that sounds good." It's a bit before the lunch rush, so the restaurants aren't particularly busy yet. You decide to duck into a trendy-looking banh mi shop. You step in and give the posted menu a once over. The selection looks good. There are plenty of vegetarian and vegan options. The shopkeeper is a short, slender man in his early twenties. He looks at you and your female companion appraisingly. "What would you two like to eat?"

"I'll have a..." you consider the options, and pick the grilled chicken sandwich.

"And for you, Miss?" Val orders a double-sized sandwich with the classical cold cut filling. She tacks on a pair of diet sodas for the two of you. The man smiles and nods. "I'll be right back with your orders."

You head to the soda fountain and fill your cup, then Val does the same and follows you to a booth. You sit down across from each other, the old cushions sagging a bit under Val's weight. From a distance, Val studies the menu with interest. "See, the nice thing about sandwiches," Val starts, turning to look back at you, "Is that there are so many possibilities!"

"Hoping this can place can be a regular haunt?" You ask with a grin.

"Maybe when we have more money," Val jokes.

The cashier appears at that moment, depositing your respective sandwiches onto the table.

"Enjoy!" He says before turning and leaving. The sandwich Val got is enormous. A veritable torpedo of bread, meat, and veggies, dripping with sauce. It looks delicious, but you've only got eyes for your own grilled chicken banh mi. You pick up the sandwich and take a bite. It's delicious! The grilled chicken is tender and the sauce is just the right amount of spicy. You're hungrier than you realized, and you make short work of your lunch. Val does too, and you're no longer shocked by how she can inhale food. She pats her stomach with a giggle, then shifts to stand up. "I'll be right back," she says. "I saw something for dessert that I'd like to try!"

You watch Val return to the counter and place another order. The cashier ducks into the back room, then a few moments later returns and hands a wrapped package to Val. She walks back to you and explains, "I got an ice cream banh mi! It looked really good..."

You can sense Val's excitement as she unwraps the ice cream sandwich. You can't wait to see what she'll do with it.

Val takes a bite and chews thoughtfully. "This is really, really good," she says after a few moments.

You let out a small laugh. "I'm glad you think so."

"It's not an opinion, dum dum," she laughs and extends the sandwich towards you. "Take a bite, and you'll see I'm spitting facts."

You happily accept the offering and take a bite, immediately enjoying this delectable treat. The sandwich is excellent. It's crispy exterior and gooey interior melt in your mouth. You make a contented sound and nod, "Yep, that's pretty good. Not sure what I was expecting, but I like it."

Val nods, then smiles. "I thought so." You take another bite, savoring the flavor and enjoying this delightful dessert. The ice cream sandwich is gone about as quickly as the first. Val wipes her mouth with a napkin, then pats her tummy with a satisfied smile.

"Ah, nice little snack," she chuckles, "That oughta hold me over until dinner."

You and Val smile at each other, and you can feel your heartbeat rise in excitement. "Ready to get going?" You ask. "Yep. Let's do it."

You get up from the booth and walk out of the restaurant together. You wander in and out of a few shops over the next hour or so. You pretend not to be bored to tears as Val looks over some makeup options, and the two of you discuss potential new home goods or furniture. Eventually, you decide to head back home, going back the way you came through the park. You and Val sit on a bench near the duck pond, and watch the ducks swim in circles. The trees around you are thick and green, and the air is pleasant and cool. Cooler than earlier, you notice. The clouds have thickened, and are beginning to take on a dark cast. You shiver a bit, and put your arm around Val. "Look at those clouds. We better head home."

Val nods, and the two of you walk briskly, trying to beat the coming storm. Unfortunately, you don't quite manage. As you walk back down the street, a loud crack splits the air, and a bolt of lightning strikes nearby. You're both frozen in place, and Val yelps involuntarily. Cold, fat raindrops start coming down a moment later. The rain is slow, but relentless and picking up. By the time you and Val leave the park, you're practically jogging, and the rain has graduated to a proper downpour. The two of you run faster, trying to beat the deluge.

You're making your way down Val's street, focusing on your breathing, moving your legs, and trying not to let the cold and wet bother you. Suddenly, you feel your foot slip on something. You try to stop yourself, but your momentum is too great. You fall forward awkwardly, yelping in pain and surprise. You feel your ankle twist weirdly as you fall, and brace as you splash into a puddle. The pain is sharp and hot, lightning flashes bright and white in your head, and then it fades. The rain is now pelting you. Your clothing is sodden and heavy. You hear Val's footfalls stop, then she splashes back your way. "Ow..." You groan.

"Anon!" Val gasps, "Are you ok?"

"Not really," you grunt and drag yourself out of the puddle, "I fell, and I think I hurt my ankle."

"Your ankle?" Val frowns.

"Yeah, my ankle."

"Can you walk?"

You roll over onto your back and sit up, then groan as you try to set some weight on the affected ankle. "I think so..." Val braces your arm as you try to stand up. You grimace as a bolt of pain shoots up through your leg.

"Nope, no good..." You grunt.

"I'll carry you," you hear Val say.

"I don't want to be a burden..." you say.

By now, Val's soaked to the bone too, her blonde hair stuck wetly to her face. She fixes her blue eyes onto yours with a serious look.

"You're not a burden, you're my boyfriend. Now don't be ridiculous, I'm really strong, remember? I can handle you."

"But we've barely gotten onto your street, it's still a good ways to go..." you say.

Val ignores your protests.

"This isn't a discussion. We need to get home, and I can do this. Trust me," she says as she grips your arms. You're both shivering. The cold rain is getting to you now.

"Ok, do whatever you need to," you acquiesce. Val nods and grunts, then says, "Ok, now just hold your arms like that..."

She crouches down, and gradually hefts you up over her shoulders in a fireman carry. She braces her arms with another grunt, then asks, "Comfy?"

"As long as you don't drop me..." you say.

"I wouldn't do that. I'm a good carrier."

You try to relax and think light thoughts as Val jogs down the sidewalk. You try not to think of the ankle sprain you've probably got. You try to think about nothing at all.

Val's keeping a good pace. You knew she was strong but today's incident really drives it home - she barely seems slowed down by you.

You think of nothing. Val's shoulders pop as she breathes. The sidewalk rolls away beneath your feet. Val keeps jogging. Soon enough you see some familiar sidewalk, and both of you sigh with relief as you duck under the eaves of Val's condo complex. As Val fiddles one-handedly to dig out her keys, you speak up, "Uh, Val?"

"I'm fine, Anon. I'm carrying you straight to the couch, then I'm gonna get you a towel, fresh clothes, and some ice for that ankle."


"But nothing, we're almost there."

You feel Val's hands resume their grip on your arm and leg. You hear her push the door open and she conscientiously turns to get you through safely. You reach out to close the door behind her and she chuckles.

"Guess I didn't really consider the doors..." she says.

The condo is warm and dry, Val puts you on the couch and quickly runs out to get the promised clothes, towels, and an ice pack. She comes back with a T-shirt and sweatpants for you, and shorts and an oversized hoodie for herself. She sets down the clothes and the icepack, then starts stripping out of her soaked clothes. You're soaked and freezing yourself, so you don't even take the chance to perv on Val's nudity. You awkwardly peel off your wet clothes as every movement reminds you of your hurt ankle. You sigh in contentment as you snuggle into a warm, fluffy towel, then gingerly apply the ice pack to your sprain.

"How's it feel?" Val asks, sitting down next to you. You frown as you rotate your foot and flex, trying to gauge the severity of the pain.

"It hurts," you say. "But I guess it's not actually that bad."

"Let me see." Val reaches over and peeks at it. "Well it doesn't look swollen," she says, appraising your ankle. "But I think you should take it easy for the afternoon at least.

You start to try putting weight on the foot, but Val stops you. You protest, "But what about our date with Lena?"

"We can do something else, like order in, if we need to," Val says. "We can decide closer to dinner time. Besides, you definitely won't heal if you keep aggravating it." You relent, "Fine."

Val smiles and pats your shoulder, "I'll take care of housework today too."

You look at her, "Really? You don't mind that I can't help?"

"I told you not to help. It's fine, really. I don't mind taking care of you," Val says gently. She stretches out her shoulders and neck.

"I guess it's weirdly easy to forget how strong you really are," you say, watching her stretch. "You look so beautiful."

Val smiles and blushes.

"Thank you," she says. She gets up and drops the towel. Val grins as she goes over to her clothes and strikes some poses as she dresses, pretending you can't see.

"I'm realizing we never did a super brutal workout together. It's actually been ages since I did any serious weightlifting."

"I'm kinda rusty too, so I'll just have to go easy on you," you joke. Val laughs as she slips into her shorts. "But seriously, how did you learn how to do a fireman carry so well?" You ask.

"Back in high school football, the coach often made us pair off and do it as a training exercise."

"What was the point of it?" you ask. "Strength and stability training obviously," she explains. "I was actually one of only a handful of players who could carry anybody on the roster, even the biggest linebacker."

"Interesting, I never paid attention to it," you say. "Did other players ever give you shit for being a girl?"

Val laughs. "Only until they saw what I could do on the field."

"You're really something else," you grin. "So, is there a reason you didn't keep playing past high school?" Val looks away, her brow darkening. "I couldn't get a scholarship," she explains. "My parents weren't rich growing up, and it was all they could manage to keep me equipped for sports. College wasn't on the table for them, and I didn't want to be crushed with debt."

She slides the hoodie over her head, the baggy gray fabric hiding her silhouette. Then she plops down next to you on the couch.

"And I think you know the story from there. Odd jobs, night school for some finance basics, investments. It's not all bad! Apparently I kept all the conditioning from my teen years, plus this way I got to meet you!" Val grins and pats your arm. "If I'd gotten into college, I probably wouldn't have met you, so I'm grateful for that." Val sighs. You pull Val close and kiss her. You savor the feeling of her lips and tongue, enjoying the remaining hints of vanilla flavor. Eventually you pull apart, then Val stands and says, "You rest up. I'll take care of the dishes and laundry and stuff, ok?"

"Ok, if you insist. Go do your stuff," you say. "I'll be fine."

Val winks and leaves the room. The afternoon crawls by. The rainstorm and the sounds of Val's chores are the background to you watching TV and reading junk on your phone. You feel some relief as the pain in your ankle fades, and after a few hours you're able to walk again. You still decide to rest it for as long as possible. Val joins you for the chill afternoon once she's wrapped up the chores, and the two of you play some video games until evening starts to creep in. The two of you jointly decide that the dinner date with Lena is still a go, and you start getting ready, though you still have a bit of a limp. You've all been trading texts all day, and Lena's both relieved to hear you're ok and excited that dinner at Arno's is still happening. Val helps apply a sturdy athletic wrap around your ankle, then the two of you change. You pull on some nice pants and a button shirt, and you help Val decide on her own outfit. She lands on a flattering solid blue dress with a pair of black high heels. Her makeup is also pretty light tonight, not that she needs any to be pretty. Both of you grab your raincoats and get into Val's car. The drive to Lena's place is quick despite the continued rain, and she manages to dash into the car without getting too wet. She tosses in a small bag, hops into the back seat and buckles in as Val puts the car in gear.

Lena decided to wear a pair of black heels and a clingy blue dress for her outfit, deliberately coordinating with Val. She looks absolutely stunning, with the cut emphasizing her curvy hips even under her raincoat. Her makeup is similarly light like Val's, except for the addition of some eyeliner. Val pulls onto the highway, and you quickly head towards your destination as the rain splatters against the windshield.

You hear a nervous giggle from the back seat. You twist, look back at Lena, and offer her your hand. She accepts and says, "It's funny. I wasn't nervous at all last week. Manhandling you and laying down the rules while wearing just a bikini in front of all my friends? No problem. Ordinary dinner date with my new boyfriend and girlfriend? Butterflies!"

She's clearly nervous and excited. You turn back to look at Val, but she's watching the road ahead, her expression stoic.

"It's gonna be fine," you reassure Lena. "We're not meeting your parents tonight, we're just having some fun. Have some wine, eat a lot of pasta, we can stress later!"

"I'm such a dumbass," Lena mutters, but the atmosphere lightens a bit. Just as you pull into the parking lot of Arno's, she grins. "Val, I hope you don't mind if I wind up tipsy or worse tonight," Lena quips.

Val puts her car into park, then turns around in her seat to offer a grin and a wink. "Go for it, Lena. I'll gladly be the DD tonight."

With that, Val opens her door and swings her long legs out of the car. You unbuckle your seatbelt and get out of the car together, then you open Lena's door. You feel some raindrops land on your head as you hold the door, but it's a small tradeoff for some chivalry. Lena steps out of the car, wobbling a bit in her high heels, and you take her arm and join up with Val. Val locks her car and the three of you enter Arno's. You're moving a bit stiffly thanks to the wrap and the ache, but you're able to proceed just fine.

Arno's interior is dim and cozy. A diffuse hum of conversation and the clatter of silverware evokes a cozy vibe. The three of you take your seats, then a skinny waiter with dapper eyeglasses brings you some menus. He also brings a round of water glasses, and a generous helping of fresh bread. Lena and Val waste no time, tearing off large chunks for themselves and dipping them in olive oil. You follow suit with a small hunk of bread, and take in the ambiance. You and Val have had food from Arno's plenty of times, but you've never eaten at the restaurant in person until now. The restaurant is populated with couples and small clusters of friends. Everyone seems to be on their first date or their best friend's date. The atmosphere is relaxed and intimate. The waiter returns, catching you slightly off guard. Val and Lena order some appetizers, an antipasto plate and stuffed mushrooms respectively, then you order a nice-sounding red wine for your group.

The waiter nods at you and departs. Just a few moments later, he returns with the wine and a trio of glasses. He walks through the typical showy steps of wine snobbery: you approve of the bottle, then he pours you a taste. You sniff the wine and take a small drink. You swish it around in your mouth and then swallow. The wine is smooth, rich, and slightly tart; it sets your mouth watering. You express your approval to the waiter, who then fills the girls' glasses. Lena asks the waiter to leave the bottle, then winks at you.

The three of you make small talk and sip at your wine for a few minutes, then the appetizers arrive. Lena drains her wineglass, refills it, then grabs a few choice items from the antipasto plate. As she nibbles, Val reaches over and gives her a squeeze of encouragement on her thigh. Lena gives Val a quick kiss, then the two girls smile longingly at you. You reach across the table then take one of their hands in yours, squeezing affectionately. "Think we should get another bottle of wine?" Val asks. Lena grins and licks her upper lip, flicking her eyes towards her glass, which is already half-empty again. She's clearly developed a bit of a buzz already. "Work was exhausting today and I'd love to drench that feeling with booze. But not just yet. Let's get our entrees ordered first."

Right on cue, the waiter drops by again with an expectant smile. The girls insist you place your order first.

You remember you haven't picked an entree yet. Trying not to panic, you quickly pull up the menu again and look for a meal that catches your eye. You settle on a pasta dish: penne arrabbiata, a spicy tomato sauce with red pepper flakes. It's not an unusual dish, but it's one of your favorite meals. Everybody has a little chuckle at your rushed decision, then you watch to see what the girls request.

"I'll have the fettuccine Alfredo. Tour-style please, starting with Rome. Oh, and a Caesar salad on the side." Val says.

"I'll have the pork ravioli, garden salad on the side," Lena says. "Oh, and can i get the ravioli tour-style too?“

"Of course. And where would you like to begin?" the waiter replies flatly.

Lena hesitates for a moment, quickly scanning the menu, before clarifying, "Right, sorry, I'd like to start with the Venetian style."

"Of course, madam," the waiter replies again and scribbles on his notepad. With that, he leaves the table to go and place the order with the kitchen.

You grin knowingly, and the girls grin back. The "tour style" meals offered by Arno's are their version of a "classy buffet" option that's come into fashion lately. Leaning into Italian culinary history a little, certain dishes are offered with repeated courses, with each iteration of the dish being served as a different regional variation. It's a rich and decadent experience.

Val reaches over the table and gives your hand a reassuring squeeze. "This is going to be so fun. I've wanted to try all the different Italian food for so long!"

Lena groans, "Don't remind me. I'm already hungry, and I know I'm going to want at least three helpings. Like my mum used to say, hungry is the best sauce."

The waiter drops by to deliver another bottle of wine. He makes a practiced performance of removing the cork, and sets the bottle on the table. "Your entrees are just about ready," he reports.

After he leaves, Lena looks at Val askance. Val waves her hand dismissively with a smile and says, "I can tell when somebody wants to indulge, and it's obvious you want to cut loose tonight."

Lena laughs, her cheeks already a bit flushed from her drinks. "Nothing about this dress is going to be loose when I'm done tonight," she quips, then takes a sip from her glass. You're feeling a touch buzzed from your own wine on an empty stomach, and you shoot Lena a flirty look. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head slightly, giving you a cheeky grin in response.

After a bit more small talk, the entrees finally arrive. Your penne arrabbiata smells divine, and Lena and Val are practically drooling over their respective dishes. Your serving is pretty generous, but you figure you can probably finish it. The girls' dishes aren't nearly as heaping as yours, but you remember that they're planning to gorge on multiple courses.

You dig in with gusto. The pasta is al dente and delicious, and the sauce is the perfect blend of flavors - spicy, sweet, and salty all in harmony beneath a savory blanket of Parmesan cheese. You pause a moment to check in on your girlfriends, and find that Lena seems to be matching Val's voracious pace.

"Hey Lena, is the food good?" you ask between mouthfuls.

"Oh yeah, it's delicious! I've had plenty of ravioli before, but there's just something special about this."

Val reports that her fettuccine is positively divine as well, and offers to let you and Lena try a bite. You happily accept. The chicken chunks practically melt like butter, and the noodles slide effortlessly down your throat. The dish feels dangerously rich and decadent, and you just know Val chose it for the doubtless absurd calorie and fat content. Lena's face indicates she appreciates the exquisite fettuccine as well. She pushes her dish slightly forwards, and you and Val sample some of her pork ravioli. The small pasta pocket is amazing as well. Somehow the tomato sauce plus the pork filling manages to be just as silky and indulgent as the fettuccine Alfredo. Val doesn't say anything, simply nodding and smiling with closed eyes, clearly approving of Lena's choice. Finally, you offer a bit of your own arrabbiata dish for your girlfriends to sample.

"Delicious!" Val says, taking a bite and closing her eyes in appreciation.

"I know!" Lena says, her eyes shining as she chews and swallows. And with the quality of your respective courses established, everybody resumes their meals. You take your time, mostly observing how Val and Lena balance manners with devouring their dishes. They both seem to be in heaven, and you enjoy watching them eat. Lena continues to hit her wine pretty hard as she eats. There isn't much chatting over the table - your girlfriends are mostly focused on filling their bellies. Soon enough they've polished off their first helpings. They pick at their salads while they wait for their second plates.

"God, that was amazing," Lena declares, "and I definitely want more. Lots more."

"Three helpings' worth?" You ask smarmily.

Lena giggles, "Fuck yeah I do." She jiggles her curved belly and continues, "I want to cram at least three portions of ravioli into this gut, even if I have to be rolled out of here."

Val giggles and shakes her head, "The shame of being a pig!"

"Fuck the shame!" Lena says in reply, "These days it's an honor to be stuffed silly. Besides, I've seen how you eat, blondie."

Val grins at her girlfriend, well aware of her double standard.

"I'm a growing girl," she says with fake innocence, "It's not my fault I'm so hungry all the time."

"Yeah, growing wider" Lena giggles.

"Damn straight," Val grins back. The two of them clink their wineglasses, then poke fun at each other's appetite and weight for a bit.

The waiter soon arrives with a new pair of dishes, naming them off as he delivers them. Buttery Campania-style ravioli for Lena, and savory Tuscan-style fettuccine for Val. Both of them dig in immediately, and the waiter smiles deferentially as he whisks away the empty plates.

"It looks like you ladies enjoyed the first stop on your culinary tour," he says.

"We certainly did, and we're eager to continue." Val sticks her fork into her pasta, and then closes her eyes in bliss. Lena echoes the sentiment, and the waiter takes his leave of your group. The girls share small samplers of their new courses with you and each other.

"I have to say, this is some of the tastiest Italian I've ever had the pleasure of eating," Val says, "And I've eaten my fair share of Italian cuisine."

You reply, "Yeah, Arno's is always good, but it definitely loses something when it's delivered rather than fresh."

"I think I'm in love," Lena says dreamily, licking the sauce from her fork.

Val grins. "I think I might be able to teach you a thing or two, Lena."

Lena blushes, turning her head away and looking down at her food. You notice her fork hovering above her food, as if she's considering which particular morsel should be next. You place a hand on her shoulder, and she begins to look up at you, smiling. She casts her eyes between you and Val, "Anon, Val, I'm just really happy right now."

"I can tell, babe," you say, giving her a quick kiss.

"You're practically glowing."

Lena makes a face like she's keeping a secret badly, "Well, that might be partially the wine, hehe. Mmm, I'm drunk, I'm happy, and I feel like a bottomless pit tonight."

"That's a good feeling, right?" Val says to her.

"Yeah, this is really nice. It feels so good to just eat and eat."

"I know," Val beams. "It's the best! Especially when it's tasty food and paired with your favorite people."

You and Lena lift your glasses in reply.

With that, Val takes her fork and resumes demolishing her second plate. Lena finishes her plate shortly after Val does. She quietly dispels a burp with a hand over her mouth, then says, "Starting to feel it a bit, but I'm not done. Not by a long shot."

You and Val stare at her, as she finishes her glass and sets it back down on the table.

"What?" she says, eyes slightly unfocused.

"I'm just enjoying looking at you," Val says gently. "You're so pretty..."

Lena blushes, and puts a hand over her mouth. Her hand can't hide the edges of her earnest smile. "You light up so much when you eat, it's so nice. I'm gonna pamper you the best I can, because I can't get enough of happy Lena," you say.

Lena's biting her lip and she looks about ready to cry. She says with a tight throat, "I'm happy you feel that way, Anon. It's so nice to feel wanted..."

She sniffs, and dabs her eyes with her napkin. She continues, "I worry that you're spoiling me too much. I don't want to get between you and Val."

"You don't need to worry," Val says. You add, "We're spoiling you because we've gotta catch you up on all the food and affection."

You glance at Val, who gives you an affirmative smile, then continue, "Plus, it's fun, and you don't seem to mind."

"I... I just want things to go well. I don't want to mess anything up," she says. Val grips Lena's hand, "Lena, baby, it's ok to worry about that. But I think we're doing great. So let's have some fun tonight, and keep pigging out, ok?"

Lena smiles, leaning into Val's touch.

"Okay," she says.

Val reaches over and takes your hand. You reach over and lock intertwine your free fingers with Lena's. The chained handholding might look a little cheesy, but it feels nice for the three of you to hold each other. You feel a wave of affection for both Val and Lena. The tender moment is interrupted by the waiter returning yet again. The three of you quickly squeeze each other's hands, then break off. Val gets a third helping of fettuccine, and Lena yet more ravioli. This time, the dishes are both made with Ligurian-style pesto. The girls get right to work on their additional food. You've managed to finish your penne arrabbiata, and you pick at your salad feeling full but not uncomfortably so.

After the requisite swapping of sampler bites from the girls' dishes, a slightly awkward silence descends. Lena and Val are both preoccupied with indulging in their latest courses, so you content yourself with watching them eat. Their eating styles are different, but both are attentive and enjoyable. Val eats with a sense of complete focus, finishing each dish in just a few minutes while still seeming to appreciate all the flavors and intricacies. Lena is more thoughtful, taking her time and chewing each morsel slowly. Particularly slow and thoughtful at the moment, as she seems to be visibly losing steam. With about half of her raviolis still on the plate, she starts making some familiar groans of fullness.

"You feeling alright, baby?" Val asks.

"I'm fine," Lena says, her voice strained. There's another quiet, slow groan from her. "Just starting to get a little full," she says. Lena stuffs a hearty forkful of raviolis into her mouth, chews laboriously, and swallows heavily.

"Three helpings. I can do this, I can suck down three whole plates of pasta," she whispers to herself. "I can do it."

"I believe in you, honey," Val says around her own mouthful of pasta.

You lock eyes with Lena, give her a knowing smile, and say, "Yeah. I bet it feels good to push your limits, doesn't it?"

Lena returns your grin with wordless covert acknowledgment. "Fuck yeah, it feels good," she responds.

Val is engrossed in finishing her pasta, but you can tell she's listening to every word of the exchange. Lena refills her wineglass yet again, finishing the second bottle in the process. She takes a hearty swig of the wine, lets out a determined sigh, then presses forward to methodically finish off the rest of her pesto-coated pasta.

"I used to wish I was smaller, when I was a girl," Lena says, around a mouthful of chewed pasta. "Used to wish I was the thinnest one in my school. But when I got bigger, I realized... I like this. I like being fat. I like eating whatever I want and not worrying about it... I like seeing my curvy hips and feeling my butt jiggle..."

"Awww, you're feeling full now, aren't you?" you ask.

Lena swallows heavily and sighs with slow contentment. "I love this full feeling," she says, with a dreamy expression. "It's so good. I love it." Lena pushes her empty plate away, then leans slightly back with a grunt. She places both hands on her belly, gently rubbing her visibly swollen middle. She lets out a little moan of pleasure, her bright eyes flickering closed and her full, pouting lips parted. The waiter dutifully strolls by again, and Lena snaps out of her indulgent haze.

"Think you're up for a fourth course on your pasta tour?" He asks.

Hands still on her full tummy, Lena grins at Val, "I am if you are."

Val nods back, and the girls take a second to choose the region of their next course. The waiter smiles as he takes their orders, but before he can leave, Lena stops him. Lena looks up at the waiter, her eyes wide and lips sucked in. "Hey," she starts nervously, "You don't think we're being gross pigs, do you?"

The waiter looks at Lena askance, afraid to say anything.

"Hey, it's not like that," Lena reassures him, "You can be honest and I won't be mad and reduce your tip or anything petty like that. Do you think we're going overboard on the gluttony?"

The waiter opens his mouth and closes it, then shrugs and nods, "I don't think so. Besides, it's not my job to judge. My job is to keep bringing food so long as you ask for it."

"But what if I'm asking you to be judgy?" Lena presses.

You and Val glance at each other nervously, uncertain of where this is going.

The waiter sighs and leans closer to the table, lowering his voice, "Ok. Lena, is it? Honestly right now you look a couple forkfuls away from falling into a food coma. But really, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You're being tidy and polite, and you're just really hungry tonight. You three have been a delight to serve, and I can tell you all like each other very much."

Lena's face warms up, and she smiles big at the waiter as she leans back in her chair.

"Thanks, mister."

"I will say that I don't think I can bring your table any more wine though," he warns.

Lena waves him off, "Nah, that's fine. I know I'm pretty sloshed and that you've probably already bent the serving rules a bit." The waiter straightens up and tugs at his shirt collar. "No comment," he mutters.

He takes a quick breath, then quietly claps a hand to his order book, "Alright, so I'll get that next course in for you then."

With nods around the table, the waiter whisks off towards the kitchen. Once he's out of earshot, you ask, "Lena, are you alright?"

Lena keeps her eyes closed and subtly rubs her full belly. She replies quietly, "I think so. Maybe getting drunk wasn't a great idea. I was already tired, and now my emotions are all over the place. I'm sorry, you two."

You gently grip her shoulder, "You're doing fine, baby. You don't need to apologize."

Lena cracks her eyes open, scans them towards you, and smiles.

Val asks, "You sure you're ok, Lena? We can get our food to go."

Lena grins at Val, "I'm fine. Really. I can eat a bit more."

She plays with the navy fabric of her dress, now stretched tight over her stuffed tummy. "Besides, I think I'd like to see how much tighter I can make this dress tonight."

Val grabs her hand and kisses it, "I know you would, you chubby babe."

All of you laugh, and that makes you feel better.

The waiter returns with the fourth courses for Val and Lena. Val's latest helping of fettuccine is Abruzzo-style, earthy and served with tender lamb chunks. Lena's dish is buttery Molise-style cheese raviolis. Both dishes smell divine. Val starts in right away, while Lena stares at her plate with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. As Lena psychs herself up to get even more stuffed, you hear Val curse and giggle. While twirling some noodles together with her fork, Val accidentally sent a blob of creamy sauce splattering onto her dress. "Damnit," she giggles, carefully cleaning near her collar with a napkin, "Almost got through the feast unscathed."

Lena giggles through a full mouth. She swallows, sighs with mingled discomfort and pleasure, and says, "God.... I'm so stuffed, but the food is so good, I just want to keep going." You smile at her, "Well you packed away your three courses already, so anything extra is just bonus points now."

Lena grabs her full belly and wiggles it at you, then giggles. "And how! But I do want to see how much more damage I can do..." Unfortunately, the answer turns out to be "not much". Over the next few minutes, Lena slowly and laboriously packs away a few more ravioli packets. Her discomfort and overfullness reach a peak; she makes a slight gagging sound and puffs out her cheeks, then swallows roughly, sets her fork down, and leans back heavily in her chair with an air of finality.

Val notices it too. "Damn, baby, you did great!" She exclaims.

Lena says, "It's just so delicious...."

Val takes Lena's hand, stroking it reassuringly. Lena breathes slowly, trying not to let her discomfort show too much. "Man," she whispers, "When I hit the wall, I hit it hard..."

Val leans closer, and says, "It's ok, really. It's not a competition. You hit your goal and you're loaded up with tons of delicious food. That's a win."

Lena relaxes, letting her eyes flutter shut, smiling. "You're right... It is a win. I'm stuffed, and I'm happy."

A few moments of calm silence pass, then the ever-dutiful waiter comes by. "Am I safe to assume there won't be a fifth pasta course for the ladies?" he smiles. You grin back at the guy.

Val speaks for the table, "No thank you. But I think we'd like a round of coffees and the dessert menu."

Lena's sitting up, doing her best to hold her composure, but she lets out a quiet squeak in spite of herself.

"No pressure, cutie," you reassure her, "You can have as much or as little dessert as you'd like."

She beams at you, then gives a little nod in Val's direction.

Lena leans over and whispers, "I'm already full, but I want to look good for you, so I'll try..." You grin at her. The waiter moves to clear the dishes, but you interrupt him.

"That Molise-style cheese is too good to waste. Can we get a box for what's left?"

The waiter nods, "Sure thing."

He disappears from the table, then returns a few moments later. Aromatic coffees for every diner, a set of dessert menus, and a sturdy paper box for the remaining ravioli. Lena and Val sip at their coffees as they scan the dessert menu. You do the same, but with no intention of ordering. The waiter accepts a request from Val and Lena, then leaves once again to fulfill it.

You sigh contentedly, and turn to your girlfriend. "I'll get the check."

Val nods. Lena starts to protest, but you hold up a hand. "Like I said," you declare, "We're spoiling you tonight, Lena."

"I know, I know..." she says, holding back a giggle. Soon after, the dessert finally arrives. Or rather, desserts. The girls ordered a whole zesty lemon cake, and a half-dozen cannolis bulging with creme. Both orders are packed for travel. While the girls drool over the sweet treats, you flash your credit card for the waiter. He takes it and runs the chip through a gizmo in his order book.

You leave a generous tip, and the waiter leaves your table for the last time of the night. This leaves you and your two girlfriends to enjoy the company of each other. Lena picks at the cake, making happy sounds while also bemoaning her seriously overfull state. Val practically inhales one of the cannolis, bulging her cheeks with creme and dough. A fat blob of creme leaks past her lips and lands on one of her breasts. Val giggles, careful not to choke or lose even more of the dessert. She chews deeply and swallows repeatedly to empty her mouth.

She then glances around the restaurant, and seeing that nobody's looking, grins at Lena.

"I spilled a little creme on my titty," she pouts, pushing her chest towards Lena. "Think you could help clean me up?" she asks, smiling seductively.

Lena giggles. "You bet I could. In fact, I will," she says, leaning forward.

Val's eyes widen as she watches Lena lean in, then her eyes roll back and close softly as Lena's lips touch her skin. Lena quickly slurps up the blob of creme, then kisses Val's breast. Lena pulls back quickly, her face flushed red and her expression exuding lust. Val is practically vibrating with excitement, trying her level best not to moan lewdly.

"What about you, baby?" Val asks, rubbing the wet spot and addressing you.

"I think it's time we took this show someplace private. You ladies ready to head home?" You ask.

They both nod vigorously, licking their lips. You all rise from the table. Val stands tall, stretching a bit. She also rubs her full stomach, the swollen curve not hidden at all by her tight dress. You are tempted to grab her and give her a squeeze, but then you spot Lena struggling to stand. She straightens up slowly and gingerly, grunting as her overstuffed stomach is forced to move. She takes your offered hand as she fully stands and wobbles more than a bit. If Val's dress is tight, then Lena's is practically sprayed on. Every bit of the fabric is pulled tight against her, especially the bulging food baby in her gut. You'd even swear that the hem is higher than you recall.

As she's still somewhat unsteady on her feet, you offer to lead her out of the restaurant. She blinks and squints a few times before seeming to focus.

"Yeah, I am really feeling all that wine. Plus my center of gravity is off from all of this," she giggles, patting her bloated gut.

You help Lena don her jacket, and you walk with her arm-in-arm out of the restaurant. Val walks with you as well, helping stabilize Lena here and there.

"We're almost there, baby. Just a bit into the parking lot," you say.

You're glad that Lena is still mostly steady on her feet. Between your hurt ankle and her outweighing you by a notable margin, you're not certain you really could help much if she lost her footing. Mercifully, the rain has largely stopped. You focus on helping Lena waddle towards the car and safely pass over wet pavement. Val goes ahead and starts up her car. You open the door and help Lena in, but she grabs your arm.

"Sit back here with me," she pleads.

You lean in and give her a quick kiss. Val gives you a grinning thumbs-up, and you go around to the opposite side and slide into the seat next to Lena.

"Thanks for everything tonight, I had a fantastic time," she whispers.

"My pleasure, I enjoyed myself too," you whisper back.

You buckle in and help Lena do the same, then Val puts the car in gear and starts off towards home.

"Anon, rub my belly... Please..." She moans.

"Can't you do it yourself?" you ask.

"Yes, but it's better when somebody else does it." she answers, grinning.

"If you insist..."

You reach over and gently set your hand on her swollen, overfilled tummy. She inhales sharply at the first contact. You gently slide a finger into her bellybutton, indenting the cloth of her dress. You gently massage her tummy, and she shivers with pleasure.

"Thank you," she moans. "That feels so good."

"Hey, save some sensuality for me," Val calls out from the front seat with a laugh.

You let your hand softly move up and down Lena's swollen stomach, enjoying her full, round curves through your touch. She starts to breath heavily, and her excitement is palpable. Before you know it, Val's pulling her car into the garage. Lena giggles lustily, "I don't know about you, but I want more out of tonight."

You return a devilish grin and say, "Music to my ears. We are all such suckers for greedy girls."

The three of you get out of the car and head towards Val's condo. Lena still leans on you for support, wobbly from her combination of drunkenness, post-stuffing haze, and heeled shoes. It takes a little doing, but the three of you manage to stumble into Val's place safely. You help the girls shed their shoes, then Val asks Lena, "So you're not done indulging tonight, hm?"

"No way. I'm just getting warmed up." Lena laughs.

Val laughs warmly in reply, then wraps up Lena in an embrace from behind. Lena cranes her neck to kiss Val, and the taller woman starts playing with Lena's breasts. You start running your hands along Lena's chubby hips and thighs, and plant kisses on her sensitive bloated belly. She moans as your touch makes her feel good, and she presses herself into Val's body.

"You ready to go upstairs?" Val asks.

"Please," Lena moans, and she pulls Val's forearms close.

You help the two of them up the staircase to Val's bedroom, then quickly run downstairs to retrieve the leftovers. You return just in time to see Val unzipping Lena's dress. Val helps Lena slide out of the tight garment, and you get a good look at Lena's lingerie. She's wearing a lacy black bra and matched pair of tiny panties, also lace, that barely cover her plump rear. Both items are tight against Lena's body; the side straps visibly dig into her chubby hips, and her breasts spill over the lacy cups a bit.

"Ahh, that's a relief," Lena sighs, fondling her belly and jiggling it a bit. "Got some more room to expand without that dress squeezing in on me."

"Does that mean you're ready for round two?" you ask.

Lena grins at you, slowly tonguing her lips. "Yes it does," she purrs. "Val, how'd you feel about us getting high tonight?"

"But you might get the munchies and get fat," Val says with fake custey concern.

"That's a risk I'll just have to take," Lena giggles back.

Val goes into her nightstand and retrieves her vape pen. She confirms that it's charged, loads a fresh cartridge, and takes a long hit. "God, I love this," she says, slowly exhaling a stream of vapor. She passes the vape to Lena. "So, are you ready to get baked, darling?"

"You bet," Lena says.

Val takes a seat on the bed, and Lena plops down with a grunt.

She activates the vape, closes her eyes, and takes a long, deep hit. Lena's chest rises as she inhales to capacity, then she holds her breath for several long seconds. Her chest deflates slowly. Face wreathed in vapor, she opens her eyes and looks at you with a goofy smile. "Now, where were we?" she asks. You hold out your hand, and Lena passes you the vape pen. You take a long hit of your own. "Ahhh, that feels good," you say, passing it back to her. A familiar, comfortable, and heavy sensation spreads from your core outwards. Val and Lena are faring similarly, their bodies relaxed and their expressions happily addled. Lena's hands are tracing circles along her gut, and she moans quietly with every pass. Val is nibbling on her lower lip, stroking Lena's auburn hair. While rubbing her gut, Lena scrunches her face slightly and presses her hands into her plump belly. A moment later, she belches loudly. "Damn, excuse me. Guess I'm just a real piggy tonight," she giggles.

"Do you feel better?" Val asks, patting Lena's gut tenderly.

"Oh, yes, darling, definitely. I'm feeling so good here, Val," she says, spreading her legs out. "You should feel how good I feel." Val abruptly rises to her feet and turns her back to Lena. You reach up and undo the zipper on Val's dress.

Val turns around and starts swaying her hips from side to side, slowly stripping off her dress. She locks eyes with Lena and says, "And I'm gonna make you feel even better." She wiggles and shakes her taut round ass at Lena. Then she steps out of her dress and lets you both get a full view of her tall, shapely body. Val runs her hands over her curves, tracing lines along softened muscles, and pauses to play with her own lingerie. She pulls a strap of her minuscule purple thong, letting it snap against her hip. She runs her hands up to the purple mesh cups of her bra, tweaking her nipples through the thin fabric.

Val leans forwards sensually, pushing her chest into Lena's face. "Now, what are you wanting tonight?" She asks Lena. Val's voice is sensual and thick, like honey. Lena takes a long moment to respond, moaning, "I want you and Anon to force-feed me what's left of the dinner. I want to be your stuffed prize pig tonight."

"Anything for you," Val purrs, running her hands up Lena's bulging stomach and over her full, round breasts. Her hands come to rest on Lena's cheeks, and she leans in to kiss Lena. Arousing moans emanate from both of them as they explore each other's lips and mouths. The sounds cause your cock to twitch, and your body aches with lust.

After a few long moments, Val pulls back and stares deeply into Lena's eyes.

"Get comfy," Val orders, "I'm going to be your pillow tonight."

Lena nods wordlessly, and Val clambers onto the bed and snugs up behind Lena. Val spreads her legs wide and nestles then around Lena's hips and thighs, gently pinning the smaller girl in place. Val then caresses Lena's torso and face, letting Lena lean against Val's upper body like a chair.

Val lets out a contented sigh as she rubs her face against Lena's soft, wavy hair. You think for a long moment thanks to the vape, but eventually you gather the abundant pillows on the bed and pile them firmly behind Val. She snuggles closer to Lena, and your bulging shaft strains in your pants as you watch the two embrace. Standing over your two girlfriends, you ask, "So, what would you like me to do, Lena?"

"I want you to... unbutton your shirt," Lena says, her voice thick with lust.

Val's occupied with kissing Lena's neck and caressing her from behind, and doesn't say anything. "Whatever you like, baby," you reply to Lena.

You give her what you hope is a smoldering look and start undoing your shirt buttons while she watches.

"Yeah, baby. Look at that," she says approvingly.

Lena reaches out and runs a hand along your bare chest. Her fingers are very warm.

For a moment, a chaotic lump of emotions runs through your head. First, the sheer sexiness of your situation. Second, you're still a little in awe of the fact that you're actually dating two girls, and one of them your old high school bestie at that. Finally, you feel a little self-conscious at not working out much lately.

"You've got such a great body," Lena says, running her hand up and down your chest some more before letting go. Clearly you are your own harshest critic.

"Flatterer," you snicker as Lena settles back against Val.

Val grins and nods. "Yeah, he really does."

You pause for a moment. "So, where were we?"

"I think you were about to fatten me up," Lena says, resting her hands on her stomach with a quiet slap. "You know, fill me up with food and make me really juicy."

"Just the way you like it," Val says, before planting a soft kiss on top of Lena's head. You pull up a stool and set the box of leftover ravioli on your lap. Lena opens her mouth expectantly. You pluck one of the plump buttery packets from the container, and place it on Lena's tongue. She closes her lips around the packet and sucks the sauce off your finger. She chews slowly, savoring the flavor, then swallows with an appreciative sigh and simply says, "More."

You pop a second ravioli into her mouth, then a third. She sucks on each one for a few seconds before swallowing. She says nothing, other than making noises of appreciation. Her hands have begun gently rubbing her bloated belly again as you feed her. Her eyes are half-lidded, her mouth open as she focuses on eating. You continue hand-feeding the rich pasta to Lena, and you'd swear you could almost watch each bite swell her tummy more and more.

Finally, you pop the last ravioli into her mouth, and hear her gulp heavily as she downs the final bite. Lena gasps, then closes her eyes and leans back heavily against Val. Lena's mouth hangs open, every breath a moan of lusty overindulgence. Val grins and places a hand on Lena's swollen belly.

"So full..." Lena murmurs, layering her hand atop Val's on her gut.

"I can feel it sloshing around in there," Val says softly.

"Y-y-you can?" Lena asks, her eyelids fluttering.


Lena's smile is slow and sensual, a thing of beauty.

"Do you still want some dessert?" Val asks seductively. "There's always room for something sweet."

"Oh, I'm full, full full," Lena says. "I-I can barely walk."

"Where would you need to go?" You ask coyly.

You reach for the box of cannolis.

"Let's get you from 'can barely walk' to 'too full to walk'."

"Oh God," Lena gasps, then adds after taking a deep breath, "I-I'd like that."

Closing her eyes as she leans back, she moans, "I'm... Surprised at how hot that sounds..." Val fiddles with the clasp of Lena's bra, and purrs, "You ready to get naked?"

"Oh, God, yes," Lena says, her voice thick with lust.

You help Val peel off Lena's bra, then run your hands up Lena's thighs.

You pause a moment to gently squeeze and jiggle her soft legs as you work your way to her hips.

"So soft, so fucking sexy" you say, running your hands up and down her thighs.

"Mmmhmmm." Lena's attention is split between you and Val, who is lavishing kisses upon Lena and caressing her plump breasts.

You gently dig your fingers into the side bands of Lena's panties, and she lifts her hips with a series of grunts, allowing you to slide them off.

"So wet," you say admiringly, running your fingers along the lips of her pussy.

"A-a-a-alright," she says, her voice thick. Lena reaches out at you half-blindly, feeling for the waistband of your pants.

"Take off your pants," she purrs. "I want to see how hard you get from overfeeding me so much."

You pull your pants and underwear down and step out of them, kicking them aside.

"You're... You're really enjoying this, aren't you?" she says, her voice catching in her throat.

"I am. You look so hot like this, Lena. So fucking hot."

"I do?" she asks, bewildered.

"You're a big sexy bitch."

"Oh, I-I love that word! S-s-say it again."

"Bitch. Big sexy bitch."

"Oh, yessss!"

Val snakes her hand along Lena's hip and starts teasing her wet pussy. You lean forward and slide your hands over Lena's taut overfilled stomach. Her eyes flutter and roll back in her head as she gasps and moans, her body writhing with every movement of your hands.

"I want you to make me cum, Anon. Please."

You gently pat Lena's aching, full belly and say, "You really pigged out tonight. Does it feel good to be stuffed silly?"

"It feels so gooooood."

"I bet. And do you feel sexy?"

"I do!" You look up and lock eyes with Val, who is still gently fingering Lena.

"Hand me the cannolis," Val says, "I'd like to feed Lena a bit tonight."

Lena moans, head lolling from side to side. Her voice is thick when she says, "Feed me more, Val. Please. I'm so stuffed, but I want more. I need more..."

You set the box next to Val on the bed. "I've got an idea," you say while licking your lips.

"What's happening?" Lena whispers, her eyes still closed.

Val winks at you and slides a cannoli into Lena's mouth.

"Just relax," Val purrs while gently stuffing the dessert roll into Lena's mouth.

Lena moans a muffled "okay", and you get on your knees between Lena's chubby thighs.

"I'm going to make you feel so good, baby," you say, looking up at Lena over the curve of her gut.

Lena moans and wriggles. Her eyes flutter open and she smiles down at you, cheeks bulging and cream leaking past her lips. At last, you move in on Lena's soft, glistening vulva. You plant your hands atop her thighs, and start gently licking and kissing her sensitive folds. You start with the outer lips, licking around the rim and softly sucking on the tender flesh. You take your time with her, exploring every crevice, nook, and cranny. The sounds Lena makes are heavenly, even muffled by the treats stuffed into her mouth. Soon enough, you send your tongue deep into her warm depths, and you feel her arch her back. You lap up her delicious juices as you flick your tongue back and forth over her clit. Lena's moans begin to follow the rhythm of your tongue, and she grabs your head with one hand, pulling you even closer.

She moans and gasps, stammering, "I'm... I'm going to... I'm... ah!"

She bucks and writhes, her fingers sinking into your hair as she rides your tongue. Her breathing grows heavy and strained, and you know she's about to climax. You gently push your tongue into her, flicking it back and forth over her clit to bring her pleasure. She climaxes with a lust-filled cry, and you lap up the juices that flow from her needy vulva. Her fingers clutch at your hair and her thighs squish around your ears.

"An-" You cut Lena off by gently sucking on her sensitive clit, sending another shiver of pleasure through her. Soon enough, however, she pulls your head away.

"No more," she gasps. "Not yet."

You wait patiently for Lena to recover. She lays heavily against Val, breathing heavily with a dazed smile. Val continues to lovingly caress her.

"That was... wow." Lena's face is smeared with cream and crumbs.

"She ate two whole cannolis while you were eating her out," Val explains with a giggle.

"That was amazing," Lena breathes, still reeling from the orgasm. "Even though this one was trying to feed me till I explode," she moans, gesturing at Val and cradling her aching belly.

"We should do that more often," Val responds, twirling a lock of Lena's hair around her finger.

Lena whimpers and grimaces slightly.

"Fuck, I might still explode tonight," she groans. "This is the fullest I've ever been..."

Val continues to gently pet Lena's stomach as she lies against her. Lena burps once or twice, then sighs with contentment.

"Ah... That's better. Just had to get that pressure down a bit," she says, her voice slightly slurred, then continues, "Val, you've been a wonderful backrest for me, but I'd like to lay flat now."

"Anything for my goddess," Val says, smiling. As she extricates herself from around Lena, Lena giggles, "Nonsense. I'm no goddess. You're the goddess, Val."

Val smiles, running her fingers along the inside of Lena's thigh.

"You're the goddess, Lena," she says, before leaning in to give her a sensual kiss. You chuckle, "So you're both goddesses then, it's settled."

Lena scoots to be even with the pillows and lays back, gently massaging and jiggling her belly, moaning quietly all the while.

Val sits on the side of the bed, regarding you with a smirk. "I'm ok with that," she purrs, "But this goddess still needs her dessert, servant."

You sit down on the bed, leaning in to give Val a quick peck on the cheek. Val giggles, "That's nice, but it's not what I had in mind. Why don't you get that lemon cake ready to go?"

You nod, grinning and licking your lips. You get up and make the short walk to the dresser, retrieving the lemon cake from earlier. Val watches hungrily as you struggle to remove the noisy plastic cover, then sensually starts peeling off her lingerie once you look over at her. She smiles wickedly at you, then starts licking her lips. "You look like you're drooling," you say, tonguing your teeth with what you hope is sensuality.

"I am. That cake's going to be so good." You hold the lemon cake before Val and she snatches the dish out of your hands. She pauses for only a second, gazing at the dessert with feral anticipation. Then, she plunges her face in and begins devouring the cake, licking, biting, and chewing with an animalistic appetite. You watch dumbfounded as Val messily devours the cake. Your hands gravitate towards your needy shaft as Val feasts, and you start gently playing with yourself as your girlfriend gorges herself further.

Val looks up at you, her face smeared with crumbs and frosting. "You like that, don't you, lover boy? Watching your girl make a messy pig of herself," she says, her voice thick with lust.

"I... I do," you stutter, your hands still massaging your aching cock. Val licks a huge blob of frosting off of the dish and noisily swallows it. She notices you teasing yourself and says, "I love that I'm driving you wild, but don't cum yet. I have an idea."

"Oh?" You pause stroking yourself.


Val pats Lena's thigh, eliciting a sleepy mumble from the other girl.

"Lena honey, how'd you feel about returning the favor I just did for you?"

Lena moans drowsily, shifting around and stretching. Her pudgy stomach rises high as she arches her back, then comes to rest with a taut jiggle as she relaxes.

"Anything for you, Val," Lena says slowly, blinking her eyes. "What are you wanting?" Val runs a finger between Lena's breasts, leaving a trail of sugary frosting. She says, "I'd like to sit on your face and look at Anon while I finish inhaling this cake."

"Oh, baby!" Lena exclaims, running her hand over Val's hip and ass.

"That sounds so... Decadent. Stuffing your face while being pleasured," Lena giggles.

Val pops a morsel of cake into her mouth and retorts with a laugh, "You'd know all about that now, wouldn't you?"

Lena just titters knowingly in reply.

Val then gets up, still holding the cake, and explains, "Ok, I'm thinking it'll be like we're 69-ing with me on top. Let's get some pillows under you, Lena."

"Oh, I like the sound of that. I love eating your pussy and I love getting you off," Lena purrs.

Val grins.

Without another word, the girls arrange themselves. Supportive pillows are placed, and Val slowly straddles Lena.

Lena's eager face disappears under Val. Val's eyes roll back and she lets out a lusty moan as Lena's mouth begins its work and her hands grip Val's hips. Val breathes heavily, and places the cake dish on Lena's abdomen. Between moans and gasps, she resumes devouring the cake as Lena eats her pussy.

Val's hands run along Lena's body, stopping at her hips. She fondles and caresses her soft curves, enjoying the feel of Lena's flesh. At the same time, Val is greedily scooping up morsels of the cake with just her mouth and tongue. She's moaning almost continuously, doubtless floating in the sensations flooding her mouth and her pussy.

The pleasure is too much, and Val cums for the first time. Her eyes roll back and she grits her teeth, grinding back into Lena's face. Her inner thighs and her entire body shake as she holds her orgasm for several long moments, breathing heavily, before coming down from her high. Lena continues to relentlessly pleasure Val's cooch, and Val is clearly riding the elevated sensitivity. Her face is flushed and she pants heavily, and she desperately goes back to the cake, licking the dish clean like a woman possessed.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" she pants, her face full of joy. A few moments later and Val has finally finished the cake. She reaches down and caresses her bulging belly while licking her lips.

"So good... So many calories..." She moans, "I could eat... Like ten more of those..."

The sounds of kissing and licking behind Val cease as Lena stops for a moment. She giggles and says, "Gotta have goals, right?"

Val hums lustily, basking in the moment before replying, "Damn right, Lena. And when we're big supersized babes, a cake will just be a snack. I can't wait..."

"Me neither," Lena says, her face beaming.

Val supports herself with one hand, the other still caressing her overfilled belly.

"You still ok back there, Lena?" She asks.

"I can keep going," you hear in reply.

Val smiles, "Good. I'm ready for more if you ar-" Val's breath catches as Lena's tongue returns to Val's clit. Val takes a quick breath, then bats away the empty cake dish, scattering crumbs on the floor. She looks up at you, her face a flushed mask of desire and covered with frosting.

"You've been so patient with us greedy bitches," she purrs. "Are you ready to finally cum for us?"

You are hard as a rock, aching to blow your load for your girlfriends. Your dick is throbbing and you're practically trembling with anticipation.

"Oh, god yes..." You moan.

"Then get over here and give me that dick," Val says, her voice full of lust.

You step forward and press your throbbing cock against her warm lips. Val wraps a sturdy arm around your waist and pulls you close, immediately swallowing the entirety of your cock. You grunt and squirm in surprise, but Val is far too strong for you. Your movements are instantly stopped and you feel Val's face pressed up against your pelvis, her warm, wet mouth servicing your erection. You relax and savor the feeling of Val's tongue sliding along your shaft.

Val swallows you whole, the suction sending shivers down your spine. Her strong hand on your ass grinds you against her face, and soon you are lost in a delicious, carnal haze. You brace yourself against the bed with one hand, and the other wanders down to find Lena's leg, sticking out from under Val. A muffled moan hints that your touch is appreciated, and you slide your hand up Lena's soft thigh. Val's head bobs up and down your cock as she hums, her cheeks hollowing out with every stroke. You and Val are both consumed by this moment, yet you still feel the urge to include your other girlfriend.

As Val continues to aggressively suck you off, your free hand finds its mark and slides into Lena's warm slit, ready to give her another round. You feel Lena's arm fumble to find yours, then her fingers wrap around your wrist as she welcomes you inside of her again. Her depths are just as hot and slick as before, and you start gently stroking for her sensitive spots. Val is still bobbing her head up and down your shaft, and your hips start to buck against her face. A thought filters through your hazy mind and excites you greatly. You're in an honest to god threesome. You, Val, and Lena are all pleasuring each other simultaneously and reveling in each other's flesh. For a moment, you feel incredibly connected to both of your girlfriends. The three of you are intertwined, your sexual energy and orgasms connecting you all.

Your orgasm catches you by surprise, and you shout out Val's name as you feel your dick spasm and explode in her mouth. Val moans and gags as she slurps down your cum. You gasp and writhe in her grip as she continues to suck, draining every last drop from your cock. Meanwhile, you feel Lena's walls tighten around your fingers. You hook them forwards slightly and press up into her g-spot, and you are rewarded with breathy gasps as you send her over the edge again. She's so tight and hot, and she begs you to make her come again. Even as your head swims in the aftermath of Val's oral work, you keep stroking Lena's walls. The bucking and squirming you see and feel underneath Val spurs you to keep going. Soon enough, you feel Lena tense again and she cries out in rapture, but this time she grabs at your wrist, clearly having hit her limit. You slide out of Lena, your hand half-covered in her juices. As you lick your fingers clean and savor her flavor, Val releases your cock and gently kisses your abdominal area. Val then rolls herself off of Lena with a grunt, and looks up at you from the bed with adoration.

"I think I'm going to need a moment, hon," Val says, a grin plastered on her face along with a whole lot of lemon frosting and cake crumbs.

"Take all the time you need," you reply evenly, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Lena just mumbles and moans happily, her chest rising and falling as she catches her breath. Val grins and wiggles back around on the bed to be even with Lena. She lays next to the smaller girl, yawns, and slowly wipes her face somewhat clean with one hand, the other lazily yet lovingly caresses Lena's round, stuffed belly. Lena grins and closes her eyes, her hand resting on Val's arm as she drifts off to sleep. You chuckle gently and lean in between them, "We wore her out, didn't we?"

Val stretches out next to Lena, and groans with satisfaction. She pats her own bulging gut, "Mmm, I'm wearing down fast too. Feeling a big sugar crash from that cake..."

You grin, reach down, and intertwine your fingers with Val's.

"I had a wonderful time tonight, honey," you say. "And I mean that in the most sincere way."

"Mm-hmm," Val hums. "Me too, sweetie." Lena's eyes crack open, and she fractionally sits up.

"Hey," she mutters sleepily.

"I'm still... Kinda drunk and riding all the afterglow and my super-full belly, but... I feel amazing."

Lena braces on an arm and continues, "You two are so good to me."

"That's because you're worth it, and because you're so good to us too."

Lena bites her lip and looks up at you with misty eyes. Without another word, she pulls you close, her lips tenderly caressing your own. A moment later, she turns her attention towards Val, so you lean in further and plant some kisses on Lena's neck and collarbone.

She relaxes, and rests her forehead against Val's. You rest your cheek on Lena's shoulder and she whispers, "You're both so amazing... I still almost can't believe this is real..."

You feel more than see Lena smile, and she asks with a giggle, "You're gonna make me breakfast in the morning, right?"

You smile and roll over, spooning Lena. "If that's what you want, then absolutely." Lena smiles and hums happily, snuggling into the blankets.

You make a wary sound and pat Lena on the thigh, saying, "Ok princess, wouldn't you be more comfy under the blankets and with proper pillows?"

Lena grumbles but acquiesces. She stretches and yawns, then properly leans forward so you can arrange pillows behind her. You then peel the blankets out from underneath her, then gently tuck her in. She drifts off to sleep a moment later.

Val watches this with adoration and amusement, then nestles into a free corner of the blankets, unconcerned by the accumulation of crumbs. She looks up at you, clearly unwilling to get up. You roll your eyes but smile, and go into the closet to fetch a spare set of blankets for Val. You give her a pampering treatment too, laying the sheets on top of your taller girlfriend and tucking her in as well. Val hums contentedly as she drifts off to sleep in a matter of moments.

You shake your head and smile. You've never had such a great romantic relationship, and you're glad that you, Val, and Lena have found each other. With the night pretty clearly wrapped up, you go into the bathroom to freshen up and brush your teeth. You fetch a blanket for yourself, wrap up, then crawl into bed between Val and Lena.

"Good night, you two," Val sleepily mutters.

"Good night, sweethearts," you reply.

Lena grumbles something unintelligible, shifts around subtly, then lazily rests a hand on your leg.

Val rolls over, laying an arm across your chest and nestling her blonde head next to your shoulder. It's a pretty snug fit in the bed, but you couldn't mind it less. Flanked by the heavy, sleeping forms of Val and Lena, you feel yourself drifting off in a matter of minutes.